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 Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09) 
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Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:21 pm
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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
I don't think scanning "now" costs me any money. I will go back and check later today.

Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:43 pm

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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
First time poster, long time watcher(b22 i think?). Anyway, most of the bugs i've encountered so far have been mentioned. Dig gold AI not consistantly working, sometimes will start and stop during Brain Vs Brain. Also, maybe not a bug but a minor annoyance- Every unit built needs to be in sentry AI mode by default, so they don't rush out to fight immediately. And lastly, maybe just the engine, but when deploying c4 explosives to close to a wall, they stick to my actor instead.

Great game!!
Thx :)

Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:32 pm

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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
I discovered and purchased the game recently on Steam and I'm really enjoying it. However, there's a bug that's pretty much stopping me from playing the game.

My units randomly die. Usually after quite a lengthy game my units (whether they be robots, humans or a brain bot) just randomly explode, it only happens when I'm in control of it. I can't actually do anything with this happening, I was planning an assault on an AI bunker, had everything planned out and then my miner just blew up. So I got a new one in, he died, so I decided to approach the bunker from another angle and my assault robot dies. After a while all that's left is my brain bot and the other droid thing you begin with. So I decide approaching the bunker from underground with my brain bot, then he died and I lost.

This needs to be fixed asap, I can't play the game!

Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:55 pm

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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
On exit, Cortex command.exe stops responding. This happened with b27 too.

Windows 7, i7 2600k, 8gb ram, nvidia 8800gtx.

Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:15 pm

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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
Please consider having the amount of gold per player slowly tick up over time.

There were a few occasions while playing multiplayer that some players would lose their actors and diggers and couldn't afford to get new ones - this caused the game to grind to a halt as they were without a way to generate income.

Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:26 pm

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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
I had a reinstall since mods were causing strange bugs (e.g. units couldn't pick up any items on the ground, regardless of the faction of the item nor if they dropped something they were holding).

Anyways I did a complete wipe of the game on the hard drive, redownloaded and reinstalled. Now I get a bug very time I try to start in full screen (Alt+Enter).
The bug is "Unable to enter fullscreen mode because: Can not set video mode! Will try to enter windowed mode".
It has no trouble reverting to window mode. I've tried this with the desktop driver set to different resolutions. I have a NVIDIA card and drivers, Windows 7 64Bit, with UAC installed, but I gave the game admin privileges. My native is 1600 something. I tried setting resolutions in the game options and then alt+entering but that only causes a "pink screen" error.

Is there a solution to the full screen error? I'm running in Steam, so is there a command line option for the executable?

Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:43 am

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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
Seems like the CPU in skirmish modes do nothing (Survival, Gold Rush, etc). No brain bot for them is made, and no units are called down from them.

Also, there seems to be periodic lag accompanying this, and checking the console shows repeated errors such as
ERROR: Base.rte/Activities/Survival.lua:198: Attempt to compare number with nil

Cal-El wrote:
Also, maybe not a bug but a minor annoyance- Every unit built needs to be in sentry AI mode by default, so they don't rush out to fight immediately.


Also, it would be great if you could edit the auto-build schematic before the base is actually built at the end of the day. Perhaps if you tick auto-build then hit the Build button then you can see the auto-generated schematics?

Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:15 am

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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)

I'm at 1920x1080 but its this small? Is there no full screen button? I'm changing resolutions but the window size doesn't actually change.

Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:38 pm
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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
vedicardi wrote:
I'm at 1920x1080 but its this small? Is there no full screen button? I'm changing resolutions but the window size doesn't actually change.

Gonna completely ignore the fact that you uploaded a screenshot of a screenshot...

Go under the options tab and select "2x window" button in the top left, cortex command has 3 settings for that button.
1x window, technically 1/2, as it's half of whatever the set resolution.
2x window, 1:1 ratio, don't do this in windowed mode if that's the exact size of your monitor, CC doesn't like it very much.
Full screen, exactly what it says on the tin.

Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:04 am

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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
I'm having the same difficulty as GoodGameXXX in regards to full screen mode. "Unable to enter fullscreen mode because: Can not set video mode". Just bought the came upon official release and haven't had the opportunity to play it yet due to how small windowed mode keeps coming up. I've been patient hoping for a patch or at least a fix but I really want to try this game out.

Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:12 am

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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
Full Screen is alt-enter at startup! It worked for me when the video modes did not.

In brain vs brain, (fresh install with updated unitec mod), I started digging with a silverman unit with a heavy digger. Every thing was going fine until I hit a certain spot on the map which caused my actor to explode violently. Being short on money I sent another unit to pick up the heavy digger tool and upon contact with the digger in the same spot another actor exploded violently, and so on with another actor until I just gave up.

Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:45 am

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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
Stop playing at high resolutions. The game looks best at 640x480 or 800x600 anyway and the graphics error (in my experience at least) goes away at 800x600.
Though I suppose the fault is data's he should have made it default to 800x600 or something so people would know that that was safe.

Cal-El - that's the seam bug, mentioned in the first post. It happens when you're on the seam of a map and it still hasn't been pinned down (or at least not fixed).

Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:47 am

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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
Bombzero wrote:
vedicardi wrote:
I'm at 1920x1080 but its this small? Is there no full screen button? I'm changing resolutions but the window size doesn't actually change.

Gonna completely ignore the fact that you uploaded a screenshot of a screenshot...

Go under the options tab and select "2x window" button in the top left, cortex command has 3 settings for that button.
1x window, technically 1/2, as it's half of whatever the set resolution.
2x window, 1:1 ratio, don't do this in windowed mode if that's the exact size of your monitor, CC doesn't like it very much.
Full screen, exactly what it says on the tin.

the 2x window button doesn't do anything (the windows disappears as if it is going to change, but when it comes back its the exact same size), but I noticed on the title screen you can just hit alt+enter or whatever and that forces it

Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:50 am

Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:12 pm
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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
I am also having the exact same problems with the screen size. I also just bought the game off of steam.

Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:14 pm
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Post Re: Cortex command 1.0 Bug Reports (OP updated 30.09)
vedicardi wrote:

Aight, follow these steps exactly and I almost guarantee it will work.

1. set the resolution 1 setting LOWER then your screen size on the same aspect ration. The borders of the CC window do take up space after all.
2. restart as per the prompt at the bottom of the settings.
3. press "2x window"

If it doesn't work at that point I don't know what to tell you. I also have next to none of the bugs or issues most people have.

Just a bit of an aside here...
-My AI seems fairly competent, and rarely hesitates before firing.
-My miners usually do okay, not great but ok.
-My brain never "randomly explodes"
-the "goto" command works quite well for me, navigational AI is decent both for aboveground and mining purposes.
-Dropships and rockets are both quite safe for me, I simply don't call them 3 pixels in front of an enemy with a missile launcher.
-The game isn't "too easy" I avoid using obvious caveats in the game's design.
-I haven't encountered the scene gib bug in several weeks.
-I can use the jetpack, walk, and crawl with almost no issues, the actors behave fairly rationally.

In short, most peoples complaints are rather confusing to me, as I literally have encountered maybe 2 bugs in 1.0

Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:53 am
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