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 [B33] MaximDude Corp. (10 Year Anniversary Update) 
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11)
Zeroxys wrote:
Tis B27 compatible

*Immediate redownload.

Oh how I loved this mod. The guns, the laser fence, the turrets, especially the turrets.

Last edited by The Decaying Soldat on Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:30 am
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11)
Hey there everyone! :D

I'd like to say that the mod is not dead, but rather on hold.
For how long will it be on hold, I can't say because I don't know that yet myself...

I was planning on releasing a nice big update some time after B26 came out, featuring new content and revised/finished old content that was removed in previous updates.
I got around 30-40% of it done but some ♥♥♥♥ came up and my current military service work schedule doesn't allow me much free time to do anything really...

Though I promise that I will find the time to update this mod and bring it to completion, but it wont happen in the next year and a half at least.

Thanks to everyone who downloaded and enjoyed the mod.
Suggestions are always welcome, i'll add them to the now-longer-than-should-be todo list.


Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:32 pm

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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (B27 compatible))
@Maxim ahhhh great to hear that it isn't dead :D and even more to see you're alive XD

Anyhow goodluck with your military things :p

Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:55 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (B27 compatible))
Awesome! Totally re-downloading now. One of the best mods to add to vanilla CC btw, just love it, especially the bunker systems too.

Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:41 am

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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (B27 compatible))
Pity those bunker systems are not alligned properly, other than this and as i understand WIP content not balanced or not funcioning properly this is one of my favorite mods.

Millitary 'duty'...huh...again politics need someone to kill more 'dangerous' civils for them in 'valour honorable mission for god freedom and everything what is just' it seems...
but dont worry...those are "bad guys" civils -.-

Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:22 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (B27 compatible))
-Political comments retracted-

I wanted to know if Maxim plans on adding any more back story to his mod, Personally I've always Imagined MDC a lot like a space age american Military contractor, only more for bunker defenses and such, I find that their weapons fit will with the coalition, especially the assault rifle MKII. Which goes along with the theme I had pictured of them.

Last edited by Roy the Cuttlefish on Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:00 am, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:45 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (B27 compatible))
I don't think this discussion regarding the necessity of the army is really in the right place, and frankly, I can't see it going anywhere constructive. Stick to discussing MDC, please.

Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:16 am
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (B27 compatible))
When I use the Skinner against an Aco Delta Foxtrot, EVERYONE in my team gibs except for the skinned foxtrot. So far, it's only happened when I skinned my OWN team's Foxtrot. I also posted this in the Aco Delta thread just in case.

Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:51 am
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (B27 compatible))
Someone64 wrote:
When I use the Skinner against an Aco Delta Foxtrot, EVERYONE in my team gibs except for the skinned foxtrot. So far, it's only happened when I skinned my OWN team's Foxtrot. I also posted this in the Aco Delta thread just in case.


Anyway.... 1.0 compatible and all that.

Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:57 am
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (B27 compatible))
MaximDude wrote:
Someone64 wrote:
When I use the Skinner against an Aco Delta Foxtrot, EVERYONE in my team gibs except for the skinned foxtrot. So far, it's only happened when I skinned my OWN team's Foxtrot. I also posted this in the Aco Delta thread just in case.


Anyway.... 1.0 compatible and all that.

I was starting to panic.

Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:08 am

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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (1.0 compatible))
Having issues controlling the gunships in 1.0, shouldn't the manoeuvre keys be the standard WASD while the turret is aimed independently with the mouse? Not working for me at any rate :???:

Love the bunker systems, they are very cool! The laser door is utterly hilarious against hordes of AI actors.

Also any chance you could have the nuke craft pointing nose down when they enter from a call-in? Seems a bit odd for it to enter like a regular rocket.

Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:34 am
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (1.0 compatible))
D'oh God, it's so beautiful! :-D

Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:47 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (1.0 compatible))
tankmayvin wrote:
Having issues controlling the gunships in 1.0, shouldn't the manoeuvre keys be the standard WASD while the turret is aimed independently with the mouse? Not working for me at any rate :???:

They are controlled as they were always...

Read this carefully, I hope it clears things up regarding the gunships and how they work for you and everyone else.
Please note that this short gunship guide is most aggressive, I would like to clear that it is not aggressive towards you or anyone else, I just wanted it to be aggressive. hurr durr
There will be alot of BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS. So yeah, let's do this...

The MK1 is made of TWO COMPLETELY SEPARATE actors.

• One is the DROPSHIP - When it is selected, you control ONLY the DROPSHIP ITSELF (You know, the flying thing that holds the turret), you have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER THE TURRET WHATSOEVER. AT ALL.

   The AI takes care of that turret crap - It does a shitty job most of the time but it tries really hard, so you gotta give it some credit.

• Now, the second actor is the TURRET - When it is selected, you control ONLY, ONLY and ONLY THE TURRET. You have ZERO CONTROL OVER THE DROPSHIP.
   You can see it get blown to a bazillion pieces along with you while controlling the TURRET and you will be able to do ♥♥♥♥ about it unless you switch back to the DROPSHIP and get the ♥♥♥♥ away.
   What happens when you switch to the TURRET is AI taking over the DROPSHIP controls, it tries to keep it the same place most of the time.
Make sure to set AI mode to 'Stay' so the dropship won't fly off to space once you select the turret.

• Here is a short scenario explaining how to utilize the gunship MK1 in combat:

1. You order a fresh, new gunship MK1 from the MDC catalog and wait for it to descend from the heavens.
2. Alright, you got it.
3. You proceed with selecting the DROPSHIP part and making your way towards your target area, meanwhile the AI does it's shitty job controlling the TURRET and trying to aim at enemies while being mobile and mostly just doing nothing besides freaking out.
4. If you were not shot down from the sky and/or blown up by random debris, then you have now reached your target area.
5. You proceed with setting the DROPSHIP AI mode to 'Stay' and switch to the gunship's TURRET.
6. You now have full control over the TURRET (Watch out, you have something like 360 degree aim, so you can easily blow your ride and die, so be careful) while leaving the piloting of the DROPSHIP to the AI.
7. You life now depends on AI piloting. This will most likely end bad.
8. While controlling the TURRET, you do your job - You ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ UP.
9. If you are not dead, then you are now finished ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ UP.
10. You switch back to the DROPSHIP, leaving TURRET controls over to the AI and have a nice day.

Easy as that. I know, it's kinda primitive, but that's why it's MK1 and all that...
Actually i'm just ♥♥♥♥ with lua so I really had no idea what I was doing.
Moving on...


• While still being put together from TWO COMPLETELY SEPARATE actors, you are able to CONTROL BOTH THE DROPSHIP AND THE TURRET AT THE SAME TIME.
   How ever, you are NOT ABLE TO TAKE DIRECT CONTROL OVER THE TURRET (as in, selecting it).

• The TURRET on the MK2 runs a script that will make you 'BOUNCE' BACK TO CONTROLLING THE DROPSHIP when you SWITCH CONTROL TO IT.
   NOTE that switching to the TURRET and 'bouncing' back to the DROPSHIP will DISABLE AI CONTROL OVER THE TURRET for the rest of the turret's short life on the battlefield.
   In other words, you will HAVE to select the TURRET to be able to control it while piloting the DROPSHIP.
• Because of this 'BOUNCE' crap, switching to a different actor might be a pain in the ass.
   The recommended course of action when trying to switch away from the gunship is to HOLD THE SWITCH KEY UNTIL THE CIRCLE SHOWS UP, then MOVE IT AWAY TO THE ACTOR YOU WISH TO SWITCH TO and RELEASE THE KEY.

• The TURRET is controlled via lua binded keys:
   The 'Z' key will make the turret rotate COUNTER-CLOCKWISE.
   The 'C' key will make the turret rotate CLOCKWISE.
   The 'X' key will make the turret fire it's weapon. NOTE that you are NOT ABLE TO MANUALLY RELOAD the turret. It will AUTOMATICALLY RELOAD once the MAGAZINE IS EMPTY, like any other weapon.
• Said rotation controls are true is the turret is FACING LEFT.
• If the turret happens to flip itself and FACE RIGHT while being over AI control then:
   The 'Z' key will make the turret rotate CLOCKWISE.
   The 'C' key will make the turret rotate COUNTER-CLOCKWISE.
   The 'X' key remains the fire key regardless of the direction the turret is facing.
• That is if I am not mistaken with this whole rotation bull♥♥♥♥. If I am, then it doesn't matter, you still have just 2 keys which you use to aim up/down. So yeah, moving on...

Binded keys can be configured by editing 'UInputMan:KeyHeld(#)' key values in 'GunShipMKII.lua'.

   Yeah, I think that's all there is to know about how it works.
• Here is a short scenario explaining how to utilize the gunship MK2 in combat:

1. You order a fresh, new gunship MK2 from the MDC catalog and wait for it to descend from the heavens.
2. Alright, you got it.
3. You proceed switching control to the GUNSHIP. If at first try you cease control over the DROPSHIP, tap the switch body key to select the TURRET and be switched back to controlling the DROPSHIP.
4. You have now activated BINDED MANUAL CONTROL of the TURRET, AI will now be disabled for the TURRET for the rest of it's stay on the battlefield.
5. You now make your way to the target area.
6. If you were not shot down from the sky and/or blown up by random debris, then you have now reached your target area.
9. If you are not dead, then you are a GREAT PILOT AND GUNMAN and now finished ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ UP.
10. You leave the target area and have a nice day.

Easy as that. Much more sophisticated than the MK1.
It has it's flaws, but it's a very solid killing machine.

I hope I got everything right, because I didn't really check how these babies behave in 1.0, I just pulled this aggressive gunship guide out of memory.
If you find that I missed something important, please tell me. I will later add this to the OP.

It is now 5:20 AM and I haven't selpt for over 30 hours, I think it's time for a nap.

Last edited by MaximDude on Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Oct 05, 2012 3:27 am

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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (1.0 compatible))
Cool, thanks =)

Fri Oct 05, 2012 3:42 am

Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:13 am
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp. (Updated 25/08/11 (1.0 compatible))
Getting this error:

Yay! Using the same image for 2 bug reports!

Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:56 pm
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