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 RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business! 
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"Guess I'll take the assembly line. I hope splitting the group isn't a bad idea, like in the movies."

>Head to the assembly line with the Thumper ready.

Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:31 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Go to storeroom

Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:00 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Harzipan - Nikolai Petrouski.
9 - Head to the security room.

Hacking is what you do best and you figure most of the interesting computer data should be in the security room.
The door was already open so you casually stroll into the room that is devoid of all life. Or at least it looks like the security guard is dead. The chances of finding survivors just got a lot slimmer.
"Ah well, there isn't blood on the keyboard this time."
You say as you sit down behind the security desk and log into the system.

Caekdaemon - Nathaniel McDonohugh.
3 - Go into the store room.

The storage room door is locked, but lucky for you there is an ventilation shaft just above it. Which you easily reach after a quick push by Ed. The shaft isn't anything like the ones in the spy films. No clean aluminium walls for you, these are cobwebbed and dirty. The spiders being the least of your worries, as every sound is amplified by the metal around you to a deafening cacophony, but even that doesn't compare to the blades of death commonly known as fans that lurk around every corner.
Finally you find a hatch that should lead into the storeroom. You look down and see what looks like the top of a storage rack.
Jumping down you find out that this also doesn't work like in the films.
The wooden plank snaps like a twig under the combined weight of you and the boxes on top of it. Building up momentum on the way you smash through every plank.

You finally hit the floor hard enough to cause a dent, luckily your augs saved you from injury. It can't be long until somebody comes to check this out though.

Asklar - Edward Smith.
8 - Head to the assembly line with the Thumper ready.

After giving Nathaniel a quick boost up the vent you head out to the assembly lines. Just like the storerooms these doors won't open, but unlike the store rooms these don't have a lock, so they must have been barred from the outside.
You take five steps back and charge the door. You can hear the screws being ripped from the door as the handles give out to the iron bar that's holding them together.
The momentum you've build up sends the iron bar flying, taking the two guards who came to check out the noise with them. Although they look like they took a beating the two get up and pull out some archaic looking pistols.
"Now, now boys, I don't think you want to do this."
"♥♥♥♥ of corporate dog, we'd rather die than obey one of you."
"Glad you asked."
Their smug faces turn into stains on the wall rather quickly after you pull the thumper's trigger.
Two others come running from the other side of the assembly line and you dive for cover while killing the first with some blindfire.

NikolasX - Heather.
9 - Go to the store room

Unlike Nathaniel you've had your fair share of ventilation shafts in the past and pass up on the offer to go through one again, instead deciding to jab your knife into the lock and see if you can crack it open.
Of course you can't, locks don't work that way. They do however turn into millions of fine pieces of metal if you shoot them with a HEAP round going faster than you can imagine.
Actually, half the door disappeared after you shot the lock.
When you walk into the store rooms you see a hatch open above an especially badly constructed storage rack. Followed by Nathan going through it, and every single plank that holds the rack together.
This might just have distracted attention away from you, nice!

Thekebbit - Dagenham
5 - Sweep the offices.

You kick down the door to the offices, not even checking if it was open. Shooting a full clip worth of 8guage shells into the cubicles. The click of the empty mag also marks the moment the ten activists choose to hop out of cover.
You kick over a heavy looking desk and take cover behind it. Wishing you hadn't emptied that mag so carelessly.

Game events:
You're in, and unless your name is Nikolai you're going to confront the activists next round.

Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:20 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business!
>Run to the guard and grab him by the neck. Ask him where is his boss.

Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:34 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business!
Access the security cameras, and then check the security feeds. If the cameras are busted, then see if I can unlock any doors that can be unlocked. If there are no unlockable doors, then see if there is anything interesting on the computer.

"Hey, guys. Dead security guard in here. Be sure to check for survivors, if there are any left."

Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:01 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business!
Pop a smoke grenade, wait for the enemy and get decapitating..

Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:58 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business!
Psych them out and then open fire with the MG pistol. Flash the teeth.

"They call me Dagenham. You all know my name. You've seen the ♥♥♥♥ news reports; I'm the best in the business, you know what that business is? The business is gutting people like you as if they were sick animals, cracking every one of your fingers around 'til they splinter, turning your pretty little heads into bloody clots of hair. Now get on the ♥♥♥♥ floor and DIE. IT'LL BE SO MUCH EASIER."

time to use that shock and horror bonus

Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:38 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business!
Goddamnit Nicolas, get your ♥♥♥♥ together man. Post an action so I can go on with this!

Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:56 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business!
it keeps happening

Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:25 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business!
You gotta pm people man, I was on a GoT marathon.

Check for people in the storeroom.

Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:52 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Harzipan - Nikolai Petrouski.
10 + 3 = 13(?!)- Access the security cameras, and then check the security feeds. If the cameras are busted, then see if I can unlock any doors that can be unlocked. If there are no unlockable doors, then see if there is anything interesting on the computer.

"Hey guys, I just found a stiff here. Anybody else run into employees who are healthier?"
While notifying the others of the physical state of the guard by your feet you log into the computer using the corporate overwrite password, didn't even have to hack this one.
You access the cameras and notice that some guards have managed to lock themselves into one of the offices. At least you found some survivors, the corridor leading to it is however occupied by two activists, so you decide to let them be for now.
"Found a few live guards in one of the offices, corridor is guarded by two guys."
On to the other doors: The activists seem to have opened the heavy steel door leading to the military storage vault. While you tap the screen to close it an activist comes walking out. Only to be turned into a rather disgusting example of dismemberment by the surprisingly fast door. Just to make sure you overwrite the keypad so they can't use it any more.
The computer itself contains very little information of value, of which 100% is already known to corporate HQ.
Just as you close a file regarding a certain nasty chemical substance you see six guards running into the storeroom. You decide to notify Nathan.

Caekdaemon - Nathaniel McDonohugh.
9 - Pop a smoke grenade, wait for the enemy and get decapitating..

"Hey man, just so you know, your stealthy entrance woke up a few of those so called activists, they're heading your....."
Before Niko finishes his sentence you've already pulled the pins out of two smoke grenades and tossed them to either side of the path.
Shouts followed by coughs signal the arrival of the activists Niko mentioned.
Using your leg augs you jump onto the still standing storage rack. The dense smoke completely blocks their vision, while they appear as fireflies against a clear sky to you, thanks to your eye aug.
Having lured them into your trap you spring it by letting yourself fall right into the middle of the group. Before you've hit the ground your blade has already passed through the entire spine of one of the men. You follow up your perfect, and useless, three point landing with spin, cutting the first activist's leg off at the knee, while cleanly decapitating the fifth. Only the first survives the attack, and as he lands on his back he desperately tries to crawl backwards across the now blood soaked floor.
"Not so fast punk!"
You pin him to the ground using your free left hand and point the tip of the sword at his forehead.
"Now you have to remain very still, you don't want me to slip, do you?"
You say as you carefully carve the Saltech logo into his face.

Asklar - Edward Smith.
8 - Run to the guard and grab him by the neck. Ask him where is his boss.

The remaining activist fires a long uncontrolled burst into the general direction of your cover. By the time he's collected enough courage to peek out you've already collected enough speed to propel you over the conveyor-belt. All he can do is look surprised while you grab him by the throat and plant the Privateer just above his right ear.
"I want you to listen very carefully, because I'm only going to ask this once: Where is you boss?"
"You can ki...."
You shoot him through the shoulder not even halfway through his sentence.
"I thought the corpses of your three friends would convince you of how serious I was. Guess I have to elaborate."
Two bullets make short work of his knees and you drop him to further increase the agonizing pain he must be in.
"♥♥♥♥ man, don't kill me, please, this has all gotten way out of hand. ♥♥♥♥ man, Steven shouldn't have shot that computer guy, he didn't even have a gun. ♥♥♥♥ man, ♥♥♥♥. He's trying to find the secret division underground, where he says you keep the things the world shouldn't see or something."
You let him live as you contact the others and inform them of your discoveries, all the while thinking if it would have been more merciful to have put a bullet in the kid's head.

NikolasX - Heather.
3 - Check for people in the storeroom.

You too hear Niko's warning regarding the six men about to enter the room. But unlike Nathan you don't have the multispectral eye aug. Cursing the situation and Nathan's efficiency you are stuck on the other side of the room while Nathan has all the fun.

Thekebbit - Dagenham
10 - Psych them out and then open fire with the MG pistol. Flash the teeth.

Oh boy isn't this a great day? A whole room filled with soon to be test subjects!
You couldn't suppress the grin that has formed on you face if you wanted to. You pull out your smg and start shooting them one by one. By the time three tunnels have formed through the second man's skull the oh ♥♥♥♥ expressions start to form on the faces of the other eight, turning into various shades of disgust, stress, fear and sense of mortality once the magazine has been expended.

By now just four remain, the average amount of bullets per body equals 3.5, not counting the one lodged into the shoulder of the left most still living example.

While moving in their direction you throw a few scalpels into the region around the heart. The sharp blades burrowing deeply into the man's chest penetrating cartilage as if it where cardboard. The internal bleeding will kill him in less than 4.56 seconds. Although your calculation might be off, depending on whether or not you cleaned that scalpel after it's last use.

Now might be the perfect time to try out that new experimental chemical you got at the armoury. Disregarding everything you know about how to keep your interogatee alive as long as possible you jab the needle straight into his aorta, emptying it's contents into his bloodstream. While he collapses against the wall you see that the man bearing a bullet in his shoulder has managed to pull his pistol. Grabbing it by the barrel you push it out of the way and move in for the kill. As the miniature saw blades that fill your lower jaw chew into his neck all he can do is create a sickening gurgle as he chokes on his own blood.
A popping sound behind you draws your attention, as your just too late to see the effects the drug had on you victim, his arteries have over pressured and are exploding in order of thickness.
"Oooh, now that is some good stuff, that armourer sure knows his poisons."

The last man? He is trying very hard to achieve his only wish in life right now: Thinking himself to death. This might have even appeared to have worked from his point of view, as your boot crushes his skull and pulverises his brain.

Game events:
Lots of dead guys, activist boss is looking for secret room, we don't know where, as it isn't on the blueprint for logical reasons. Some security guards locked in one of the offices.


Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:16 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business!
Check the bodies for stolen goods then head to Edward.
"Ed, I'll be with you in a minute. Just handling something first."

Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:23 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business!
Keep an eye on the trapped guards while seeing if there is any way I can contact them from this room.

Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:53 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business!
"Underground... Where can I get underground?"
>Look for a way to get underground.

Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:11 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business!
Loot the corpses, grab a snack, and regroup with Nathan.


Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:11 am
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