Ah, Halo 4.
My ratings of the game:
For newbies: 4/5
For veterans: 3/5
As for my more
comprehensive review, I'm considering Halo 4 fanon, because it lacks the Bungie touch, and has some degree of inconsistency with the series. The new stuff, like the Prometheans and their weapons, the Covenant Liches, the UNSC Mammoth, etc. is all great. However, I noticed a lot of details that really put me off.
Details/features/items that irk me: (because they're missing or they're not as good as before)
* The lack of equipment/items/whatever they were called; e.g. deployable shield, bubble shield, EMP, cloak, jammer, etc. (This means having both items AND armor abilities, not one or the other. They can do whatever for campaign, but this gives a wider array of options for custom gametypes.)
* The covenant's deployable shields no longer /look/ very deployable, nor do you see enemies deploying them anymore, and I prefer the actual shield's appearance from before. (The mini-shields on the covenant turrets look bland now, too)
* The UNSC weapon drop pods looked more believable previously (the ordnance pods now are completely shredded, with the weapon standing fixedly in the middle, completely intact; whereas, previously, they were in comfy pods full of foam that were mostly intact)
* Covenant road barriers looked better previous, and it might just be me, but I think they were also more effectual as road barriers before
* The new Warthog sound, the new Pelican cockpit
* The Scorpion Tank feels way slower than in previous titles, and that goes without mentioning that real-world tanks such as the Abrams can travel up to 40mph.
* Shades, Spectres, Prowlers, Choppers, the Elephant, Troop Hog, Longsword, Scarab
* Might just be me, but the Gauss Hog's Gaussgun feels... off.
* Lack of SMG, Plasma Rifle
(Yes, I know it was replaced by the Storm Rifle, but it would've still been nice to have for nostalgia's sake in Forge), ODST's variant weapons, Brute weapons (with the exception of the gravity hammer), incendiary grenades, grenade launcher, missile pod, flamethrower, whatever else Reach added, etc.
* Lack of dual wield
* Brutes, Drones, and Engineers are MIA
* Spartan Ops is nice and all, but I still want Firefight, too
* Lack of ODST, probably due to the crazy overabundance of Spartans
* The screen on the cockpit of the Ghost no longer provides a view of what's in front of you. (Bungie, evidently, had greater attention to detail.)
* The previous sniper was better; had a better scope (it was actually easier to see through, even if you weren't meant to use it for aiming; talking about the green filter), and it seemed to have been based on the Denel NTW-20 anti-material rifle, which made me like it and the Spartans a lot more for using it.
*The armor permutations in multiplayer that are notably missing from previous games, the few that are returning that were changed for the worse, and some of the new permutations, which are arguably tacky; have you seen what they've done to the Recon and Scout helmets? Good god, man. On top of that, I also feel like it's a departure from Bungie's armor aesthetic.
* etc., etc.
The Story: (or only the things I care to touch upon about it)
* The story never explains why the Covenant forces are fighting the UNSC and fighting for [insert spoiling antagonist name here], why the elites are participating in such an endeavor, and why the brutes are missing (correct me on anything you know better about)
* The story's ending was a bit of a let-down ("HTF CAN SHE EVEN DO THAT? HE SHOULD BE... NO. THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. GO AWAY.")
* Where's the flood? Now, I'm not too sharp on my Halo lore, but I doubt that Halo 3's gravemind was the last.
And to think the guys and gals over at 343 call themselves Halo fans. Not nearly fanatical enough.
Halo will always be Bungie's game.
In other news, keep an eye out for Bungie's new project, Destiny. It's been hinted at since ODST.