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 -Sprite Dump- 
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From Top - Bottom then Left - Right


Battle Rifle
Designated Marksman Rifle
Automatic Rifle


Bear Federation:
PMs (Automatic version of PMa, 20rnd mag)
PKM Pecheneg (Credit to Ivan21 for the PKM-looking thing in BF, I lifted the stock from it)

Currently these are all functioning in my CC, but the Ronin and Coalition weapons are parts of ini files already included. I can add the text needed from the ini files if anyone cares that much. If there's enough interest I'll compile these weapons into a separate mod.

I acknowledge the M249 and M16 sprites are kind of off-scale, I will work on them at one point. I'm very satisfied with the PKM though. The Coalition weapons are just resprites of the assault rifle but I still like how they turned out.
To me, the M60 looks a little bit off but in-game it looks fine, as far as I can tell anyway.

Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:36 am
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Post Re: -Sprite Dump-
[referring to junked post]

Oh and I made a discgun for a mod I'll make in the future some time eventually.

Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:02 am
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Post Re: -Sprite Dump-
Preview Image

Sprite Download

Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:56 pm
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Post Re: -Sprite Dump-

I had to make a gun sheet just to reply to that.


Some bronzed versions of guns that are in a mod I'm making that will probably never be released.

Edit: Heavily inspired by Spiral Knights.

bronzesheet.bmp [1.66 KiB]
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Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:42 am
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Post Re: -Sprite Dump-
Picture of sun + CS6 = Instant Success

((If you don't have photoshop, just say Open with whatever.))

TestGlow.psd [270.3 KiB]
Downloaded 377 times
Sun Aug 12, 2012 2:19 pm
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I tried before but got complaints of the file.
Try this :D

TestGlow.bmp [244.2 KiB]
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Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:18 pm
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Post Re: -Sprite Dump-
Ugly effing pillow shaded worm made way back for the digging contest.


EDIT: Some old guns too big for CC


Cleaning up my sprite sheet.

EDIT 2: MGS Sprites. What is left of the 3 MGS packs I made circa B18, maybe earlier I am aware that the Gray Fox head is the wrong color


Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:48 am

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Post Re: -Sprite Dump-
2 Sprites I just had sitting around
Grenade Launcher -> Mini SMG
Note: There PNG Files...

Urch wrote:
Preview Image

Sprite Download

Thats... One of the best sprites I've seen in my entire life... *Claps*

Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:07 am
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Post Re: -Sprite Dump-
If someone can guess who's head this is supposed to be I'll go ahead and make a mod for it:



sampletest.bmp [5.24 KiB]
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sampletest.bmp [5.24 KiB]
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Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:47 am
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Post Re: -Sprite Dump-
Various Soviet, Allied, Italian, Japanese, and partisan weapons from ~WWII. If anyone's interested in making an Allies mod, I've also got the ini code for them.

PM / credit me if you use them, please.

EDIT: Added some more

Last edited by Kettenkrad on Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:18 am
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All my semi-decent sprites put together in one neat package.
Since I'm just starting to sprites without making people vomit, and I'm 12, I would appreciate some feedback and advice on how to be a little better.


Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:56 pm
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Post Re: -Sprite Dump-
Important bit to note: JPG RUINS SPRITES

Although i'm thinking it might be because most image hosting sites convert BMP to JPG, in which case, save as PNG before uploading. At the moment it's impossible to really give proper feedback. :c


i mean seriously JPG is terrible

Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:57 pm
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Post Re: -Sprite Dump-
Fiddlesticks. Well, here's a png, and it's still pretty crappy.
Maybe it has something to do with GIMP? :???:

File comment: Maybe it's photobucket, I don't know.
Sprite Sheet 1.png [85.86 KiB]
Not downloaded yet
Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:25 am
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Post Re: -Sprite Dump-
Ah, loads better, now i can see every individual pixel with my SUPER VISION zoom tool. If you really are just starting out with this whole spriting ordeal, then colour me jealous. :U
But you came here for feedback, so that i shall provide a bit of, with a sprinkle of personal preferences as well (so these aren't the words of a master at work).

Beginning with the grips of the guns, they are VERY STRAIGHT, which makes them look a bit unpleasant to hold. Most grips are tapered, thickening away from the gun. Obviously, it's hard to convey that when the grip is 2 pixels thick, but keep it in mind. Also, the angles of them. A human hand wouldn't be comfortable holding a 45 degree grip, whereas a vertical one would be functionally acceptable, if a bit dull-looking. I personally draw them at roughly 22 degrees (meaning 2-down-1-side) from vertical:


Obviously, the part above the grip is irrelevant in this example, you've done far better than that. Other than that, the shapes on your assault rifle things are pretty good, not much to say there, though a few of them appear to be rather straight. That's probably just me being anal about straight lines, but it's worth considering. However, shapewise, there is one thing that really springs to my eye: The magnum pistol thingy.


Here shown as silhouette(s). Basically, you want to mask the building blocks of your things, which in this case can easily be seen as three rectangles. My proposed correction can be reasonably divided in a number of different ways, which also makes it tricky for the viewer to notice, though of course this isn't necessarily the only or best solution.

Also, i've noticed that it's difficult to see what the individual parts of some of the guns are, which is a bit of an issue, but sadly there's no "fix it like this" way to help that beyond practice and making sure that they don't blend together (contrast and outlines are means to this end). Could just be that i'm just super tired, of course.

AND FINALLY, i'll mention a few things about shading. Although the distribution of the different shades is pretty good, the shades themselves need more contrast, as in greater difference in brightness between shades. Also, you're using wayyyyyyy more colours than what is necessary, but that's merely a convenience issue.

You're off to a good start really, and those dark blue guns are actually pretty good. Keep at it! c:

Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:39 pm
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Post Re: -Sprite Dump-
Thanks for the tips, Shook. although I am changing my handles/pistols, I'm probably not going to make my shading less tedious, mainly because it isn't tedious. I just use GIMP's airbrush tool with black and white on the bottom and top. Does that make me a cheater? Anyway, back on topic, here's my slightly tweaked sprite sheet.
If you use it, please credit me.

Sprite Sheet 1.png [6.32 KiB]
Not downloaded yet
Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:24 pm
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