Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
In other news Banrax is dubm.
(Vladimír Shurla) [1]: Ok. So, there should be, like, a big red button that says "START POWER" or something, somewhere around here. Right?
That's how this works, it's not some crazy multi-stage process that requires an intimate knowledge of both the generators at work and the control systems that run them to start back up. And certainly not something that could explode with enough force to collapse a mountain-base if you flip a single wrong switch.
Oh who are you kidding you have no idea what the hell any of this ♥♥♥♥ does. Is there like a user manual or a wall chart or something around here? Dammit, why can't they make a "Running a Science Facility for Dummies" manual.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
-- 18/18 Rounds
- Shinboku Scalemail
("Amazigh") [2]: You and John play a quick game of Rock Paper Scissors.
The fact that he has a hand makes the game swing in his favor pretty quickly.
- Cyborg Enhancements
-- Shinboku Expansion
--- Direct Mecha Interface
--- Bullettime (+2 to rolls during usage)
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
-- 18/18 Rounds
- Broken Toes (Braced and Splinted)
- Shoeless
(James Argus) [2]:Well, as you said before, there's a bunch of huge machines. You walk down between them but see nothing laying around, apparently they keep it pretty tidy in here. Surprising for this kind of area in, well, ANY facility really. Usually tools, parts, and various stuff lying around. Must have a good cleaning staff.
You head back towards the area under the control booth, having determined there's nothing interesting that isn't in a locked cabinet or bigger than a house.
- Sniper expert (+1 when shooting from long range)
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
-- 18/18 Rounds
- Panic (-1 to actions when in close combat)
- Broken Legs (Anesthetized and splinted, cannot walk)
(John Kosloswa) [9]:You and Amazigh play a quick game of Rock Paper Scissors.
You choose paper.
He chooses gun-fist. Which you assume to be rock.
"Paper covers gun-rock-fist, I win!"
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
-- 18/18 Rounds
- Sports Watch
- Visitor's Map
(Kaime Freins) [7]:Placing your hand on the cable, you pull yourself up a bit, and find your legs attracted to the wall. You let them do your thing, and pretty much begin pulling yourself "forward" up a straight vertical shaft while walking up the wall. It's an odd sensation, but its also practically effortless to climb up. Soon, you've reached another door on what should be the second floor. You've not seen any other doors at least.
With your GP Movement, you easily lean up and balance yourself on the tiny edge between the sliding doors and a long fall, and pry them apart with no problem, then walk into the new maintenance tunnel and disengage your GP Movement. Hmm, its a lot smaller than the ones from before. No emergency lights, either...
"Hey guys, I made it to the 2nd floor. It's pretty dark up here."PilotAbilities:
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
-- 18/18 Rounds
- Cybernetic Left Leg
(Sargon) [9]:Playing with the suit options again, you find
elevator music!
Ahh... Such a calming melody.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
-- 18/18 Rounds
ExoskeletonGame Events: James and Vlad are in Power Generation.
Kaime is on the Second Floor in a dark Maintenance Tunnel.
Everyone else is at the Maintenance Tunnel Elevator.
Mission Info