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 RtD-Classic Adventure|Roll 35|Ch-2|Enter the Dragon 
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 31| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
Check to see if the smashed pirate is able to be un-smashed.

"Was that really necessary?"

Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:36 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 31| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!

Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:03 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 31| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
The big Levistone is the only loot I need.

> If Henry can flash us both out of there along with the MegaLevistone, accept his help.
> Urge stone outside to the main deck. If it won't fit, make it smash its way through. From there, have it carry me to the safety of our own ship.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:06 pm

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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 31| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
"Dun worry mir i got dis"

> concentrate on teleporting mir and the levistone to the ship, want to minimise the risk of something going wrong...

Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:20 am

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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 31| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
Why you no roll? :(

Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:05 am
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Laziness. I feel it too, after a big trip that wasted most of my weekend. No worries. Just get it done by next weekend.


Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:25 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 27| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
Roll 32
Game Events

[MPC]:TorrentHKU\John= 1
Somewhere in the aether...

Lady Luck throws a horrifying look at the GM.
"Ugh, um, I uhhhhh... ok then, I'll re-roll!"
"WAIT WHAT?!!", everygod in the room flinches as Fate roars in outrage, "WHAT IN OUR NAME DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!" Thi- this is an OUTRAGE!!!
Lady Luck begins to stare intensely at Fate, and while Fate valiantly tries to return the look, he quickly crumbles and slumps back into his chair.
*gulp* "Alright right then, so what now M'lady, should I roll again?"
Calming picking up the dice, Lady Luck kiss the dice and rolls it onto the table.

[MPC]:TorrentHKU\John= 1 20!

"E- Emi?!"
"The ♥♥♥♥... YOU'RE ALIVE?!"
"What, no! I mean, you're the one who supposed to be dead!"
"I tried my best, no need to rub it in..."
"ALRIGHT ♥♥♥♥"!
everyone turns to see a blood soaked Erik emerge from the hole in the deck wielding a shotgun of a ridiculous caliber
"These pirates are gunna PAY!!!"
Before anyone can explain the situation, he fires at the pirate attired Emi, but not before Misha leaps into action. Dashing in front of the shot, she expands one of her drills into a shield, causing the shot to deflect to a part of the deck which was empty right up until that moment. Henry takes the full brunt of the blast to the chest.

TheKebbit\Iron Mauler= 18
Some pirates are trying to save themselves by leaping onto your ship. Trying being the keyword in that sentence, and the only part of them that makes it onto the ship is a large splatter of blood covering most of the starboards side of the ship. You flinch as you hear a large crack of a gun firing.

Nighthawk\Mir Swiftclaw= 13
Henry manages to teleport both of you. Turning to thank him, you hear the crack of a gun and see a shower of red.

maart3n\Mulch= 6
You assist Iron in the anti boarding scheme of thing, and make quick work of the pirates. You jump along with Iron as a gunshot rings out.

Harzipan\Kythen Meertreg= 17
"Was that really necessary?"
Peering down into the hole you se- holy ♥♥♥♥, that's, uh, really messy. Erik leaps out of the hole in front of you, knocking you back as you get a clear look at the events that unfold.
The gunshot sends a tremor down your reptilian spine.

Huntsman\Henry= 1("Happy now?" "Immensely")
Seizure warning.

Game Events
Can he be saved?! Are Miracles and Angels real?!
He's dead, no come backs, I'll introduce Miggles in the next few rolls

Last edited by Fail Flail on Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:11 am

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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 32| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
Fail Flail, you Jerk.

This was NOT supposed to be my roll, you SWAPED with someone else torrent, i WILL male you regret this.

>Propose my plan of vengeance to lady luck and Fate whilst blacking out.

Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:43 am
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Nope, that was your actual roll, I re-rolled because I lost everyones rolls, no need to be all childish and post my irl name. On that note, I reserve the right to very occasionally rig Torrents rolls due to his MPC status, think of it like having a Homestuck god-tier.

Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:19 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 32| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
"What in the name of the bearded one was that?"
Find source of gunshot, claim weapon for myself!

Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:39 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 32| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
Just say that a Surprise -1 modifier made it roll over to the other end of the scale.
"Thank you Misha."
> Step between Misha and Emi, facing Erik, Metal Shield up and ready to defend with.

Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:37 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 32| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
"Wha- ohno ohno ohno did he go over the railing I think he went over ohno ohno."

See if the fallen warrior is salvageable in any way.

Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:59 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 32| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!

Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:22 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 32| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
Ears back in a disturbed fashion.
> Inspect my newly-acquired megalevistone. Hypothesize on how I could weaponize it.

Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:12 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 27| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
Roll 33
Game Events

[MPC]:TorrentHKU\John= NA
"Thank you Mi-"
"NOOO!!! Henry-chan!"
Misha runs to the railing and crouched over the broken ledge, she peers down in to the sky below for some time.

TheKebbit\Iron Mauler= NA
Misha breaks into tears, Erik breaks into tears, and the remainder seem very confused and/or stunned by the sudden turn of events.
Well except for the cat, splattered with gore and standing next to the bloodied shattered railing he just seems content with his shiny new rock.

Nighthawk\Mir Swiftclaw= NA
Well, is about the size of a small bolder that you can fling around on whim... welp, not much thought required on that subject, why is everyone else.. oh, right, that nasty business.

maart3n\Mulch= NA
"What in the name of the bearded one was that?"
Oh right, that Erik bloke snapped, waltzing up to him, you snatch the gun out of his hands and give him a stern look.
Hextech Hand Cannon! (HexHaC for short)

Harzipan\Kythen Meertreg= NA
"Wha- ohno ohno ohno did he go over the railing I think he went over ohno ohno."
You were going over to Henrys... remains, but Misha pushes past you and sits there in a thoroughly unapproachable manner.

Game Events
"What! N- No! I didn't do that! I- I-!"
With Mulch safely disarming him, he crumples unto the deck.

The day draws to a close in front of our heroes eyes, the suns setting gives an orange glow as everyone comforts and comments on the horrible turn of events. Arturia eventually leads Misha away from the ledge, with a bloodied amulet in her clenched fist and a fury contained in her dampened eyes, this was the last the adventurers would see of Misha for weeks. Erik is brought inside and calmed down, but it is obvious to see he is scarred from the ordeal. Mulch and Iron start to clean and fix up the ship, and manage to get everything patched up just in time for a very awkward meal made by Kyth and Mir. While Erik and Misha are both absent from the table, there is a surprising amount of conversation, starting with a self introduction by Emi.

"Well, I suppose the best place to start is the beginning, I'm sure John must have mentioned me at some point, no? Well let's just say we were good childhood friends then. My father was a trader, but one day a few years back we were attacked by bandits on one of our longer runs."
She pauses for a moment.
"I managed to hide, but, well I was the only survivor. Fortunately the bandits were then attacked by the Vengeance and the old Dread Pirate Robin, and yes its a title, not some immortal pirate hero, anyway, I got captured, presented to DP Robin, and I did the only thing that came naturally to me, I gave her a mouthful. Obviously my language surprised her by no small amount, and she immediately took a shine to me, and not long after she named me her protege. A few months later I asked to return to my old town but it had been turned to ashs."
A suprised look briefly flashs over Johns face, but leaves as quickly as it came. The only person their he could consider a relative was his uncle, a blacksmith, and they weren't awfully close.
"I thought John was dead, and with my family and friends gone I really had no where else to go, so I took command of the ship. Most think it is little more than a legend, and even those who have seen it and lived just think we are petty thieves and cut throats, and to be honest they are right for the most part. However, the captain is given the special task of guarding a dozen or so magical artifacts of untold power, particularly, the Dead Sea Scroll."
A brief gust of wind blows out all the lanterns in the room, save the candle in the center of the table.
"The scroll supposedly contains the spell for disenchanting The God-Forsaken Alter in The Crypt."
"What happens if its disenchanted?" Pipes up Mulch.
"Well, um, bad things, very very bad things. So they say." A very plussed look is passed between the listeners.
"What! I mean COME ON, did you even listen to the name of the thing, and the place, that HAS to mean bad things!!!" Everyone gives some sign of vague agreeal.
"Ugh, fine, anyway its getting late, I might hit the sack."

Everyone then drifts off to do whatever they want to for the rest of the night, while Emi looks slightly confused at where her sack is.

Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:37 am
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