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Finished. I don't think that I spent enough time on the general colony background, and too much time on my governor's background. Oh well. I await your roll.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:39 am
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Reserving a spot. Will post colony stats in an hour or two.

Colony/ship name: The Leviathan.
Colony type: Military
Colony Background: The Leviathan was the home to one of the most successful private military corporations known to mankind. The reason for that was simple, secrecy concerning even the simplest details. Under the table contracts and less than legal weaponry weren't out of the ordinary. With the great calamity coming the corporations engineers started on their biggest task ever, the complete mobilization of the facility. By installing massive thrusters and a jet assisted takeoff the ship was launched into space. From where the high tech mercenaries would continue their operations. Setting course for the least hospitable planet in the region they set their scientists to work developing all kinds of weapons of intragalactic warfare. Primary trait is the high tech nature of the troops and equipment.

Leader Background: High Marshal Vulcan Tatius was raised as a soldier, even though his father was the High Marshal at the time, and he served his time. Fighting through countless conflicts and quickly rising to the rank of Field Marshal, his fathers right hand. Taking control of the corporation on his 36 birthday. Immediately he started modernizing and securing his facility. He took all manner of jobs, often working for the highest bidder, to ensure there were enough funds to purchase what his scientists couldn't create. A ruthless soldier who doesn't take no for an answer.

Destination: EXOTIC!

Last edited by maart3n on Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:16 am
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Colony Name/Ship Name: Salvator Ardens Mundi
Colony Type: Scienceiferic
Background: The Salvator Ardens Mundi is a community bustling with activity, the brightest minds of the remaining world driving it forward. The scientists that live on-board have contributed dozens of discoveries that have bettered the lives of those in need. Because of this, the members of the ship (colony, crew, whoever else) are always quite content with even the grimmest of things, knowing that science will kick down that thing's door and ♥♥♥♥ it's brains out. [the trait is that the people are really happy so they have a morale boost or something. Maybe +1 to rolls after a roll that causes despair because of determination]
Leader Background/Description: He's a guy and he likes science, he's good at guns or something so +1 to firearms/cannons/lasers/things that need to be aimed and shooted. (CBA to make a description ATM)
Destination: Asteroid Field

Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:24 pm
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Colony Name/Ship Name: Hippocrates Foundation/Paragon
Colony Type: Scientific
Background: Immortality. Something man has yearned for since the beginning of time. Doing everything in his power to push upwards the grains of sand. Every second seemed like an added century to him. Throughout the ages mankind has searched for ways to prolong his life into the infinite. From metempsychosis through the philosopher's stone to transhumanism. Many have tried. In vain, however. But that was all about to change. The Hippocrates Foundation was within reach of the answer. Sadly, before they were able to find the solution The Great Calamity happened. All the most valuable assets of the foundation(both people and cargo alike) were hoarded together and loaded into their Ship - Paragon.

Many years went into the research of Biological Immortality. Many options were considered. Many failed. Consciousness upload turned out be a great failure. The scans and upload would simply wipe the personality from the brain rather than preserve it. Organ clonining is great for the prolonging of life expectancy but terrible for immortality. Constant replacement of body parts turned out to be too agressive for most bodies to handle.

Anyway, some other distinguishable accomplishments of the Hipporcrates Foundation are advanced cybernetic prosthesis, neurological implants to boost brain activity and performance(all the top scientists and researchers have them) and the discovery of
Berinsolate. An incredibly potent chemical compound known for its highly favourable effects on the human body. They were able to
extract and sythesize it in combination with various other ingredients to create many varieties of Berinsolate. Some are used against cancer, others are used in the creation of biocompatible cybernetic prostehesis. The Hippocrates Foundation remains one of the most influental and well known research companies in medicine today.
Leader Background/Description: Emma Kurror is the founder of the Hippocrates Foundation from many years ago. She is now entering her 50's but is as vivid as ever. A person with a strong personality and great ability for managing her constantly overwhelmed task list(basically +1 on stressful situations). A woman of a tall physique and red hair. Typically brown eyes with a slight touch of amber. Born and raised on Earth, she is saddened to have left the only home she ever knew.
Destination: Lush, Jungle

Last edited by crodude on Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:26 pm
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Harzipan, what's your leader + colony's main traits? I'm going to assume consciousness uploading/tech integration and all its effects for the colony, but I can't figure out the leader. Although consciousness transfer will have to be toned down a bit (technology isn't that advanced as of yet) and everybody canonically came from Terra in the First Wave.

maart3n, you're in on probation. I'm going to hunt down Psy again and determine if he's playing. Also, I need your leader trait (that is, if you want to be specific; I can probably extrapolate something from your description).

Cozur, could you give a leader description and trait?

crodude, you're first on the waiting list. Expect to be able to play eventually.

I won't be able to start until the day after tomorrow; at the moment, I am in Switzerland and can only access my microtoasterlaptop.

Last edited by TheKebbit on Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:38 pm
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Leader trait would be a bonus to piloting ships, if that makes sense, or works. I can go back and edit again if that doesn't work for you.

TheKebbit wrote:
Although consciousness transfer will have to be toned down a bit (technology isn't that advanced as of yet)

Yet is the keyword here. It is to be the main goal throughout my colony's lifespan.

Last edited by Harzipan on Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:40 pm
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Most of what he's going to be doing is managing the colony. Ship piloting would be largely useless.

EDIT: And that's what I was thinking from the consciousness uploading front.

read pls
Speaking of managing the colony, I would like to inform everyone that this is going to pretty much start at barebones, microscale survival and then explode outward from there. You will have to start from scratch, building from rubble and wreckage. You must plan your actions thoroughly and find your own solutions; >Make the lasers bigger will not cut it, but maybe >Find a way to "tune" the lasers for minimum atmospheric distortion will. If you are smart and lucky, you will survive.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:45 pm
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Alright. Captain background edited. The new focus shall be the research of Artificial Intelligence/Remotely Piloting Stuff. In other words, robots.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:53 pm
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Captain's main trait is his ruthless and greedy nature.
If that isn't good enough you can change it to supreme leadership!

Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:33 pm
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Change of plans regarding Psygnosis; instead of playing now, he has decided to let maart3n and crodude go ahead of him and is now on the waiting list.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:09 pm

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Actually, it says I'm on the waiting list...

Oh, and I've finished my sheet.

Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:58 am
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TheKebbit wrote:
Speaking of managing the colony, I would like to inform everyone that this is going to pretty much start at barebones, microscale survival and then explode outward from there. You will have to start from scratch, building from rubble and wreckage. You must plan your actions thoroughly and find your own solutions; >Make the lasers bigger will not cut it, but maybe >Find a way to "tune" the lasers for minimum atmospheric distortion will. If you are smart and lucky, you will survive.

I love you. This is exactly what I wanted.

This will be fun.

Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:47 pm
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Waiting list please!!

Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:42 pm
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crodude wrote:
Actually, it says I'm on the waiting list...

Yes, but you will play before Psygnosis. After one of our (Sins of a) solar empires dies, you will be able to play.

Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:50 pm
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nicolas, I will put you on the waiting list. In the meantime, it would be helpful if you wrote up your colony.

I plan to write the first roll tomorrow because sleep. Today was spent being shuttled around in airports and waiting five miserable hours in Atlanta for my flight home. From my circadian rhythm's perspective, it is currently 5 AM.

Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:31 am
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