Re: RtD- A Dying Universe - Spacecles
its the roll youve all been waiting for..
Roll 13, yes - Day 4746
Harzipan - Isaac 5:Here we go! Space Comdums! Your dyslexic eyes can't tell the difference! Oh ♥♥♥♥! Why are there so many exclamation marks!!!!!!!!
Opening the box, you are surprised to see that the "condoms" aren't actually rubbers, but instead pills! You suppose they prevent sperm flow and/or production temporarily?? Who knows.
Roast Veg - Bodil 8:You enter the games room and look for a good game to play..
Ah, yes, this one! A classic. It's called "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 28". This was one of your favorites when you were little! A real gem.
You pop it into the CROSSTANGLE 1080 and grab the controller. As usual, the title screen is delayed by the 2 hour cutscene that you can't skip! It's super hardcore. There's sweaty men running at each other with guns and TONS OF BLOOD AND GORE
Heavy metal plays in the background. This is super relaxing.
Unwoundpath - Waqu 13:You put the Cap on anesthetics and slice open his chest. You immediately notice the puncture in his lung.
Slowly and delicately, you remove the fractured bones from the lung. Using HIGH-TECH BIOGLUE you close up the lung. Now to repair his bones.
You carefully move the bones back into place and wrap them with biodegradable medical tape. Ahh, the wonders of medicine.
The tape administers pain-killers to the subject while simultaneously keeping the bones in place.
Sowing his chest back together, and wrapping the outside of him with some gauze to sturdy-ify his torso further, you finish.
Wait, no, you still have to get his hip.
Taking a closer look with the analyzer, it appears that it's only a minor fracture. It should heal within 7-8 days.
TheKebbit - Havelock 4:You check for an option that causes the shield to start at the hull and slowly move out. There is none that you can see..
You might just have to go all in and see if it does that anyway, or maybe even if it can kill the creature outright despite what you expected.
CrazyMLC - Jonathon 6:You head to the janitorial closet, enter through your secret door, and find your blow-up doll.
You begin making out with it, voraciously grasping at the balloon with your mouth.
You also get one of
these.TheChairman - Richard 6:You already have. It's been like, a long time since then.
But now you're on your ship. You appear to have just been operated on. Surgically. Your chest hurts a bit but not as much as before, and you have a minor limp.
Lots of ♥♥♥♥ happens.