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 Delta Squad [Round9: Get to da Rigger!] 
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round7: A shot in the dark.]
>pew pew that turret/tank thing

Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:55 pm
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round7: A shot in the dark.]


Te55.a "Anti Air turret down. Sorry for the bad intel on the AA turret our satalite did nto manage to get a good image of it at the time of capture.

Good work Free Machines, Now linking to High Command...."

High Command: "Te55.a This is IZ-AK, Free Machines High Command receiving your signal loud and clear"

Te55.a "Delta Squad has eliminated the defenses around the Cybernetica Relay station Code; CNRS-12. Initiating data transfer..."

A moment passes

IZ-AK (HC) "Good work Delta Squad. we are receiving encrypted orders from "wolf" to "Stonemason". Stonemason appears to be some sort of orbital station in ... hang on..."

The stream goes quiet.

IZ-AK (HC) "Hold position Delta, The secure transfer of this data is now your TOP Priority."

Te55.a "Sir... I am reading inbound reinforcements to Delta's location, appears to be Orbital Re-Entry Vehicles. We have no record of their launch"

IZ-AK (HC) "I repeat hold position Delta. This data is your Top Priority. We are expanding your armory access"

The link cuts off.

Te55.a (to Squad) " numerous orbitial re-entry vehicles are inbound north of your position, i am unable to calculate their launch location. It should be somwhere in local space.

FX-D4G "Rigger" our mobile command center is on its way. I need you to select a landing site as our eyes on the ground."
(3X3 space needed)

"FX-D4G is able to provide repairs, de-construction and reconstruction of units."

Salvage: 1400 xp for the party, (280 each player, or 200 for everyone including new players)

Armoury Update!
Medium Weights may mount Light or medium weapons. Lights can only mount Light.
Medium Vehicle (HeXP: 175)
HP30 AP4 Move:3(6) Mods:2 Weapons:1

Medium Power Armour (HeXP: 150)
HP40 AP4 Move:1/4 Mods:1 Weapons:1

Light Tank (HeXP: 175)
HP50 AP6 Move:3/3 Mods:0 Weapons:1

Medium Gunship (HeXP: 200)
HP20 AP3 Move:3(9) Mods:1 Weapons:2

Cybernetica Light Laser (HeXP: 75)
DMG:10 AP:2 RoF:1 Range:5 Special: Each turn firing at the same target gets +1 to hit.

Cybernetica Medium Laser (HeXP: 150)
DMG:30 AP:5 RoF:1 Range:8 Special: Each turn firing at the same target gets +1 to hit.

Cybernetica Medium Interceptor Misiles (HeXP 125)
DMG:10 AP:2 RoF:1 Range:12 Special: Can fire on spotted targets.

Medium HighEX Autocannon (HeXP: 150
DMG:40 AP:4 RoF:1 Range:10 Special:none

Medium Repair Nanites: 50xp contain 80HP worth of nanites.
Medium Dual wield Unit: 75xp

Light Rotary Firing Assembly: 25xp Allows the user to mount 3 of the same weapon to a single hardpoint. Boosts RoF by 3x.

Light Redundancy Systems: 25xp Allows the unit to survive a single deathblow.

Cybernetica Light Targeting Unit: 25xp, Allows the unit to shoot 25% further.

Fri Nov 23, 2012 7:58 am
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round7: A shot in the dark.]
So wait, what do we do now, and how much HeXP/xp do we have?

Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:03 am
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round7: A shot in the dark.]
CrazyMLC wrote:
So wait, what do we do now, and how much HeXP/xp do we have?

1) Decide on deployment area of FX-D4G "Rigger" mobile command station. (3x3 area needed)
2) Decide on HeXP share. Either 280 to the players of the mission (Yourself, Harzipan, caek, Izen, Maarten) or 200 each for everyone (including the kebbit and Fail Flial.

Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:07 pm
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round8: Victory?]
Can we switch to new equipment on the turn it arrives or the turn after?
If so I would like to switch to a medium power armoured unit with two autocannons. 525 points total, which is 5 point less if we each take 280. If we split everything fairly I'd either like to borrow or the med power armoured unit with a triple linked marksrifle.
"I suggest we deploy the rigger to the east of the enemy base, an easily defendable position."
Run to the south east so I can change my loadout asap.

Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:18 pm
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round8: Victory?]
Assuming fair distribution of materials, I have 550 XP in total if I sell my current load out.
Sell all existing equipment, buy 2 light tanks equipped with a light laser on both.
That should leave me with 50 xp left.

What kind of stats will the tanks have later on? I do hope they get modules.

Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:42 pm
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round8: Victory?]

do entering players receive xp as well, or do we end up on lower footing

if we get the extra hexpee i will amend my build to

Chassis: Medium Gunship
- Autocannon
- GyroMG
- Rotary Firing Assembly (if it only applies to one, give it to the autocannon)

Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:44 pm
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round8: Victory?]
You have to pay for three weapons with the rotary fire thing right? Otherwise it's just a better and cheaper version of the dual wield.

Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:05 pm
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round8: Victory?]
I assume you have to buy all three, but they have to be the same weapon, unlike dual wield.

Does the light part of the name mean only light weapons can be mounted, or that it has to be on a light chassis?

Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:28 pm
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round8: Victory?]
caekdaemon wrote:
What kind of stats will the tanks have later on? I do hope they get modules.

The Free Machine Heavy tank has a single module due to the focus on armour with the tanks.

maart3n wrote:
You have to pay for three weapons with the rotary fire thing right? Otherwise it's just a better and cheaper version of the dual wield.

You have to pay for all 3 plus the Rotary Module.

CrazyMLC wrote:
I assume you have to buy all three, but they have to be the same weapon, unlike dual wield.

Does the light part of the name mean only light weapons can be mounted, or that it has to be on a light chassis?

Light is its maximum weight as such. For example a medium weight mech can mount Light modules and weapons, but a light weight could not mount medium units.

So a Light rotary can only use light weapons. however a Rotorary Assembly gyro Mg could be mounted on a medium weight.
(now if only something had 3 module slots, so i could mount dual weild, twin rotary gyroMG's)

HeXP Distribution
Veterans only: 1
(280 to CrazyMLC, Izen, Maart3n, CaekDemon, Harzipan)

Shared to all: 1
(200 to everyone)

Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:52 pm
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round8: Victory?]
Psygnosis wrote:
caekdaemon wrote:
What kind of stats will the tanks have later on? I do hope they get modules.

The Free Machine Heavy tank has a single module due to the focus on armour with the tanks.

Can I get an aproximation on how long it'll take before we get to the heavy tanks. If it's a substantial amount of time, the tank line is pretty much useless.


EDIT : Actually, screw the tank line, I'm making a new load out.

EDIT EDIT : 2 Medium Vehicles, each carrying a single light laser.

Now I can move players and have the same fire power as before.

Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:46 pm
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round8: Victory?]
Actually, I think the tanks have their own little useful space in the loadout. It has a high survivability.

The gunship is what lacks anything special. You can put a light dual wield on the medium vehicle and it becomes a gunship, but with more health AND more armor, although slightly slower and unable to mount medium weapons. But the high speed doesn't help if the rest of your team is slow, it'll only get you stuck in situations where you're going to die alone on the front lines. Who would ever want to be a gunship?
Even if you want medium weapons you can buy a medium dual wield, and there you go, you're a better gunship.

> Medium Power Armour, Light Rotary Firing Assembly, 3 GyroMGs. (400xp) And I'm fine with either split and I don't care where we place the base thing.

Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:31 pm
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round8: Victory?]
>Sell old loadout. Medium power armor, three GyroMGs and a light rotary firing assembly. I'm okay for giving the newbies the extra XP, and the base can go wherever

So the new character sheet would be like this
Model Number: T1-M
Name: Timothy
HP: 10+40
Chassis: Medium power armor
Weapons: GyroRifle
Modules: Light rotary firing assembly
XP: 125

Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:24 am
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round8: Victory?]
CrazyMLC wrote:
Actually, I think the tanks have their own little useful space in the loadout. It has a high survivability.

I don't know.

The medium vehicle is a better tank than the light, since if I only had one, I could give it a medium repair nanites, which give me uber survivability, and I could dual wield 2 light lasers.

Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:22 am
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Post Re: Delta Squad [Round8: Victory?]
Model Number: JOTN-5
Name: -error-
Chassis: Medium Gunship
- Medium HighEX Autocannon
- GyroMG
- Cybernetica Light Targeting Unit
XP: 450

Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:17 am
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