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 Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 91) 
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 88)

Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:32 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 88)
Keep walking and remain the silence.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:47 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 88)
This looks interesting. Let's keep a tail.
Follow from a safe distance. If bad things start happening, watch until I can determine a clear winner.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:43 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 88)
>Keep following the mage and the lupus.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:36 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 88)
This looks like fun. Can you add me to the waiting list?

Name : Sterling Walker
Race : Dwarf
Inventory : (1/10)
Long Bow
Equipped : (0/10)

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities : Swift: (Bonus to dodges, movement, etc.)

Conditions :

Also, do i start out with arrows or do i have to purchase them at a shop?

Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:11 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 89)
Roll 89

Name : Siamnyan (Roast Veg)
[ 4 ] = 4
> "Certainly."

Red Cloak: Captain, take your men and aid in repairs.
One of the soldiers: "Yes sir!"

The captain makes several commands to his troops and they disperse in small groups.

Red Cloak: "Now, shall we?"

The man in the red heads to a medium-sized stone building a bit to the north with you following, and the two other Lupus tailing behind. Upon arrival, you see two guards beside a heavy wooden door with iron bandings. They open the way for the red cloak and you to pass through and the two Lupus stay outside. The room you enter is small with a hallway in the middle of the back wall, which you both head down before going through one of the doors into a slightly larger room.

A table with two chairs at opposite sides are the only pieces of furniture in the plain, stone room, and no windows are on the walls.

Red Cloak: "Please, have a seat."

You do, and the man takes the other. On the table are a clean stack of papers and a fountain pen.

Red Cloak: "Now, to start, what is your name? Where did you come from?"

Race : Lupus
Inventory : (2/10)
- 124 gold coins
- News Paper ("Caelum Declares 'Witch Hunt Over'")
- Longsword

Equipped : (1/10)
- Elbow Spikes

Memory :
- ???'s Scent (Scent of a mage)

Active Abilities :
- Scent Tracker

Passive Abilities :
- Stone Splitter (Elbow Spikes) (+2 Melee actions using Elbow Spikes)

Conditions :

Name : Aeeng (Tokochiro)
[ 1 + 1 ] = 2
> With your parrying dagger and shortsword in each hand, you power up your body and charge at the two wolves.

They see you coming and aim their halberds in your direction and run much faster towards you. Once all of you are within striking distance of each other, the wolves put in another burst of speed that you can't match, and a dull pain echoes in your skull.

The world goes dark...

Race : Human
Inventory : (4/10)
- Longsword
- Shortsword*
- Parrying Dagger*
- Ivy Heart

Equipped : (0/10)

Active Abilities :
- Power Flow
- Burst of Energy (+2 physical skills, one-time use)

Passive Abilities :
- Forest Friend (Talk to trees)
- Grounded (Resistance to electrical attacks)
- Flee! (+1 Running)
- Soldier's Training (+1 physical actions, +1 Halberd/Shortsword/Longsword/Parrying-Dagger/Bow/Shield use)

Conditions :
- Unconscious (Ends in 3 turns)

Name : Gorf "Choppy" Harkelsan (Natti)
[ 4 ] = 4
> The soldiers leave the area and you follow the red cloak and 3 wolves until they reach a stone building to the north. Your ally and the red cloaked-man head inside, and the two remaining wolves stay outside with 2 guards.

You yourself are in an alley way, next to a pile of rubbish. A tall, cloaked fellow and a hulking man duck into the alley as well.

Race : Dwarf
Inventory : (0/10)

Equipped : (2/10)
- Knuckle Spikes
-- Deep Impact
- Sprint Shoes

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Craftsdwarfship (+1 to rolls involving crafting)

Conditions :

Name : Dandelion Bryant (TorrentHKU)
[ 6 ] = 6
> "You're not going to eat or kill us."

"I'm sorry, but that is the, wrong, answer..."

Something to your right slightly rustles, and you immediately slide-step forward and avoid something whizzing through the air. Kark flinches briefly before slamming into Elly, throwing the two of them and the bat-creature that Elly was holding behind a tree.

"Very impressive. You are a fast one, not like humans."

The voice sounds seemingly from every direction, making it impossible to gauge where the speaker is.

"But, can you-"

Cutting off your attacker's speach is an extremely low rumbling sound. You feel your entire body quiver and the leaves in the trees aroud you shake. The sound cuts off, and nothing in the forest moves.

Race : Lupus
Inventory : (5/10)
- News Paper ("Beserk Dragon Ravages Vranhal: Bounty on Dragon!" "Caelum Declares 'Witch Hunt Over'")
- Leather Pouch
-- 1085 gold coins
- Large Gauntlet (Qty. 1)
- Giant Diamond
- Ruby

Equipped : (4/10)
- Hammerplate Gauntlet
- Typhoon (Qty. 2) (+1 leg actions)
- Scabbard
-- Quality Claymore
- Scabbard
-- Shortsword

Active Abilities :
- Art of 6 Limbs: Muay Thai
- Fighting Stance (Snapdragon, Bluebell, Touch-Me-Not)

Passive Abilities :
- Feet of Fury (+1 to running, jumping, or kicking)

Conditions :
- Missing Left Arm

Name : Constantin (Tomaster)
[ 1 - 1 - 1 ] = 1
> "This looks interesting. Let's keep a tail."

The soldiers disperse and the red cloak and 3 lupus head to a stone building to the north at the edge of the city buildings. Though its painful to move, you manage to keep up and see the upright-walking Lupus and the red cloak head inside. The building's door is guarded with two soldiers and the other two Lupus.

You and your buddy slip into an alley to stay hidden, and you notice a very short man next to a rubbish pile in there as well.

Race : Chirop
Inventory : (9/10)
- Roasted Chicken Leg
- Pen
- Ink Bottle
- Log Book
- Bag of Diced Carrots
- Leather Pouch
-- 98 gold
- Leather Pouch
- Paper (Thief's note)
- Flask of Beer

Equipped : (3/10)
- Brown Hooded Cloak
- Mage Stone
- Mage Mail

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control - Pathic
-- Kinetic Control

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Cracked rib cage (-1 Movement)
- Bruised hips (-1 Movement, Ends next turn)
- Bruised shoulders (-1 arm use, Ends next turn)

Name : "The Iron Mauler" (TheKebbit)
[ 5 ] = 5
> Tall fellow: "This looks interesting. Let's keep a tail."

You follow your buddy silently and watch as the red cloak and lupus head inside a stone building to the north. The entrance is guarded by two soldiers and two massive wolves.

You and your buddy slip into an alley to stay hidden, and you notice a very short man next to a rubbish pile in there as well.

Race : Human
Inventory : (1/10)
- Great Hacksaw

Equipped : (0/10)

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Colossus (+1 to physical strength rolls, but cannot wear normal armor)

Conditions :

World Events:
Time of day: Dusk
Weather: Clear

Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:28 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 89)
Blegh. This is boring. Let's go rob something.
Scope out a rich looking house.

Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:26 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 89)
"I hope the guards will be easy to squish."

Follow the yellow brick road tall chap.

Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:27 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 89)
"We're leaving."
> Grab Elly and chirop, get in Touch-Me-Not, run like the dickens in the direction we were travelling.

Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:22 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 89)
"My name is Siamnyan. I've come from the village of Hopluit. I fled after it was burnt down by horsemen and came here via Mead Town - I only know of seven who escaped it. Once here I organised a party of men to take down Bayir but we failed miserably. The West Anri Lupus don't like me being here, your Lupus don't like me being here, and I only seem to be able to make friends with drunkards, shortly before watching them die. You could say I've had an exciting journey."

Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:12 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 89)
>Hide somewhere nearby.

Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:15 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 89)

Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:39 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 90)
Roll 90

Name : Siamnyan (Roast Veg)
[ 5 ] = 5
> "My name is Siamnyan. I've come from the village of Hopluit. I fled after it was burnt down by horsemen and came here via Mead Town - I only know of seven who escaped it. Once here I organised a party of men to take down Bayir but we failed miserably. The West Anri Lupus don't like me being here, your Lupus don't like me being here, and I only seem to be able to make friends with drunkards, shortly before watching them die. You could say I've had an exciting journey."

During your telling, the man is recording what you say on the piece of papaer

Red Cloak: "Mmm, quite the tale. What were you doing in Hopluit?"

Race : Lupus
Inventory : (2/10)
- 124 gold coins
- News Paper ("Caelum Declares 'Witch Hunt Over'")
- Longsword

Equipped : (1/10)
- Elbow Spikes

Memory :
- ???'s Scent (Scent of a mage)

Active Abilities :
- Scent Tracker

Passive Abilities :
- Stone Splitter (Elbow Spikes) (+2 Melee actions using Elbow Spikes)

Conditions :

Name : Aeeng (Tokochiro)
[ 2 ] = 2

A cold splash of water hits your face and awakens you. Blinking your eyes to clear them, you find yourself in a large dark room with 2 massive bipedal wolf-like creatures in armor.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Race : Human
Inventory : (4/10)
- Longsword
- Shortsword*
- Parrying Dagger*
- Ivy Heart

Equipped : (0/10)

Active Abilities :
- Power Flow
- Burst of Energy (+2 physical skills, one-time use)

Passive Abilities :
- Forest Friend (Talk to trees)
- Grounded (Resistance to electrical attacks)
- Flee! (+1 Running)
- Soldier's Training (+1 physical actions, +1 Halberd/Shortsword/Longsword/Parrying-Dagger/Bow/Shield use)

Conditions :

Name : Gorf "Choppy" Harkelsan (Natti)
[ 3 ] = 3
> You jump into a rubbish pile in an alleyway.

Race : Dwarf
Inventory : (0/10)

Equipped : (2/10)
- Knuckle Spikes
-- Deep Impact
- Sprint Shoes

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Craftsdwarfship (+1 to rolls involving crafting)

Conditions :

Name : Dandelion Bryant (TorrentHKU)
[ 2 + 1 + 1 ] = 4
> "We're leaving."

You grab Elly and the chirop she's holding and run off in the direction you were heading. Glancing upwards out of chance, you see a massive serpentine shape plowing through the tree tops and slamming into the tall undergrowth off to your left. Thrashing and pounding and beastly roars shake the forest, and you continue to run off, not bothering to stick around. After several seconds of furious running, you slow down and stop as the noises die. The forest is quiet.

Turning around, you see Liam on all fours, letting Elly pet him on the head. Then, he barks-

Liam: "KARK!"

Race : Lupus
Inventory : (5/10)
- News Paper ("Beserk Dragon Ravages Vranhal: Bounty on Dragon!" "Caelum Declares 'Witch Hunt Over'")
- Leather Pouch
-- 1085 gold coins
- Large Gauntlet (Qty. 1)
- Giant Diamond
- Ruby

Equipped : (4/10)
- Hammerplate Gauntlet
- Typhoon (Qty. 2) (+1 leg actions)
- Scabbard
-- Quality Claymore
- Scabbard
-- Shortsword

Active Abilities :
- Art of 6 Limbs: Muay Thai
- Fighting Stance (Snapdragon, Bluebell, Touch-Me-Not)

Passive Abilities :
- Feet of Fury (+1 to running, jumping, or kicking)

Conditions :
- Missing Left Arm
- Holding Elly and Chirop

Name : Constantin (Tomaster)
[ 2 ] = 2
> "Blegh. This is boring. Let's go rob something."

Big guy: "I hope the guards will be easy to squish."

You walk deeper into the city until you find yourself at the edge of a wealthy looking bunch of buildings.

Race : Chirop
Inventory : (9/10)
- Roasted Chicken Leg
- Pen
- Ink Bottle
- Log Book
- Bag of Diced Carrots
- Leather Pouch
-- 98 gold
- Leather Pouch
- Paper (Thief's note)
- Flask of Beer

Equipped : (3/10)
- Brown Hooded Cloak
- Mage Stone
- Mage Mail

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control - Pathic
-- Kinetic Control

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Cracked rib cage (-1 Movement)
- Bruised hips (-1 Movement, Ends next turn)
- Bruised shoulders (-1 arm use, Ends next turn)

Name : "The Iron Mauler" (TheKebbit)
[ 5 ] = 5
> Tall Chap: "Blegh. This is boring. Let's go rob something."

"I hope the guards will be easy to squish."

You follow the tall chap until he stops not far from a bunch of well-furnished houses.

Race : Human
Inventory : (1/10)
- Great Hacksaw

Equipped : (0/10)

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Colossus (+1 to physical strength rolls, but cannot wear normal armor)

Conditions :

World Events:
Time of day: Dusk
Weather: Clear

Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:54 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 90)
"Dammit, I thought he could run! Liam was it, keep these two safe, and all three of you get out of here as fast as you can."
> If Kark doesn't show up before I finish talking, set Elly and chirop down and haul ass back the way I just came. If he does, disregard me and keep running away from the scary beasty.

Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:57 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Equilibrium (Roll 90)
>Keep looking in the general direction of Roast.

Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:47 am
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