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 RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business! 
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"Sure is. I look forward to testing this thing out. In unrelated news, anyone need a spare arm?"

Whistle a cheery tune while heading down to R&D for some upgrades.

EDIT : Well, I need to read the roll more thoroughly next time. Fixing action.

EDIT EDIT : Slight modifications to speech and action.

Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:33 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"Oh. Hey Nathan. How's the new arm? Got any ghost limb syndrome? After I got my hand aug'd, it happened to me. It really sucks.

Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:40 pm
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"I thought that only affected people who lost limbs, not had them replaced? After all, it's kinda hard to use your missing arm if you've got a cybernetic replacement. I'm pretty sure that invalidates ghost limbs."

Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:54 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Lets see whats on the streets today.

"See ya later boys!"

Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:13 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
>Head to R&D.

"I'll get tougher toughness!"

Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:05 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"Heh, that's exactly why I'm heading down to R&D, aswell. I hope that some of that armour alloy I recovered can be installed for extra armouring of my organs and such."

Also, what does the new arm give me in the form of buffs?

Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:11 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
caekdaemon wrote:
Also, what does the new arm give me in the form of buffs?

None directly, however the arm is of a modular design, meaning that you can add arguments to it to increase it's functionality. The limitation would be that it has to fit in your arm. In this case a dartgun has been installed in your wrist.

I'm also revoking harzipan's license to pun, as the last one was a thorn in the eye. Get it?
Writing the inventory lists now, might not finish today.

Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:34 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
The tale of our rag tag group of corporate mercenaries continues as they set of to convert their gains into equipment. Each holding a card linked to an account with exactly 2400 credits on it.
Ed, Niko and Nathan take the short walk to the R&D department they are officially securing. Which turns out to have a big stock of unused prototypes and experimental technologies.
"Ah, the security crew, I see you already have some of our stuff, plenty more cool things where those came from."

Heather sets out on her own to meet some of her old connections on the streets.
"Hey there girly, back from the posh penthouses to have a talk with yer old pals. Well, we've stool got just what you're looking for." Mike is as charming as ever.

Dagenham makes some small talk with the others, ever so slightly creeping them out with his augs, before going to the general armoury. To spend his credits the way every other employee would.

The inventories:
Electro magnetically accelerated grenade launcher: 2000c
Graphite blade: 500c, fits rapier
Laser cannon: 2000c
Laser rifle: 1500c
Emp grenade: 500c, lifetime supply

Motion detector: 700c, deployable
Remote hacking device: 1800c, aim at it, try to hack it.
Experimental armour package: 600c, not field tested

Rapier arm: 1200c, only right
Multispectral eye: 400c, ever wanted to see infrared or electric radiation?
Electric pulse generator: 1000c, sends 20K volts through your seen into whatever you're touching. Rapier only

Drone: 1800c, hardpoint for medium weapon

The armoury
Assault rifle: 500c
Smg: 400c
Shotgun: 500c
Rpg: 1400c
Sword: 500c
Rotary cannon: 2200c, tri-barrel death machine
Frag.grenades: 400c, lifetime supply

Sights, short or long range: 600c, improve rolls at specific range by one
Trip mines: 600c, lifetime supply, can carry three at any time.

Leg augs: 1000c, for running and jumping
Arm augs: 1200c, for added strength
Vehicle integration unit: 800c, improves piloting skill in every vehicle.

Armoured car: 1500c, unarmed. Crew = 1 and 6 passengers
APC: 2500c, with hardpoint for one heavy weapon. Crew = 1+1 gunner and 8 passengers
Gunship: 4000c, with hardpoints for one heavy weapon under the nose and two medium seasons at the side doors. Crew = 2+ 2 side gunners and 3 passengers

Them streets:
Full auto pistol: 600c
Chainsword: 1200c, brutal and efficient
Flamethrower: 2000c, a less civilized weapon from less civilized times
hunting rifle: 800c
Plasma rifle: 2199c!!!! A laser rifle modified to charge and shoot blasts instead of continues beams.

Time bombs: 600c, lifetime supply

Extra strong piston: 600c, further boosts the strength increase of any arm Aug by one.
Exo-suit: 1800c, build so factory workers could carry massive loads, now used to lug around big guns effortlessly, somewhat agility decreasing.

Walker: 6000c, two heavy hardpoints and one missile launcher, crew = 1

Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:51 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Do my own thing. Order modifications to my suit; modify it with as many bulletproof fiber plates as the thing can take, then fill the thing with backup ammunition. Then source military-issue slow-acting poisons for the "kit" along with frag grenades. If I have enough money left (unlikely I suppose), get a short-range sight for my shotgun.

Last edited by TheKebbit on Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:50 am, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:58 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
How does the Rapier compare to the regular old arm aug? The regular said something about extra strength.

Multispectral eye + experimental armour. Then go on down to the armoury and get some new legs.

That will leave me with four hundred credits for the future.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:43 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Arm augs give a +1 to anything requiring arm strength. The rapier van fit the extra piston though to gain the same bonus. The current advantage is the ability to carry a lot of stuff in it.

Btw, there is nothing keeping you from trading amongst yourselves....

Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:12 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
So say I wanted two sights from the armory... just ask the person who went there?

Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:27 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
As long as he has the money on him. Then you can pay him back later. Or work out a trade with stuff that's fit sale where you are. Let's take kebbit, he's at the armoury now, needs armour, but he can get the sights.

I'm starting to think I made this clear a bit too late.

Although I hoped you would think of this yourselves, just like the binary code...

Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:16 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Well kebs I would trade ya something for those sights.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:04 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
i don't think i have the money on me

Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:42 pm
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