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 RtD-Classic Adventure|Roll 35|Ch-2|Enter the Dragon 
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 29| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
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Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:16 am
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 29| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

That is all.

Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:36 am
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 27| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
Roll 30
Game Events

[MPC]:TorrentHKU\John= 10
Arking your hand over the gems creates a wall of dangerous looking spikes, and after a few momments of playing around you find you can extend them to a much larger or smaller size, decreasing or increasing their strength and intricacy respectively. You then set about creating bands by hyper compressing the gems, creating near impenetrable subsistences that seem to glow with a hidden energy...

TheKebbit\Iron Mauler= 20
You pull out Mulchs paradox sack with a grin and start shoveling as much as you can in a reasonable amount of time...
A long time in the future...
After years of searching the desert, Sir Albert Dinkentons expedition had finally found it, the Vengence and the untold richs to be had inside of its bows. He lost nearly 20 to the skeleton pirates, but the promise of riches drove him further and further into the wreckage, until he finally entered ballast chamber. He died crying on a heap of broken faberge eggs, thinking everything he was told as a child was a lie.

In a mere 3 or four minutes you manage to heap everything into the sack, every last vase, coin, and sprinkle of fairy dust. dusting the gold dust off you, you let Becquerel guide you to the ships simplistic alchemy station.

Nighthawk\Mir Swiftclaw= 11
Pulling yourself up, you find the levi-stone dock with relative ease, fortunately most of the pirates seem to be either preoccupied or dead. Resting your hand on the levistone, you realise it will take some time to tap into a stone of this size.

maart3n\Mulch= 1
Suddenly, you are teleported onto the deck of your own ship, and immidiatly become pinned between one of Emi's kicks and a swing of Misha's staff. Pain ensues as you are slammed into the deck, cracking it.

Harzipan\Kythen Meertreg= 1+3= 4
Running over to Mulch, you begin to take a swing at one of the pirates, before being teleported to the deck of your own ship. You almost say something before mulch gets slammed into the deck in front of you, ouch...

Huntsman\Henry= 7
You summon up your newfound powers to teleport yourself to Mulch, not taking into account the fact he's in the middle of a heated conflict. When you reappear, you find yourself in front of a swinging blade.
You teleport again, this time panickedly taking you and two passengers to the deck of your own ship, safe and sound.

Game Events
Shits about to go down, I recommend that all boarding cease, then again I'm sure miggles won't mind if you stay on for a bit longer.

129 pirates down: only 121 remain.

Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:15 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 30| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
DWARF RAGE, Thunder smash a pirate through the deck.

Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:32 pm
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> Beautiful! Now then. Find a way out, if I have to then fire a crystal grappling hook/line at our ship to swing over. Hope I don't have to, because while it'd be cool it sounds dangerous as mudwrestling with an amorous tiger.

Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:35 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 30| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
"Hey! Dwarf! Try not breaking the ship, alright?

Assist anyone who still needs to get back over to our ship. And make sure that they're not pirates.

Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:58 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 30| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
MORE CAUSTIC HALLUCINOGEN RAGE COCKTAILS. After that, make a spirited attempt to return to our ship.

Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:32 pm
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> Take some time to tap into a stone of this size. :P

Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:43 pm

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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 30| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
> see if i can assist anyone by teleporting them to safety

(Also im going away for the next week and when if fail flail rolls hang back)

Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:45 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 30| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!

*Looking at you Keb, I can wait.

Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:55 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 30| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!

Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:11 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 30| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
it's not my action that he's concerned about


i'm already in the process of ejecting all my other writing commitments, so that should free up more time

also i'm spending less time on actual work

Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:54 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 27| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
Roll 31
Game Events

[MPC]:TorrentHKU\John= 16
Welp, judging from the piratical screams your job here seems pretty much done. Piercing through the entirety of the ship, you use your gems to launch yourself out of the dieing vessel and onto your own decks, or rather attempt to...

"Mulch-chan! Are you alright?!?" "Wow! Where did he come from!? Uh, is he going to be alRI-EEEIII!!!!!!"

Knocking someone to the ground in a somewhat spectacular fashion, you notice in your slightly dazed state that neither of you seem to be too harmed.
...Wait, Emi?!

TheKebbit\Iron Mauler= 8
You manage to make something that looks tastes and smells like a light brandy before you start to bail from the ship.
Laced Brandy!
Making your way to the top deck, you find pirates scurry back and forth, trying with their utmost might to stop the inevitable destruction of their ship, you feel that pirates can have a strange sense of nobility. Grabbing the nearest one, you bind him in the long spool of rope he was carrying and promptly throw him onto your deck. Not the sturdiest anchor, but it'll have to- oh look at that, Mulch pounded it into the deck, good job team. Swinging across, you land a few feet short of the top deck, but Kythen clamber to the relative safety of your own deck.

Nighthawk\Mir Swiftclaw= 12
Aaaandddd, there! You can now control the stone... Now what do?

maart3n\Mulch= 12
THE ♥♥♥♥ WAS THAT! YOU AIN'T GOING TO TAKE NO ♥♥♥♥ FROM NO ONE!! A roughly bound pirate lands at your feet, without hesitation you send him through the deck of the ship...

"Oh Gods... what a hangove-"*CRASH* "AHHHHHH FUUCKKK!!"


Huh, whoops.

Harzipan\Kythen Meertreg= 9
"Hey! Dwarf! Try not breaking the ship, alright?"
Suddenly, a pirate skids across the deck, and Mulch promptly smashes it through the deck. Ignoring your double-negitive-positive fail, you sigh and give Iron a hand by pulling him up on deck.

Huntsman\Henry= 7
You flash in next to Mir, since he's the last one on the pirate ship he'll probably need a hand on getting off.

Game Events
Yay for rolls!

??? pirates down: only (It doesn't matter anymore!) remain.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:59 am
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 31| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
It's okay Fail Flail.
I forgive you.
Just do more flailing and less failing next time, kay? ~<3

> Wat. Appraise situation before something goes horribly wrong and I take a hairdrill to the eye.
Those things can deflect shotgun blasts, they're not to be trifled with.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:01 pm
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Post Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |Roll 31| Ch-1 Katawa Shou-down!
Kill more pirates, cleanse our ship!

Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:07 pm
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