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 The War Z 
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Post Re: The War Z
Well that's a kick in the teeth for anyone who has already bought the game
Still if they fixed it properly, I would totally buy it, as I was interested in it

Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:59 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
Yeah, pretty glad I didn't buy it. Seems like it was turning into COD with scavenging and horrible Pay To Win systems anyways. It's a shame, but at least we have Day Z, The Dead Linger, Project Zomboid, Dead State and that last one for XBLA and PC which I can't remember the name of.

Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:17 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
Not a huge surprise? Anyone who's played it can see what it was, and I seriously doubt nobody saw that coming.

Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:25 am
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Post Re: The War Z
I was interested in War Z simply because it's a game rather than a mod, however i was very wary at first from similar models name etc etc,

Seems it paid off, shame to say really, it could have been interesting from a guy i know who had played it with guest passes said it is fun itself it just the community suck worse than day z (which we both know hence why he host a private day z server just for myself him, and a few of our friends)

Shame none the less.

Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:12 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
oh yeah I still have my guest passes, if anyone wants to try it, though I must warn you it's a steamy pile of dogshit.

Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:41 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
It's a blast if you play it with friends and you avoid hackers. They tend to target the much more populated servers though, and we make a point to pick the more isolated ones.

Honestly the polish is lacking, but it's just one of those games where when you really get into it, you REALLY get into it. I've wasted more than one afternoon just scavenging a city with my friend, and planning out what to do when you suddenly hear a gunshot echo through the air that didn't come from either of you.

Disappointing that they're wiping inventories soon though, we stockpiled a few guns here and there and were going to organize a bandit group.

Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:18 pm
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Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:01 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
TB has officially ♥♥♥♥ all over the game
It is now undeniably a giant sack of ♥♥♥♥
And I thought what you guys posted was bad, this video shows it is literally the bottom of the barrel
Those sound effects were probably one of the most awful things that stayed with me the whole video, but I think most of the pants-on-head retarded features speak for themselves

Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:06 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
I still enjoy it. What can I say, I play it with friends and it's pretty damn fun.

Sucks it has to be the dead horse everyone loves to beat.

EDIT: Currently watching this Cynical Brit video, seems he's riding the bandwagon and ripping on a lot of stuff most War Z players know better to avoid. He didn't take fall damage, he was shot. Also he sprinted right next to a zombie and then claimed it 'didn't even touch me' when he was killed. Also had he done ANY preliminary research he'd know that once your character dies, you have to wait 1 hour before respawning with that particular character.

Doesn't seem very professional of him to be honest, but I generally avoid 'celebrity' LPers like the plague, so you tell me if that's fairly common of them.

EDIT2: Further in, and he's finally bringing up a few valid points. The player spawning which resulted in his death due to overcrowding was certainly not good. The game doesn't really check to see how many people are in the area before plopping you into it, but there are actually many different spawn points as well. The game should check though to ensure you aren't going to get spawn killed though. I have to admit I'm pretty tired hearing about 'They're charging money for this !!1!!q'. You buy it, you get all future updates (and they ARE updating rather frequently) for free. It's the same system we have with CC and we're still here after how many years? Double standard.

Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:22 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
Dauss wrote:
It's the same system we have with CC and we're still here after how many years? Double standard.

Unless any of us are arguing that it's certainly not a double standard as TB doesn't play CC...
As seen with his review of CC TB usually goes in (relatively) blind to games, unless anyone claims it is good TB won't even try I believe.
Of course a tutorial is a necessary requirement but as this game is still in early stages it is understandable that you should do more research before getting confused and angry.

Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:48 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
Dauss wrote:
ripping on a lot of stuff most War Z players know better to avoid.

How can he know? It's a first impressions video.
Dauss wrote:
He didn't take fall damage, he was shot.

That's not what it looked like to me, if you are right (and you probably are) then the game fails to give the player important information.
Dauss wrote:
Also he sprinted right next to a zombie and then claimed it 'didn't even touch me' when he was killed

Yeah, he was pretty close to it, agreed.
Dauss wrote:
Also had he done ANY preliminary research he'd know that once your character dies, you have to wait 1 hour before respawning with that particular character.

The game should have told him, it was a first impressions video. Doing loads of research should not be necessary for a completed game.

In case someone says it isn't a completed game; I know. However, that does not matter, as it is released on Steam with no indications of it being incomplete, while blatantly lying about features. Although I'm a huge fan of VALVe, I think they need to get their stuff together and not let scams like this game through.

Edit - Feature lies (copied from reddit):

Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:49 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
So he got shot every time he 'fell' off a 'cliff'? I find that pretty hard to believe, really, mostly because at no other point was he shot at. I think it'd be a rare coincidence for him to get shot several times in pretty much the same circumstances, but at no other times. Especially since there weren't any other people around him.
And I think the whole 'wait one hour until respawn' thing is quite dumb. I mean, I don't see the purpose it's supposed to serve.
Oh and the textures, animations and models are quite horrifying, to be honest, and the UI seems rather confusing for a new player.

Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:22 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
Actually I kind of like the zombie models. They sport probably the best textures in the game and their are quite a few of them, some of them look pretty gross (in a good, man that thing looks dead, sort of way) up close. Also yes, in the beginning, the injury he sustained walking down the cliff was due to a gun shot. Confirmed pretty quickly afterwards when he even acknowledges there is someone shooting in the area. The shooter was more than likely distracted by zombies before he could finish the job however.

Luringen: I didn't mean to imply 'loads' of pre-game research should be necessary, simply that you should read the FAQ on their forum or something before you begin. I did it while it was downloading, and it covers the basics well enough that you aren't going in blind, though a lot of the game is certainly learned through hands on (and also trial and error) experience. I'm not entirely opposed to his opinion, he does bring up a few valid points, but as someone who plays the game I'm seeing him make a lot of mistakes and then blaming the overall quality of the game on them when it's really just a lack of knowledge on his part. Sneaking around is a VERY viable strategy, zombies can't see very far (usually only like, 30 or 40 feet if they're lucky) and most of the time you can just stroll through a town, slowly and carefully, without pulling any aggro. He's right about character speed though, you move at a god awful pace and sprinting chews through your hunger meter far too quickly. I wouldn't mind a tweak to that so you can actually get around.

Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:37 pm
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I re-watched the video, and yeah, he does probably get shot some 4 minutes in, but later on it happens one or two times again, and there aren't any shooters around then.
Most of the users probably aren't going to search around for a FAQ, and simply jump straight into the game. I dunno, I might be wrong, but that's what usually happens. An in-game tutorial wouldn't be a bad thing, really, and they could atleast explain the UI a bit before you're thrown in-game. Because, y'know, it might give a bad first impression when you're thrown straight into the game without any instructions, and a floating flashlight proceeds to whack you until you die.
And then you have to wait an hour if you don't figure out you could create a new char.

Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:15 am
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Post Re: The War Z
Lol obviously you don't watch much TB. Being completely bad and ignorant at the game he's playing is his schtick. It like, makes him more relatable or something.

Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:33 am
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