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 The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better) 
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All dummy weapons, except the Blaster Rifle, are garbage. That whole faction exists now only to handicap whoever plays it.

Coalition weapons are all good, Ronin and Imperius have by far the best lineup.

Browncoat and Techion weapons largely overpriced and clumsy as heck. As far as I'm concerned they just don't stack up to the other factions. Though on the other hand, they have some of the most effective actors.

Don't know if this is the right place for it (I didn't see an actor comment thread), but the Techion Whitebot is just so OP it's not even funny. You can load that thing up with a heavy weapon and a light digger and it's still the fastest actor in the game. Considering it's only $20 more than most other light troops, it's without a doubt the best actor for it's price.

Also just gonna agree with a couple of posts I've seen on this page, so the dev. knows they aren't one off rants.

Some mods do melee weapons, I never use them though because they aren't very effective in CC.

This. Diggers are rape incarnate up close, we don't need anything else.

PPS does any faction (the coalition) need duplicate weapons? Like for real, two pistols? Nobody needs two pistols. Just make one thoroughly satisfying pistol.

I agree with this, though on the other hand, I don't see the point of any pistol sans possibly that Imperius exploding pistol. Diggers >>> pistols

Don't change it. Please. You guys have messed with the base.rte shotgun and the dummy grenade launcher, please for us don't change the regular techion rifle thing. It's perfect. We don't need it changed.

Oh god this. That faction was underpowered enough before you ruined their only good weapon. All they have going for them now is the Blaster Rifle, and thats decent at best.

Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:10 am

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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Browncoat magmaul grenade launcher thingy, the reload damage and effects are all perfect. :grin:

Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:51 am

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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Gun Name: Coalition Infantry Gatling Gun

What I Like: Gatling is nice,but that's just asthetics. What I really like about it is the firepower it can bring to the table,especially in a bunker,and it fits quite nicely with the Coalition's "Big,heavy,nasty" style of kit. However...

What I Don't Like: The spin time. It's simply too long to be very effective. Maybe reducing it by anywhere between a second to half a second would make it more viable in an assault.

Also,is it just me,or is the Coalition Auto Cannon an underwhelming piece of hardware? A direct impact is far more useful than the thing's cherry bomb blast.

Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:01 pm
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Riddle78 wrote:
Also,is it just me,or is the Coalition Auto Cannon an underwhelming piece of hardware? A direct impact is far more useful than the thing's cherry bomb blast.

Well, I guess the idea is getting direct hits :P

Though I like the small explosions, they look awesome.

Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:41 pm

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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Asklar wrote:
Riddle78 wrote:
Also,is it just me,or is the Coalition Auto Cannon an underwhelming piece of hardware? A direct impact is far more useful than the thing's cherry bomb blast.

Well, I guess the idea is getting direct hits :P

Though I like the small explosions, they look awesome.

However,the direct impact is still rather underwhelming. It's a kinetic weapon,essentially. Sends Dummies flying,no worse for wear (but that's probably their shtick: Impact tickles them),and Browncoats Heavies and Silverman bots simply tank it like a boss. You know what? I'll do another one.

Gun Name: Coalition Infantry Autocannon
What I Like: Full auto,looks intimidating. However...
What Needs Changin': One of two things: Stopping power or blast effectiveness. The Autocannon is unintimidating. Yeah,it shoots fast,but what use is that if most enemies can laugh off the head-sized canonballs it fires? Making the blast more effective would make it a viable crowd pleaser or poor-man's Uber Cannon,while increasing stopping power would make the weapon more effective at tearing down heavy targets,as is the intent of the weapon that I see. Also,the few times that I do get to take down a bunker defender with this thing,their carcass is stuck in the wall,which is hilarious. I honestly want to see it happen more often.

Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:50 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Weapon name: Imperatus Banshee HSR-02

What I like about the weapon: The firepower and ammount of damage a headshot does. It feels great.

What I don't like: The magazine feels like it should be larger, maybe one or two shells bigger. I also don't like the lack of penetration, it just feels too weak

Question: The name says "Banshee HSR-02", but the weapon's magazine carries three rounds. Is this a name flaw or does the 02 relate to something else?

Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:10 am
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Does it need to relate to something?

Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:53 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
It's probably a bit confusing because all of the numerical suffixes in the Browncoat weapon names indicate how much ammo is in the weapon's magazine.

Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:55 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
CaveCricket48 wrote:
It's probably a bit confusing because all of the numerical suffixes in the Browncoat weapon names indicate how much ammo is in the weapon's magazine.

Yeah. I'd make a guess that the '02' relates to it being a step above the regular sniper rifle.

Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:27 am
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No I just thought HSR-02 sounded badass.

Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:51 pm
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
It's actually "02" because it's the second heavy sniper rifle that has ever existed in Cortex Command.

Hint hint.

Yes, it's more or less a resprite of the Coalition's Heavy Sniper.

Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:14 pm

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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Heat Lance

This thing is amazing. I had no idea it could bounce off walls until today, and because of that it has just surpassed the remote grenade launcher for my number one bunker clearance weapon.


Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:23 am

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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Heavy Flamer.
Some Flamethrower in B23 i think.
I really liked it because it could be used as a jetpack or to destroy some walls.
The only thing i dislike is, that its not in the game anymore. :C

Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:31 pm
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Seems like a decent gun. Average for the Ronin.
What needs fixing: Jesus Christ the sprite is Godawfull. Please fix it. it is disproportioned and completely the wrong colour.

Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:11 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Major wrote:
Seems like a decent gun. Average for the Ronin.
What needs fixing: Jesus Christ the sprite is Godawfull. Please fix it. it is disproportioned and completely the wrong colour.

Agreed, it looks like garbage.

Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:47 pm
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