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 Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Fence Chronicles 
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - NOPE
GI wrote:

Captain's log, earthdate 730149.3.

We just dusted off from our vacation in Tehran. It was my first visit, and I couldn't have asked for a better time. We only stayed for a couple hours, but we got to meet the locals, see the sights.

Plus, I love the sound of alien death moans in the morning.

Speaking of aliens, we brought one home with us. It's one of the "bipedal turds" as the X-COM head likes to call them.
That's a lame name though; they're a bit more menacing when you're standing face to face with one. (Or in some cases, face to ass.)
Anyway, I came up with entirely new name for them during the flight. Reapers. It just feels fitting to me.

Perhaps the best news when we dusted off was the call from base on the subject of promotions. In case it wasn't already obvious to you, I was promoted to Captain of the squad.
Some of you may have seen this coming, but to me it was pleasant surprise. I'm just doing my job.

Regardless, I thought it would be appropriate to start a captain's log. The head sent me a recorder anyway, so I might as well make use of it.

Right when we got back to base, the head started on some crazy remodeling.


Instead of going to our usual hangout, we were sent off to one of the living quarters that'd just been finished off recently.

He was saying something about security of the base in case we come under attack.
I know I'll miss it, though. It was where we slept when we first joined this mission against the alien incursion, and still held precious memories of the deceased.

Regardless, we had to let go.

Judging by what happened after the last mission, the rest that followed was fairly standard.



He sold off some of our new friends in favor of some much needed cash. He said we needed the money to rebuild that living quarters somewhere else for the near future.


This was followed by some simple recruitment.



... And some extra supplies, along with Smoke Grenades.

We had never been briefed on Smoke Grenades before, the head said they were "useless." His tune seems to have changed, and he asked me to explain our new strategy for leaving the Skyranger to the rest of the crew. I have to admit, it'll probably make things a bit safer for us during landings.


Most of our money was now spent, but the head told me we'd be funded again by the end of the month. That is, he said, if I've been doing my job correctly.

Payday at the end of the month isn't something to scoff at either. We get paid a good salary.
You many ask, what do we do with the money? While many of the soldiers working for X-COM are here in secret, many of us still have families out there. FinDude tells me he's going to send his money to his mother and father somewhere over in New York.
As for myself, my parents died long ago. All I have are distant relatives, so this money is going in the bank. One day, when this is all over, I'll be able to make a life for myself. I'll be able to support myself. Go my own way.

But, that's enough about me.


The head went to check our stores and found we didn't have all fourteen Electro-flares we'd started with, and we didn't have enough to restock. It seems that during the mission we managed to blow one of them to high heaven.
I guess there's computer system built into the Skyranger to check for this sort of thing and inform the head. I had no clue we were even short.

The head replaced the Electro-flare, along with some extras in case this happens again.


Back at our quarters, the whole squad went through a routine inspection to evaluate our abilities. Part of the reason for this is to put up a list of all the recruits and their stats.

Due to the secret nature of X-COM, we aren't even told our fellow soldier's names. The head takes privacy very seriously down here.
Because of this fact, the squad is forced to refer to one another by the names given on the list we get from evaluations. Sometimes having people refer to you as "MB+++" can be a little strange, but you get used to it.
This isn't always the case, however. Sometimes, inexplicably, the chart will feature a name by our usual stats. It's supposed to be our codename, I suppose.

I asked the head once where the names come from, and all he told me was that it was confidential. I just can't help but smell something fishy going on around here.

That aside, the changes made to the list can be seen here.

Afterwards, a new landing party was assigned out of our squad.


It just so happens that we had just enough to fill the Skyranger.

The head took me on a tour with him through the complex to show me the current projects. He seems to have gotten a little buddy-buddy with me, but you can never tell with these guys.



Things died down a bit afterwards. The base was set.


Now we play the waiting game.

The aliens are out there. We just have to find them.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:52 am
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log
I didn't get added to the soldier list again :(

Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:09 am
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log
Don't know if you have it planned, but I want another soldier, back of the line, so not anytime soon.

I got a feeling GI will die very soon cause you did this.

Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:12 am
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log
You have to wait your turn.

Speaking of which, I just noticed you have two on the list in the OP. Can't have that, buddy. I'll be removing Robert.

Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:14 am
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log
Looks like I got a good throwing arm at least. Wonder how I developed those muscles...

Last edited by Adriaan on Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:16 am
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log
What the heck, did you make my name nunwoundpath on purpose?

EDIT: Oh yeah, if you want I can be the people no one else will have because their stats suck, as long as I get replaced quickly.

Last edited by unwoundpath on Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:16 am
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log
I don't know what you're talking about - that's a clever pun though.

Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:20 am
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log

Uh huh...

EDIT: in case you cant see it, that is a screenshot.

Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:22 am
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log
MULPFIM died right?
If so, add Miggles to the ranks pls
make him a p good soldier pls
also Atskadan if possible pls

Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:23 am
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log
CrazyMLC wrote:
You have to wait your turn.

Oooooooooooooooooooh. I was wondering about that. Didn't know we had to wait. Okay then :D

Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:46 am
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log
Hah! GI is really showing his stuff. Maybe I'll let him run the show now and then. That's always fun.


Oh! Those shipments I ordered. Right on time.


I'll just put those on the Skyranger, then - can't wait to put those Smoke Grenades to use! It'll be flashy.

Oh, about the extra Stun Rod, one of the new Sergeants was telling me he wanted to use two at once? I don't really see the point, but I'll humor him for now.


And a chance to use them already? The aliens must be stepping up their game.

Oh well, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.


Hmph. It's over water, don't want to shoot that down just yet. We won't get to salvage it if it plummets into the depths of the ocean.


That's... a strange pattern. It's going so slowly, so cautiously.

I get this feeling that it's looking for something.


Probably best to shoot it down now.


Eat rocket, punk.




Alright team, get ready for a party.

This time, I want you to bring one of them back alive.

Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:51 am
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log
GI wrote:
Captain's log, earthdate 730150.7.

We're heading off from base to land at a crash site. It's the day after we got back from our party with the aliens, and it would be a lie to say that we aren't all still a little fatigued. But, I think things will turn out nicely.

The only sketchy part is that the head has some high hopes for us catching a live alien that isn't just a brute like the Reaper. He wants one that actually knows something... and it sounds like we're going to have to do some crazy things involving Stun Rods to make that happen.

We'll see how that turns out.

On a side note, I just remembered that the name of our base is Fort Mapledick.

What the ♥♥♥♥?

Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:06 am
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log
I just read through the last mission, so proud of my soldier, killing enemies and friendlies in equal amounts.

Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:16 pm
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Post Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO DEFENSE - Captain's Log
Unfortunately, the soldier you shot didn't actually die, he was only wounded.

Sorry about the delay folks, I haven't been on the computer with x-com on it for a while.

Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:09 pm
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Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:35 pm
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