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 Legends of the Sky 
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Look for ♥♥♥♥♥es to ♥♥♥♥. If unsuccessful, ignore Swordbro's horniness and make some breakfast.

Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:09 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [4]:
You wake up, but sadly, there are no female dogs to copulate with nearby.
*yawn* Sup dude.
*sniff sniff* "Breakfast, that's what."

Quickly donning a pair of pants, you strut down to the galley and help yourself to a hamwhich. While you munch on the warm food, you listen on the others and try to get a picture of what everyone did yesterday.
It's... difficult. Mostly because they're all idiots.


Miggles (Robert Wright) [10]:
"I think I should be the ships cook, I'm getting pretty good at this!"
"..No.. How about Charlotte does all the real work while you mix it all together?"
"I second that motion because it will be adorable."

Sedraxis huffs and crosses his arms, then rips off a chunk of his bread, slaps some butter on it, and crams it into his mouth angrily. THEN re-crosses his arms.
You were about to go fetch the Captain, but it appears the smell of food has roused him from his slumber already. Good timing. You hand him some meat stacked on top of his bread, and he... uh... sorta just jams the meat into the side of the loaf and starts eating it.
Whatever, that works.


Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [9]:
"I think I should be the ships cook, I'm getting pretty good at this!"
"..No.. How about Charlotte does all the real work while you mix it all together?"
"I second that motion because it will be adorable."

You notice the sprite darken visibly, in what you know to be embarrassment. You grin to yourself, then scoop the little ball of light up and deposit her on your shoulder.
"G'morning Charlotte."

She pouts like a child, it's like having your a little sister. Made of floating magic and light. But still!
With a good half a loaf still in hand, you head up onto deck, and catch the last of the sunrise, still dying the sky a bit of orange near the horizon. Upon seeing it, Charlotte forgets her embarrassment and flits up into the air next to your head, watching the sunrise.
There really isn't a more picturesque time of day than this.


Izen (Sedraxis) [2]:
"I think I should be the ships cook, I'm getting pretty good at this!"
"..No.. How about Charlotte does all the real work while you mix it all together?"
"I second that motion because it will be adorable."

Dejected, you cram some more bread into your mouth and chew slowly, pretending to ignore the fact that if you swallow this much bread at once you'll choke.


Maart3n (Mareikura) [1-2=1]:
Oh man, there's nothing you can do about this magic burn. Your ability with fire means you'll heal up from the burn fast enough. Spend enough time playing with the raw primordial energy of the world in the form of its most destructive child, and you learn to handle a little burn automatically.
The Darkness in it is another story. You're not sure how to get that fixed, or if it'll even fade with time. The pain is already almost gone, but your magical senses are noticeably dulled, and you have a feeling some of that old man's magic was designed to linger and give you trouble for a while.
Man, all you did was try to burn down his house. Why'd he have to blast you with some dark magic curse crap?


Tomaster (James Tiber) [4-2=2]:
Wait, not that last one. Right now, that last one is the enemy.
With a truly herculean effort, you manage to lift yourself, and fall off your bed onto the floor.


Game Events: The team is mostly awake now, with 2 of the 6 still suffering from debilitating aftereffects from the previous day.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:18 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Finish eating and walk out to upper deck. Wield Swordbro and attempt to create/launch a more powerful variant of Moonlight Splitter. Aim towards empty sky and not anything important.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:16 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>See if there are any cookbooks. Study them. If not, chill on the upper deck.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:59 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
...just a little bit of Thunderwater to wake me up. Then food.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:13 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
-4? Jezus that ♥♥♥♥ is powerful.
Do whatever needs to be done on the ship, might as well make myself useful now that I'm no longer able to use magic.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:10 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
> Check out all if any changes to the ship and look for issues with mechanics.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:29 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Practice some sword techniques, swish swish stab and all that.

Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:45 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [7]:
Whatever. You cram the rest of your food in, make sure Swordbro is still on your back, and head up onto the deck. Grif and his sprite are already up here, but you go a bit away from them for what you're planning on doing. You'll probably need it.
"Hey Swordbro. You know anything about magic?"
"Like how I can use my Moonlight Splinter and launch waves of magic that cut things."
Huh? ...OH! Those! Yeah yeah, I know what you mean. Why?
"I wanna do a big one."
Okay. Just flow some power into me, I'll take care of the rest. You can figure it out yourself from watching it, probably.

You do as he says, flowing energy in like you do with Moonlight Splinter, but this time the energy doesn't stop. In fact, it keeps going for several seconds until your blade is literally glowing with energy. Grif is watching now as well, when suddenly you draw your sword to your side, turning your body, then flick the other way, swinging it in front of you hard and fast. It's surprising because you didn't make those actions, Swordbro forced your body to.
As your blade slices through the air, the energy discharges, and your sword leaves a brilliant blue trail through the air. You stare at it for a moment, and then it violently explodes forward with a loud boom, throwing you backwards and rocking the entire ship.
"Holy ♥♥♥♥!"
Not bad. Not much range though.

...Holy crap your arms hurt now.


Miggles (Robert Wright) [1]:
You could look over what those dockworkers and such did to your ship.
You could do it later.


Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [8]:
You decide to do a little practice with your rapier, and go through some basic motions while the day is still pretty. After a few minutes, Troy heads up on deck and pulls out his own sword, and... starts talking to it?
You put your rapier back for a bit and watch Troy. He gathers energy on his sword and draws it back, and you instinctively cover Charlotte. Just in time too, because when he unleashes the attack it sends the whole ship shaking and makes you stumble back a bit from the force of the blast!
...Wow. You want to learn how to do THAT.


Izen (Sedraxis) [7]:
Psh. Cookbooks. You wish. There are barely any books on the ship, let alone for something so trivial as cooking. A quick search sadly confirms this, and you decide to head up to the deck. When you're almost up there though, something very loud and very explosive sends the entire ship shaking. You hear a couple things fall down lower on the ship, but right now you're more worried about what the HELL that was.


Maart3n (Mareikura) [7]:
You doubt anything needs doing right now.
Honestly, what's most important is getting your magic fixed somehow. You're the group's mage, if they need magic and you can't provide, then you'll all be ♥♥♥♥ out of luck.
Anyway, you don't really know what to do. Best way to fix this would probably be someone who knows a lot about Dark and Light magic. The old man is obviously out of the question, and you don't know anyone on the island to ask either.
Maybe you should just leave and hope things work themselves out. Hell, that may be all you can do anyway.


Tomaster (James Tiber) [4]:
How did you even plow through half a bottle already?
...Whatever. You take a quick nip just to wake yourself up, and it works. Stuff shocks your throat on the way down and doesn't sit still in your belly. If nothing else, you're certainly awake now.


Game Events: People all over the docks look over, trying to see what caused such a huge explosion.

Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:53 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"If one of us made that explosion I think it might just be time to leave."
Run around the ship and see if there's anything I can use as a weapon until my magic comes back.

Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:37 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Oh god what was that oh god oh geez"
>Run up to the deck, prepare for something horrible to have happened

Last edited by Izen on Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:19 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Oh god damn it."
> Ignore the explosion and get back to checking the ship.

Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:09 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Saunter over to Troy, ask what needs doing.

Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:39 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Nice." >Head back down in case I'm needed.

Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:43 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Uh, yeah, we might want to get a move on now, I'm not sure if creating a ground shaking explosion is a crime, but I'd rather not find out."
Attempt to get a move on

Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:08 am
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