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 XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake) 
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Post Re: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake)
Just lost two of my best soldiers, both Lieutenants, and two promising squaddies, and failed a mission, causing widespread panic.

I'm also playing on Iron Man because I am not a dweeb.

This sucks.


We are gathered today in memory of Major Ross Flores, more commonly known amongst his peers as 'Whiskey', due to his excessive drinking problem, which he referred to as his 'Drinking Challenge'.

Major Ross Flores was the only Canadian member on the X-COM project and proved his mettle as the highest promoted field agent in X-COM history.

With 21 confirmed X-Rays neutralized, and 9 missions completed, his effectiveness against the enemy has yet to be surpassed.
Always the ladies man, Major Ross Flores died after sustaining heavy enemy plasma fire in a wooded area within the Chinese border next to a female Japanese agent and some Middle Eastern broad who's flag I cannot recognize. It doesn't matter, they were not important.

His death was not immediate, and after striking an enemy Muton in the face with a burst of pistol fire, reportedly his last words were "There are no ♥♥♥♥ redheads in China, why the ♥♥♥♥ am I dying in China."

He will be missed, for without his expertise it is highly probable that the Alien foe will realize their goal of the conquest of Earth.

Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:55 pm
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Post Re: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake)
Mr. Ross Flores sounds surprisingly similar to you Dauss.
Do I smell a self-insert soldier.

Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:09 am
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Post Re: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake)
I lost my best soldier on the mission right before the last one. Colonel Sergio 'Collateral' Guzman, will be missed. He was with us from the very beginning of the campaign, and regretfully, he will not get to see this war come to a close. He gave his life during a tactical withdraw, taking six plasma shots before finally succumbing to wounds. His squad died in the resulting firefight. In one mission, our finest soldiers gave their lives for mankind.

Colonel Sergio 'Collateral' Guzman : 35 Kills, 19 Missions
Major Ricardo 'Sentinel' Rossi : 21 Kills, 12 Missions
Major John 'Kong' Martin : 25 Kills, 12 Missions
Captain David 'Missionary' Brown : 13 Kills , 14 Missions
Sergeant Mary 'Skinner' Murphy : 5 Kills, 5 Missions
Corporal Beth Wilson : 3 Kills, 5 Missions.

The finest soldiers a commander could've asked for.


That mission was a god damn slaughter house. After ten minutes of battle, I knew there was no chance of victory, since I'd already lost three people to massed Cyberdisk + Muton Elite fire. Started to withdraw, but it was too late :(

Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:39 am
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Post Re: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake)
111herbert111 wrote:
I also had to put down my top sniper, who got MC'd by the big boss
RIP Frank "Drifter" Texico -sniper extraordinaire -depressingly friendly fire

Any time my dudes get MC'd, I just suppress* the heck out of them; the control only lasts ~4 turns. The AI loses it at the prospect of being under suppression and risking Reaction Shots from ~half my squad at once, and promptly does nothing. Doesn't even use Hunker Down. :???:

'course that only really works if the rest of the enemy is hanging back too.

*I added the suppression attack option to every automatic weapon (read; assault rifles and LMG-types), though heavy weapons are much better at it than rifles. Go go .ini-modding!

On the bright side, I captured the first Ethereal I encountered alive, on a 34% stun chance no less. Haven't interrogated him yet, though. That comes after research, and another Battleship raid. Which, according to the Hyperwave Array, comes with the promise of Sectopods and more Ethereals! But also more Fusion Cores, and that means more Blaster Launchers!

Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:41 pm
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Post Re: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake)
Miggles wrote:
Mr. Ross Flores sounds surprisingly similar to you Dauss.
Do I smell a self-insert soldier.

No, I don't drink Whiskey. And if I did I'd drink Whisky.

He was just the only Canadian in my team and so he received special treatment, and eventually turned into a super soldier as a result.

He overextended and was flanked by like 3 mutons and pinned down by another 3 ahead of him. He killed one with his pistol after running out of laser rifle charge and was then critically wounded and bled out.

Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:16 am
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Post Re: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake)
So wait, another lone canadian super soldier? I sense a trend. I should make a squad consisting entirely of lone canadian super soldiers!!


hold on a second

there aren't that many canadians are there?

Regardless, MOOSEFIST MAPLEBLAST remains one of my top soldiers. Even with just a plasma pistol, he causes about as much damage as everyone else, but at far greater ranges. And then there's double tap with a laser sniper. The dude's pretty much mobile artillery, especially with squad sight.

yes i would give a danish soldier an equally ridiculous name, if Denmark even exists in this game

i do have a norwegian but his name is Thor Hansen and he's a heavy, so i'd probably be destroyed by thunder if i tried to change it

Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:51 am
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Post Re: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake)
firaxis y no modtools for xcom community
we need danish soldiers for shook

Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:59 pm
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And more regional voices, im sick of my japanese ninja strike time sounding american D:.

On a side note, modding tools would be interesting to do. however i would clearly do a warhammer mod xD.

On a different note, i've encounted a weird bug during a escort mission, In which i've got the civvie on the other side of the map where the extraction point is, but it kept saying Aborting mission, being sleepy and derpy at the time through the game changed in later game so you have to have everyone back at the extraction point to successfully finished... in turns out i've aborted the mission despite killing ALL aliens and having the VIP on the extraction point.

I wasn't very amused to say at the least.

Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:02 am
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Post Re: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake)
My new top soldier has encountered the wounded forever glitch and is currently sitting out active duty until I can find a save game editor or some other work around.

If you know one, provide it please.

Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:01 am
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Post Re: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake)
LordVonKain wrote:
And more regional voices, im sick of my japanese ninja strike time sounding american D:.
On a side note, modding tools would be interesting to do. however i would clearly do a warhammer mod xD.

I was just thinking how if the stock and holographic sight were chopped off the default assault rifle it'd make a decent looking bolter.

Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:03 am
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Post Re: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake)
So I never really had a huge problem before with the alien free move on sight thing. I know WHY the developers implemented it (to prevent wiping out clustered aliens before they even have the chance to retaliate and making the game too easy), and while I didn't really agree with it, it never really affected me, so I never cared.

Then this happened:


It may be difficult to see, but basically what happened was I advanced 2 members of my team (the first didn't see anything and gave an all clear,) and the second one advanced two grids to the left of him.

At that time, a group of 3 chryssalids burst out of some ♥♥♥♥ invisible closet or some other assorted bull♥♥♥♥, moved right next to my team, and THEN did the 'Oh ♥♥♥♥ we're spotted' routine. Except they just moved even closer and boxed them in.

Their turn wasn't over yet.

Then a squadron of floaters did the EXACT SAME THING. There is another one in that screenshot, hiding somewhere nearby, the only one to back off after this bull♥♥♥♥.

Obviously as soon as their turn began, they cut down my first man, and then cut down the second man. The only man left standing was a rookie that I forgot to put armor on.

All in one swift motion, I lost 3 soldiers at full health. On an Ironman game. Because of cheating AI.


Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:50 am
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Post Re: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake)
You think that's cheating? Try having enemies seemingly teleport into your squads. Just, aliens out of nowhere. I'm not even talking like Floater/Thin Man boost/jump. Sectopods can sometimes do it too!

It is pretty tiresome though. The only slow way to spot them without them spotting you and triggering the animation is to advance REALLY carefully, like 1 tile at a time. Then you can pick them off with a squadsight sniper at least.

Ed: Silly me, I forgot about Ghost armour ability. Cloaked dudes won't trigger the animation either, so cloak-recon is fairly effective. Just have to watch that limited uses/duration and break-when-attacking thing. The alerted animation will still trigger the moment the cloaked trooper becomes visible.

I think a lot of the problem stems from the fact the AI 'teams' can also move freely around the FoW until spotted, at which point they get to do the spotted-move as well; even if they already did the effective equivalent of a double-move. :???:

Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:16 am
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what annoys me the most is, at times i think they can't attack from how far they move, and yet they seemly do a Dash movement, Then fire after it and it just make me facedesk. after losing a couple of soldiers i've started to only use one turn move then overwatch, only Ever dashing when my people are way behind just to catch up.

Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:06 pm
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Post Re: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Remake)
LordVonKain wrote:
what annoys me the most is, at times i think they can't attack from how far they move, and yet they seemly do a Dash movement, Then fire after it and it just make me facedesk. after losing a couple of soldiers i've started to only use one turn move then overwatch, only Ever dashing when my people are way behind just to catch up.

That's pretty much the way I've always operated, there's no reason to rush in XCOM.

Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:27 pm
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Unless you're doing terror missions, in which case you have a really good reason to rush over to the aliens and kill them. Screw saving civilians, they're all safe when you kill all the aliens. :U

Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:39 pm
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