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 Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Writeup 7) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 129)
Rag, dxp, roast, ACTIONS.

Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:30 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 129)
"Stand your ground, dragon, no need to get hasty." >Watch 'n wait.

Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:23 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 129)

Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:33 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 129)
> Follow John into the armory.

Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:51 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 130)
Better late than never.

Roll 130

[ 3 ] = 3
> You stand still, trying to appear invisible through immobility.

It seems to be working, since no one seems to be noticing you.

Race: Human
Inventory (10/10) :
- Luminous Bow
- Bow
- Quiver (35/50 Arrows)
-- Arrows (Qty. 36)
- 142 gold coins
- Cooked Venison (Qty. 1)
- Deer Pelt
- Quartz
-- (Energy: ===)
- Grass Blades (Qty. 50)
- Cloth Bag (10/10)
-- Caelum Mage stone (Qty. 5)
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll

Equipped (10/10) :
- Moonlight Armor (Helm, Cuirass, Armguards x2, Gauntlets x2, Leggings x2, Greaves x2)

Active Abilities :
- Arrow Abilities (Requires a bow and arrows)
-- Fire Arrows
-- Cold Front
-- Tornado Shot
-- Trail Blazer
- Magic Control Level - Instinctual
-- Elemental
-- Accelerated Repair

Passive Abilities :
- Stealth (+1 any action involving sneaking)
- Bull's Eye (+2 to precision actions)

Conditions :

John Freemaneth
[ 2 ] = 2
> "I was trying to save him..."

You sadly, and painfully, trudge towards the armory door. It happens to be ajar, and the stone ground right beyond the door frame appears to be dirtied with a dark liquid. The inside of the armory is pitch-black, while outside at least has the light of the stars.

Aucupe steps in front of you and pushes into the building, holding Lucida in front of her. The blade of the weapon emits a bright light, revealing shelves full of weaponry nearby.

Aucupe/Lucida: "Wait, some-"

With the quick sound of something shuffling and a flash of darkness, Aucupe and Lucida vanish before your eyes.

A feeling of dread falls upon you, partly from Whirlwind. Your grip tightens over the weapon without your own will, as if she's acting on her own to protect you.

Race: Human
Inventory (7/10) :

- Whirlwind
- Leather Pouch
-- 1500 gold coins
- Calligraphy Kit
- Paper Runes
-- Shield Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Earth Elemental Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Fire Drop Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Lightning-Trap Tag (Qty. 5)
-- Push Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Plasma Bolt Tag (Qty. 3)
-- Lightning Tag (Qty. 2)
- The Chronicles of Kark (book)
- The Two Lovers of Vranhal (book)
- Crossbow Bolt (Qty. 15)

Equipped (4/10) :
- Andrew's Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ----------)
- Quality Chainmail
- Quality Gauntlets (Qty. 2)

Memory :

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic, Runic
-- Elemental
--- Ice Claws
-- Kinetic

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Moderate Bruising (-4 Physical actions)
- Whirlwind Armor

Gustaf Anorak
[ 1 ] = 1
> "Stand your ground, dragon, no need to get hasty."

The Black Dragon stands its ground, from your command or not, it doesn't matter.

Two of the bat creatures attack the Marauder, and the other two, right below you, are talking. Looking down, you see that one of the bat creatures is charging a large fireball in her(?) hands.

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Firebrand
- Sanguis
-- ??? (===-------)
- 100 gold coins
- Caelum Mage Stone Fragments (x12)

Equipped (2/10) :
- Echo Helm (+1 Detection)
- Magmaul (Brigandine)

Abilities :
- Heaven's Blessing: Automatically roll a 5 when used with an action. (10 turn recharge)
-- Rechargo-Meter (==========)
- Bloodlust (Sanguis)
- Banshee (Echo Helm)
- Highlander (When activated, cannot die for 3 turns) (Can be used on multiple allies closeby)
-- Recharge (===============)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Mounted on Black Dragon

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ 2 ] = 2
> John takes a few slow steps towards the armory's door, which is partially opened. Following behind, you see that the inside of the structure is pitch black, but the star-lit sky is enough to show a dark liquid on the ground just past the doorframe.

Aucupe steps in front of John and pushes the door open, holding Lucida in front of her, lit up like a lantern.

Aucupe/Lucida: "Wait, some-"

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Vulcanis
- Leather Bag
-- 1100 gold coins

Equipped (1/10) :
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ====------)

Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Runic
-- Energy Control
-- Elemental
-- Kinetic
--- Power Flow
- /Instinctual
-- Addle Lance

Passive Abilities :
- Critical Eye (+1 to actions involving precise movements)

Conditions :

Kyros Deiimor
[ 3 + 2 ] = 5
> You back up, and watch as your ally tangles with the Marauder. The Raptor ducks and dances just out of the Marauders relentless swings, only using her own weapon to parry to nudge the deadly greatsword ever so slightly, just enough to evade.

Charging your weapon and limbs with energy, you carefully watch the two until it looks like the Raptor is moving just a tad too slow to dodge the next blow. Leaping to intercept the swing, you launch your own weapon with powerful kinetic forces and parry the sword blow.

A loud metal ring echoes throughout the cavern, and you see the Marauder's ears noticeably twitch before it unloads a barrage of hammer blows upon you, which you batter away with ease.

As you ward off the enemy's attacks, you notice that, under the helm's visor, the chirop's eye sockets are bloody and empty.

Race: Chirop
Inventory (1/10) :
- Longsword

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :
- Hurricane Blade
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Kinetic
--- Power Flow
-- Elemental
--- Lightning

Passive Abilities :
- Magical Potency (+2 Magic Potency)

Conditions :
- (Spell) Bright Rotating/Counter Rotating Kinetic Sphere

[ 2 ] = 2
> Crouching down, you feel in front of you with your hands, and they discover a small, shaking, furry body.

You hear the sound of metal ringing somewhere, echoing through the tunnels.

Race: Human
Inventory (2/10) :
- Crossbow (LOADED)
- Crossbow Bolts (Qty. 49)

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Marksman (+1 to rolls involving the use of ranged weaponry)

Conditions :

Black Dragon

[ 3 ] = 3
> Gustaf: "Stand your ground, dragon, no need to get hasty."

The Black Dragon stands its ground.

Inventory (?/?) :

Active Abilities :

Conditions :
- Gustaf mounted on back

Koa Tsinthula

[ 2 ] = 2
> Elementalist: "Dualumn, I need you to throw this at the right time!"

Koa carefully extends her consciousness towards the Elementalist, forming a mental bond between the two of them.

"I got it."

Watching the Marauder carefully, she waits for it...

Inventory (?/?) :

Equipped (3/10) :
- Dualumn Helm
- Dualumn Robes
- Steel Cuirass
- Steel Greaves

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm
- Mental Link (Chirop Elementalist)


[ 3 ] = 3
> As Kyros backs off, the Marauder begins to swing at the Raptor with hard, fast blows, but the Raptor bobs and weaves her way around the perilous greatsword, only intercepting the enemy's weapon just enough to avoid being struck.

However, one fatal mistake in footwork leaves her not even a split second too slow, and a killing strike homes in on the Raptor's head. Before the weapon can find it's mark, however, Kyros jumps back into the fight and deflects the attack and pushes the Marauder back.

Race: Chirop
Inventory (?/?) :
- Raptor Dagger

Equipped (3/10) :
- Raptor Goggles
- Raptor Jacket

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :


[ 6 ] = 6
> The Elementalist charges a large fireball in her hands, ready to cast.

"Dualumn, I need you to throw this at the right time!"

Koa: "I got it."

Race: Chirop
Inventory (?/?) :
- Shortsword

Equipped (3/10) :
- Elementalist Robes

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Charging Fireball in hands
- Mental Link (Koa)

World Events:
Time of day: Night


Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:24 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 129)
"It's alright. I won't hurt you. What's your name?"

Reassure the frightened bundle of bat and/or wolf.

Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:09 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 129)
> Continue the dance of death, and if the enemy falters at any moment, attack with all the force I can muster, aiming to strike so hard that even if blocked, the blow will knock my foe back.

Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:29 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 129)
> Scramble backwards away from where Aucupe disappeared.

Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:55 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 129)
> Jump backwards, illuminate the inside of the armory with a steady light.
"Who's there?!"

Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:06 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 129)
"Looks like they've got it handled, but let's move behind the battle in case that Marauder tries to escape." >Urge the Black Dragon into the air and land behind the fighters.

Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:48 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 129)
>Strafe around and cover any open ground

Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:31 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 131)
Roll 131

[ 3 ] = 3
> You turn right and keep close to the cavern wall, walking around in the dark while watching the combatants in the middle.

Not even passing them yet, your foot hits someone on the ground and you nearly fall over, but catch yourself before you actually do.

Feeling around with your foot, the object is a bit large, kinda soft, and moves when you nudge it. Then, someone calls out in the middle of the chamber.

???: "Humans, dragon, over here!"

Race: Human
Inventory (10/10) :
- Luminous Bow
- Bow
- Quiver (35/50 Arrows)
-- Arrows (Qty. 36)
- 142 gold coins
- Cooked Venison (Qty. 1)
- Deer Pelt
- Quartz
-- (Energy: ===)
- Grass Blades (Qty. 50)
- Cloth Bag (10/10)
-- Caelum Mage stone (Qty. 5)
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll

Equipped (10/10) :
- Moonlight Armor (Helm, Cuirass, Armguards x2, Gauntlets x2, Leggings x2, Greaves x2)

Active Abilities :
- Arrow Abilities (Requires a bow and arrows)
-- Fire Arrows
-- Cold Front
-- Tornado Shot
-- Trail Blazer
- Magic Control Level - Instinctual
-- Elemental
-- Accelerated Repair

Passive Abilities :
- Stealth (+1 any action involving sneaking)
- Bull's Eye (+2 to precision actions)

Conditions :

John Freemaneth
[ 3 - 4 ] = 1 , 3
> You jump back three feet from the doorway, and fall back into sort of a sitting position with your legs cast in front of you. Your entire body aches of bruising...

"Who's there?!"

Mustering whatever energy you can, you create a small ball of fire in your outstretched hand, illuminating the entrance and partial inside of the armory.

Nothing looks different, and you don't hear anything unusual.

Race: Human
Inventory (7/10) :

- Whirlwind
- Leather Pouch
-- 1500 gold coins
- Calligraphy Kit
- Paper Runes
-- Shield Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Earth Elemental Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Fire Drop Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Lightning-Trap Tag (Qty. 5)
-- Push Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Plasma Bolt Tag (Qty. 3)
-- Lightning Tag (Qty. 2)
- The Chronicles of Kark (book)
- The Two Lovers of Vranhal (book)
- Crossbow Bolt (Qty. 15)

Equipped (4/10) :
- Andrew's Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ----------)
- Quality Chainmail
- Quality Gauntlets (Qty. 2)

Memory :

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic, Runic
-- Elemental
--- Ice Claws
-- Kinetic

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Moderate Bruising (-4 Physical actions)
- Whirlwind Armor

Gustaf Anorak
[ 4 ] = 4
> "Looks like they've got it handled, but let's move behind the battle in case that Marauder tries to escape."

You feel an image being pushed into your mind, by another entity. In it, you see the bottom of the Black Dragon's body wounded and bloody.

Instead of flying over the middle of the chamber, the dragon slinks off to the left, moving in the darkness like a shadow against a shadow, rather stealthy for its large size.

Watching the clash in the middle, you see the Marauder sliced apart by the sword-wielding bat-creature with-the-light-ball. Looks like the battle is over already. The bat-creatures gather up in the middle of the room, and you hear whisps of conversation before one of them calls out.

???: "Humans, dragon, over here!"

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Firebrand
- Sanguis
-- ??? (===-------)
- 100 gold coins
- Caelum Mage Stone Fragments (x12)

Equipped (2/10) :
- Echo Helm (+1 Detection)
- Magmaul (Brigandine)

Abilities :
- Heaven's Blessing: Automatically roll a 5 when used with an action. (10 turn recharge)
-- Rechargo-Meter (==========)
- Bloodlust (Sanguis)
- Banshee (Echo Helm)
- Highlander (When activated, cannot die for 3 turns) (Can be used on multiple allies closeby)
-- Recharge (===============)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Mounted on Black Dragon

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ 6 ] = 6
> You back the hell away a good 6 feet from the armory entrance where Aucupe disappeared. John jumps back as well, but lands on his rear, and creates a small ball of fire to reveal the immediate insides of the armory.

John: "Who's there?!"

Nothing looks different, and no other sound is made.

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Vulcanis
- Leather Bag
-- 1100 gold coins

Equipped (1/10) :
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ====------)

Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Runic
-- Energy Control
-- Elemental
-- Kinetic
--- Power Flow
- /Instinctual
-- Addle Lance

Passive Abilities :
- Critical Eye (+1 to actions involving precise movements)

Conditions :

Kyros Deiimor
[ 5 + 2 ] = 6
> Continuing your duel furious with the Marauder, the both of you pelt each other with hammer blows and deflect or evade the other's strike. It goes on for what feels like minutes, but in reality was only a few seconds, when you launch an attack and notice the block coming barely an eye-blink shorter.

Rushing your sword to the original target of the Marauder's head, your sword lightly taps her weapon before you then flick your wrist and execute a quick slash at her ribs at an upward-right diagonal. The blow would have looked like a mere nuisance to whatever it struck if it weren't for the fact that the attack was fueled by arcane forces.

The tip of your sword slices cleanly through the front of the chestplate armor, and flies out to the right. Using the momentum to your advantage, you first flick the blade again to ward off any unexpected strikes before whirling around in a tight circle and swinging your Longsword in a downward right slash from the Marauder's shoulder to hip.

The chirop Marauder falls back, and two halves of her body seperate as they hit the ground.


The Raptor walks over to the Marauder's upper body and crouches down, takes out her dagger, and scratches some dried blood off of the armor.

Raptor: "..."

The other chirop walk over, the green-robed elementalist still on edge, but Koa seems rather relaxed. A little TOO relaxed, you might say.

Koa: "An exquisite display of swordplay, Deiimor-eques."

Sounds like she just watched you compete in a casual swordsmanship competition than a life-or-death fight.

Elementalist: "Uh, yeah. Glad you're not a rookie. Ha ha ha... Ehhh..."
Raptor: "We'd best be moving."

Taking a look around the cave, the Raptor scans for the dragon and two humans that have disappeared from the tunnel you entered from.

Raptor: "Did you catch where they went?"
Elementalist: "Left and right, to flank the enemy. Humans, dragon, over here!"

The Raptor looks at you expectantly to lead the way forward once again. You step up to where the Marauder's body is, take a quick glance down at what the Raptor was doing, and see an uncovered emblem blazed into the armor. As you take another step forward, you see the image of 5 chirop in sturdy, shining armor with the same emblem, each Marauder wielding a powerful greatsword.

A 5-unit strike team, of course. How could you forget?

Race: Chirop
Inventory (1/10) :
- Longsword

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :
- Hurricane Blade
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Kinetic
--- Power Flow
-- Elemental
--- Lightning

Passive Abilities :
- Magical Potency (+2 Magic Potency)

Conditions :
- (Spell) Bright Rotating/Counter Rotating Kinetic Sphere

[ 1 ] = 1
> "It's alright. I won't hurt you. What's your name?"

Softly petting the furred creature, you figure out that it's a child-chirop.

???: ".. Feiar (Fey-Air). Are you, a human?"

From the sound of the voice, it's a girl.

Race: Human
Inventory (2/10) :
- Crossbow (LOADED)
- Crossbow Bolts (Qty. 49)

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Marksman (+1 to rolls involving the use of ranged weaponry)

Conditions :

Black Dragon

[ 5 ] = 5
> Gustaf: "Looks like they've got it handled, but let's move behind the battle in case that Marauder tries to escape."

Gustaf urges the dragon to fly overhead, but sensing the posibility of being surprised-attack with its vulnerable underbelly to the enemy, it sends Gustaf an image of its thoughts and instead stealthily stalks in the shadows to the left of the chamber.

Inventory (?/?) :

Active Abilities :

Conditions :
- Gustaf mounted on back

Koa Tsinthula

[ 6 ] = 6
> Seeing Kyros defeat the Marauder, Koa breaks the mental link.


Inventory (?/?) :

Equipped (3/10) :
- Dualumn Helm
- Dualumn Robes
- Steel Cuirass
- Steel Greaves

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm


[ 1 ] = 1
> ~

There's more of them...

Race: Chirop
Inventory (?/?) :
- Raptor Dagger

Equipped (3/10) :
- Raptor Goggles
- Raptor Jacket

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :


[ 6 ] = 6
> Seeing Kyros defeat the Marauder, the Elementalist lets the fireball dissipate.


Race: Chirop
Inventory (?/?) :
- Shortsword

Equipped (3/10) :
- Elementalist Robes

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :

World Events:
Time of day: Night


Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:58 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 131)
Whirlwind, can you... like... sense anything?
> Stand back up.

Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:06 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 131)
"Ah, good thinking, but I guess we didn't need to help them anyways." >Follow voice. "By the way, I'm Gustaf. Could I ask what your names are?"

Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:06 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 131)
"Yeah, I'm a human. Is... that going to be a problem?"

Continue with the comforting.

Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:23 am
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