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 SHIELD: Under Siege 
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Are the other two updated for the new UniTec build?

EDIT: Nvm. Just saw the uh update :P

Anyways, the first group of missions were a lot of fun and were slightly incredibly difficult. I really enjoyed the Bank mission but the Skyrise mission was pretty difficult, with just the given actors. Maybe you could at more weapons to the Shield actors?

Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:12 pm

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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Skyrise, really? I thought skyrise was among the easiest since you have a good sniper and a very open base. If you just fly up to the top area and ignore all the in between troops you can kill the brains pretty easily. But yeah, the bank (and office) are my favorite of my missions.
If you do find any of them too hard you can always lower the difficulty or, for my missions, use the cheatkeys included (though I don't think skyrise has any). The former'll make some amount of difference for all of the missions, the latter'll make things way easier and often skip parts of it. But yeah, it's always hard to know how difficult a mission actually is because by the time you've finished making it you know how to do everything without even taking damage.

Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:34 pm

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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
The missions are incredibly fun but they are difficult.

So I totally forgot about lowering the difficulty. I've always played skirmishes on the highest settings so I guess I set that to hardest.

I think the great difficulty in the game is due to the fact that your given limited resources. Also, is it possible to make more sneak in/spy missions? There seems to be a lacking in that genre.

Also, controlling more than 2 brain actors is kind of tedious sometimes.

Sat Jun 23, 2012 8:36 pm
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Second city mission, in the 'stay alive' part.

Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:49 pm

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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Yeah, that's a problem with medkits not the mission. I thought I'd fixed it for gotcha but seeing as it's not fixed I either forgot or he forgot to change it.
Either way it's caused by the medkit's thrower dying before the medkit activates. Here's a fix that should work fine (if it doesn't please let me know).
MedKit.lua [565 Bytes]
Downloaded 740 times

Ultimately it's not a gamebreaking problem, in my experience it just results in an error message showing up in the console once because the medkit gibs before it can start really giving trouble. Still, a bug is a bug, so there's a fix :)

Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:04 pm
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
I get an error trying to run Station 134 or whatever the number is. Turns out it references the Ronin "Shortgun", which has been renamed to the "Sawed-off shotgun". I'm assuming this is a result of the B27.5 or whatever, so I don't know if you want to keep the release this way and just make a small note of it in OP or what. But yeah; for those who have the most recent release (the one with Techion.rte) you'll need to replace all instances of "Shortgun" with "Sawed-off shotgun" in mission scripts. It's possible there are more that I haven't run across yet, too.

Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:44 pm
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Nocifer, fixed, thanks for the report. Should work on both versions of B27.

Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:09 am

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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
I'm really sorry about not fixing the city missions for B27.5 compatibility, for some reason I was under the impression that I'd already done that. This update also makes it compatible with the new version of unitec. Other than that there've been no changes. The download is in the first post, enjoy.

Oh and please let me know if you encounter any problems or if any mission needs rebalancing because of the unitec changes.

Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:41 am

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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
I dowloaded this mod/map, and now game won't start? Little help?

Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:58 pm
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Did you follow the proper install instructions? Are you using the correct version? Elaborate on your issue.

Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:40 am
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
RTE Aborted! (x_x)
Failed to load datafile object with following path and name:

Maps - Objects/Effects/Safe

The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'

You can copy this message with Ctrl+C

Im on Windows 7 home premium, using a fresh CC install, and followed the installation instructions to the letter.

Help anyone? :???:

Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:32 pm

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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Looking at the error I get the feeling you didn't install maps objects properly. Go into the Maps - Objects folder and run MP3RUNME.bat. Or just add the line IncludeFile = Maps - Objects/Index.ini somehwhere in base.rte (suggested location the bottom of scenes.ini).
Or did you do all that?

Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:22 am
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
towers mission doesnt work because there is no drop pod anymore.

Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:37 pm

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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Damn, that's right, thanks for bringing that to my attention
Either see if Gotcha! will re-add them (presumably making them unbuyable) or replace Towers.lua with this one:
Towers.lua [52.63 KiB]
Downloaded 729 times

I can't guarantee it'll squish the person properly but I think it'll work fine. If it doesn't, let me know and I'll change it properly.

Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:29 am
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
I did the same thing to fix it, lol, but I used the Unitec dropcrate. It works fine about 95% of the time and it's nice to sometimes have that RPG when it survives the crash.

Also having Scarlett jump out and rambo the crippled Ronin, if he is still alive, is pretty bad ass.

EDIT: Although sometimes it lands in a way that ejects her off the building. Not really a gamebreaker though.

EDIT 2: I think there may also be a bug with the prison one. When I get to jack, Nothing happens. It shows the text about hoping you brought the strecher but then nothing happens. Maybe I am missing something? I tried pie menu near him, I stand on him. I sit near him but its like the mission just stops and nothing happens.

Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:26 am
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