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Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:31 am Posts: 67 Location: petting Schrodingers cat.
 Bunker Breach +
Bunker Breach + UPDATE: I've continued working on this, with the scene count now at 10. That being said, at this point I may only update my mod on Workshop, as I frequently add maps and updating both downloads and descriptions and so on just slows down the whole process a lot. If you for some reason don't have access to Steam Workshop let me know, I'll try get a download up for you here. Well I've wanted a few more Bunker Breach scenes myself, but I'd worn out all I could get my hands on so I decided to try my hand at making a few myself. There's only two scenes now but I'm planning on making many more. Tell me what you like, what you don't. Hopefully have more for you soon, enjoy! Silverhill Stronghold: A basic looping map with a heavily guarded base at the apex of the hill. Mostly contained underground with some decent open areas and of course a few snipers guarding the entrance. Note: this map has a fairly high MOIDS count, and if you order in lots of units right off the start without killing some of them off first chances are you could excede it. I can remove a few of their units if you guys want, just let me know. Grasslands Garrison: This one is a non-wrapping map with a small outpost and then farther on the real deal. This one is primarily above ground. Lightbank Lair: Some small outposts dotted along the surface with a much larger enemy center found below ground in the naturally occurring caves. Bywater Barracks: A mid-sized tower placed amidst rolling hills. Hemlock Hold: A mid-sized fortification with some small houses.
Last edited by burningsky25 on Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:55 am, edited 9 times in total.
Fri Nov 16, 2012 5:33 pm |
Joined: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:11 am Posts: 66
 Re: Bunker Breach +
This does not seem to appear in the activity list. Not sure why.
Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:54 pm |
Joined: Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:33 am Posts: 7
 Re: Bunker Breach +
Fun scene. Brutally bloody in the first engagements, and continually bloody as the entrenched forces are rooted out. Top notch.
However, it plays the MOIDS close to the hilt. More than three additional soldiers and a dropship at the start of the mission may break the limit and induce the usual abandonment of all reason. I'm hardly one to call this a fault, most of my maps are defended with similar zeal, but it is something to keep an eye on. A more important, and eminently more fixable, fault is the terrain frosting. The editor, for reasons unknown to mortal man, generates a new layer of gold, fossils, stones, grass, weeds, et cetera, every time a scene is saved. Once a scene is complete enough to be shipped it has to be cleaned to remove the extraneous matter, the .ini manually scrubbed of the extra frosting(s). If you don't scrub then you get a terrain covered in astoundingly tall flora and a soil layer that is so saturated with rocks, gold, and fossils that it is rather noticeably lacking in soil- as is the case with this map.
Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:27 pm |
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:31 am Posts: 67 Location: petting Schrodingers cat.
 Re: Bunker Breach +
walid0303 wrote: This does not seem to appear in the activity list. Not sure why. It should show up as a playable map under the Bunker Breach activity, is it not there? If it isn't I'm not sure the reason why, I haven't had any problems with that. Draignean wrote: Fun scene. Brutally bloody in the first engagements, and continually bloody as the entrenched forces are rooted out. Top notch.
However, it plays the MOIDS close to the hilt. More than three additional soldiers and a dropship at the start of the mission may break the limit and induce the usual abandonment of all reason. I'm hardly one to call this a fault, most of my maps are defended with similar zeal, but it is something to keep an eye on. Thanks! That's what I was going for. Not so much the MOIDS part though. I actually realized that as well towards the end of testing when I started the scene and ordered in three dropships with 3 guys each. I was just approaching the base when it told me I had won - the only explanation was that their brain had spontaneously combusted. There's a few places I could remove units if people wanted me to, but otherwise I'll leave it as is and just keep that in mind for future missions and perhaps make them slightly smaller in scope. Draignean wrote: A more important, and eminently more fixable, fault is the terrain frosting. The editor, for reasons unknown to mortal man, generates a new layer of gold, fossils, stones, grass, weeds, et cetera, every time a scene is saved. Once a scene is complete enough to be shipped it has to be cleaned to remove the extraneous matter, the .ini manually scrubbed of the extra frosting(s). If you don't scrub then you get a terrain covered in astoundingly tall flora and a soil layer that is so saturated with rocks, gold, and fossils that it is rather noticeably lacking in soil- as is the case with this map. THAT'S what it was! I was starting to notice that, particularly in the flora department. It's become a veritable jungle out there. Do you mind telling me how you actually do that? I know how to access the .ini, but which sections should be deleted though? I'd be up for lowering the overall grass height once that's done as well. Do you know how to do that? I'm not sure if I do - I tried doing that but either I did it right but couldn't notice it due to the amount of grass already there, or I just didn't do anything at all.
Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:44 pm |
Joined: Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:33 am Posts: 7
 Re: Bunker Breach +
burningsky25 wrote: THAT'S what it was! I was starting to notice that, particularly in the flora department. It's become a veritable jungle out there. Do you mind telling me how you actually do that? I know how to access the .ini, but which sections should be deleted though? I'd be up for lowering the overall grass height once that's done as well. Do you know how to do that? I'm not sure if I do - I tried doing that but either I did it right but couldn't notice it due to the amount of grass already there, or I just didn't do anything at all. No problem. The below code segment is from the INI of your mission. Code: AddScene = Scene PresetName = Silverhill Stronghold Description = This area was originally named after the areas of revealed silver ore on the surface, but any precious metals left now are deep underground betwixt the rocks. LocationOnPlanet = Vector X = 100 Y = -100 MetagamePlayable = 1 Revealed = 0 OwnedByTeam = -1 RoundIncome = 1000 P1BuildBudget = 0 P2BuildBudget = 0 P3BuildBudget = 0 P4BuildBudget = 0 P1BuildBudgetRatio = 0 P2BuildBudgetRatio = 0 P3BuildBudgetRatio = 0 P4BuildBudgetRatio = 0 AutoDesigned = 1 TotalInvestment = 0 Terrain = SLTerrain CopyOf = Base.rte/Grass Plains 2 Terrain BitmapFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Scenes/Terrains/GrassPlains_2.bmp DrawTransparent = 1 Offset = Vector X = -295 Y = 1310 WrapX = 1 WrapY = 0 ScrollRatio = Vector X = 1 Y = -1 ScaleFactor = Vector X = 1 Y = 1 BackgroundTexture = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Scenes/Textures/DirtDark.bmp AddTerrainFrosting = TerrainFrosting TargetMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Topsoil FrostingMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Grass MinThickness = 4 MaxThickness = 8 InAirOnly = 1
The "AddTerrainFrosting" section repeats another twenty-one times. Go into your Silverhill Stronghold.ini file and delete all of the instances except for the first. This controls the grass, the more instances of that AddTerrainFrosting you have, the thicker and taller your grass is. Now immediately below the grass section is the segment that controls gold, boulder, tall weed, and fossil spawn frequency. It looks like this, Code: AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris CopyOf = Base.rte/Gold DebrisFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Gold/Gold.bmp DebrisPieceCount = 26 DebrisMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Gold TargetMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Earth OnlyOnSurface = 0 OnlyBuried = 1 MinDepth = 25 MaxDepth = 550 DensityPerMeter = 3.5 AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris CopyOf = Base.rte/Plants DebrisFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Plants/Plant.bmp DebrisPieceCount = 23 DebrisMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Grass TargetMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Grass OnlyOnSurface = 1 OnlyBuried = 0 MinDepth = 6 MaxDepth = 7 DensityPerMeter = 1.5 AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris CopyOf = Base.rte/Boulders DebrisFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Boulders/Boulder.bmp DebrisPieceCount = 103 DebrisMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Stone TargetMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Earth OnlyOnSurface = 0 OnlyBuried = 1 MinDepth = 10 MaxDepth = 650 DensityPerMeter = 4 AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris CopyOf = Base.rte/Fossils DebrisFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Fossils/Fossil.bmp DebrisPieceCount = 29 DebrisMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Bone TargetMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Earth OnlyOnSurface = 0 OnlyBuried = 1 MinDepth = 50 MaxDepth = 700 DensityPerMeter = 0.1 Yours, like your grass, repeats an additional twenty-one times. Count out, from the top, one gold frosting, one plant frosting, one boulder frosting, and one fossil frosting, then delete the rest. Alternately, if you want the map to have higher gold/fossils/etc, you can leave a few instances in to multiply that object's frequency. When you're done your INI should look like this, Code: AddScene = Scene PresetName = Silverhill Stronghold Description = This area was originally named after the areas of revealed silver ore on the surface, but any precious metals left now are deep underground betwixt the rocks. LocationOnPlanet = Vector X = 100 Y = -100 MetagamePlayable = 1 Revealed = 0 OwnedByTeam = -1 RoundIncome = 1000 P1BuildBudget = 0 P2BuildBudget = 0 P3BuildBudget = 0 P4BuildBudget = 0 P1BuildBudgetRatio = 0 P2BuildBudgetRatio = 0 P3BuildBudgetRatio = 0 P4BuildBudgetRatio = 0 AutoDesigned = 1 TotalInvestment = 0 Terrain = SLTerrain CopyOf = Base.rte/Grass Plains 2 Terrain BitmapFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Scenes/Terrains/GrassPlains_2.bmp DrawTransparent = 1 Offset = Vector X = -295 Y = 1310 WrapX = 1 WrapY = 0 ScrollRatio = Vector X = 1 Y = -1 ScaleFactor = Vector X = 1 Y = 1 BackgroundTexture = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Scenes/Textures/DirtDark.bmp AddTerrainFrosting = TerrainFrosting TargetMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Topsoil FrostingMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Grass MinThickness = 4 MaxThickness = 8 InAirOnly = 1 AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris CopyOf = Base.rte/Gold DebrisFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Gold/Gold.bmp DebrisPieceCount = 26 DebrisMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Gold TargetMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Earth OnlyOnSurface = 0 OnlyBuried = 1 MinDepth = 25 MaxDepth = 550 DensityPerMeter = 3.5 AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris CopyOf = Base.rte/Plants DebrisFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Plants/Plant.bmp DebrisPieceCount = 23 DebrisMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Grass TargetMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Grass OnlyOnSurface = 1 OnlyBuried = 0 MinDepth = 6 MaxDepth = 7 DensityPerMeter = 1.5 AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris CopyOf = Base.rte/Boulders DebrisFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Boulders/Boulder.bmp DebrisPieceCount = 103 DebrisMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Stone TargetMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Earth OnlyOnSurface = 0 OnlyBuried = 1 MinDepth = 10 MaxDepth = 650 DensityPerMeter = 4 AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris CopyOf = Base.rte/Fossils DebrisFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Fossils/Fossil.bmp DebrisPieceCount = 29 DebrisMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Bone TargetMaterial = Material CopyOf = Base.rte/Earth OnlyOnSurface = 0 OnlyBuried = 1 MinDepth = 50 MaxDepth = 700 DensityPerMeter = 0.1 The actual base part of your mission (it should start with PlaceSceneObject = TerrainObject) will be arrayed beneath.
Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:27 pm |
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:31 am Posts: 67 Location: petting Schrodingers cat.
 Re: Bunker Breach +
Thanks! I can't even say how much better that is. I'll keep that in mind for future maps as well. I updated the download to reflect the changes.
Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:42 am |
Joined: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:21 pm Posts: 879 Location: Somewhere in Germany
 Re: Bunker Breach +
Ireally like how its a trap to jetpack-less foes when you want to get to the brain (aslong you got no grapplers). I'd be wondering...when will be the next scene (probaly) come out?
Sat Nov 17, 2012 4:53 pm |
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:31 am Posts: 67 Location: petting Schrodingers cat.
 Re: Bunker Breach +
I was working on another map last night and probably got about a quarter or a third of the way through it, but I mis-calculated how much room I had to work with and now I have to move most of it over and then continue because it's a non-wrapping map this time. This weekend's pretty busy for me unfortunately, but it wouldn't be unlikely to have it finished by Monday or Tuesday. I can always keep you updated as I go. Edit: Well I was almost finished and ready to release it but my computer crashed and I had to go through system restore for it to actually turn on, and I totally lost the map  I still remember the basic idea but it's probably going to be Tuesday again now. Edit2: Well I had more time than I thought this evening and re-building went speedily so the next map is successfully up! Let me know if there's any problems.
Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:52 pm |
Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:36 am Posts: 1
 Re: Bunker Breach + (now with three maps and more to come!)
I can't get these scenes to load in my activity list either. Not sure what's wrong. I'm using the Steam version if that matters, but the .rte folder is in the root of the CC folder.
Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:35 am |
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:31 am Posts: 67 Location: petting Schrodingers cat.
 Re: Bunker Breach + (now with three maps and more to come!)
Ciro-Flex wrote: I can't get these scenes to load in my activity list either. Not sure what's wrong. I'm using the Steam version if that matters, but the .rte folder is in the root of the CC folder. Oh man. I'm really not too sure why it's not showing up  have you opened the BB+.rte file in the root folder there and checked all the things are in there? I don't know why it wouldn't path to it correctly if they're there. It should include an Index file and Scenes file, along with a Scenes folder with the individual Scenes in there.
Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:12 pm |
Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:57 pm Posts: 26
 Re: Bunker Breach + (now with three maps and more to come!)
You should make more of these maps. I love bunker breach, and can complete three of the four vanilla ones fairly fast.
Sat Jul 06, 2013 3:29 pm |
Joined: Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:00 pm Posts: 13 Location: Brisbane/Damascus
 Re: Bunker Breach + (now with three maps and more to come!)
This is amazing, you have breathed new life into CC bunker breach. I cant stop playing this, although more maps would be nice as with the extra 3 it becomes super addictive, but you learn all the ways to instantly win with tactics on each map, so more would be very nice.
Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:27 am |
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:31 am Posts: 67 Location: petting Schrodingers cat.
 Re: Bunker Breach + (two brand new maps!)
Sorry for the (very long) delay, but it's not dead! Got two more maps up for download, and should also be available via Steam Workshop very very soon.
Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:39 am |
Joined: Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:00 pm Posts: 13 Location: Brisbane/Damascus
 Re: Bunker Breach + (two brand new maps!)
Once again you have made CC a better game just with a few more maps, thank you.
Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:31 pm |
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:31 am Posts: 67 Location: petting Schrodingers cat.
 Re: Bunker Breach + (two brand new maps!)
Well glad your still around nearly a year later to still enjoy it  and thank you! This mod is now available via Workshop, with additional scenes being available there. I'll likely update that page more regularly than this simply because it's far easier, more convenient, and this is in some ways redundant and obselete. If however and for whatever reason that is not an option for folks please let me know, I'll update this here for you. I'm not done making maps, and I hope to start making some maps incorporating new and custom scene landscapes, and hopefully additional custom bunker modules as well. Fingers crossed!
Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:36 am |
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