Offscreen Actor sounds? Searching for spriters,scripters..
Good day everyone,maybe as you mentioned,i was started my first mod called
AfterMath Im working on it every day and lately to the night,but what i lack is..yes,exaclty,scripts and spriting,i can make sounds,whole new intro and animated gifs,but cant sprite and script for sh♥♥

I need someones help,ive tried and lot of tries was here,...no succes,i know its kinda easy,but i dont have probably talent for this.. (imah failure) Thanks so much...
as bonus,i just wanted to metion about something,about possbility of script,simply,offscreen sounds,as it is battlefield from distance,so what players camera dont see,that will sound as distant (i will get the sounds as soon as possible) but if it is even possible in lua,different sounds will be attached to the actor,when camera doesnt watching at actual actor,and when watching,there will be normal sounds.....(maybe i dont have to ask about this,im sorry) Thanks for your presence..have a nice day