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"It's a long story."
"I've got time."
"Fine. Take a seat."


This is a story about the stars and the gifts they gave us.
This is a story about the hate of a father and a mother's nurturing arms.
This is a story about suffering, death, sickness of body and mind.
This is the story of apes that fell out of a tree.
Though they weren't just apes. They laughed, they loved, they talked and screamed and fought.
They built cathedrals and missile silos. They gave rise to the most sublime beauty and blackest horror.
In the end, they left home forever. How could they come back?


tl;dr read the long introductory wossnames, nitty-gritty game mechanics will be in the first turn

suffice to say this is grand strategy (3 main actions + more minor actions per turn), but this is sure as hell not a peace simulator and your "character" (the governor) will still play a big role and have a personal storyline

format is thusly;


six players tops but people might die (this is going to be brutal)

oh, and i almost forgot, D10

EDIT: three slots are officially reserved for my good friends miggles, caek, and psygnosis

caekdaemon (IN)
Cozur (IN)
Miggles (IN)
Harzipan (IN)
Fail Flail (IN)
maart3n (IN)

the esteemed Psygnosis

Last edited by TheKebbit on Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:54 pm, edited 10 times in total.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:21 am
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A 4x? Very nice to see these more often. Also, thank you for reserving me a seat :smile:

Colony Name/Ship Name: Canis Maximus/ CMS Salvation
Colony Type: Colonial.
Destination : Oceanic. Let's hope the Kraken does not get too pissed at my colony.
Background: Canis Maximus, the homeland of the CMS Salvation and it's crew, was well known for it's mighty factories. Canisean industry was first in the world, capable of churning out millions of products per hour, whether civilian or military. Mighty mega corporations were born in Canis Maximus, it's economic policies helping start up's to get a firmer grip, while providing no penalty to the older corporations. At core, the industries and corporations of Canis Maximus are encouraged, nay, demanded, to compete with one another. During the Great Calamity (Since I'm not exactly sure what happened, I'll just call it the Great Calamity), the factories, mills and mines of Canis Maximus fell silent for the first time since they were created. A few great corporations built large ships, selling out seats to those who could afford them, many carrying executives not only from the mega corporations, but from younger corporations, too.

The largest and most advanced ship, however, was the CMS Salvation. Hundreds of billions of credit's went into it's construction as the treasury of Canis Maximus opened it's doors for the shipyard. Many designs and ideas were considered, including turning the capital city of Canis Maximus, Atlas, into a starship itself. However, most of these idea's were abandoned before they could be completed. The CMS Salvation was a marvel of Canisean engineering. The exterior of the ship was equipped with titanic amounts of armour plating to protect the ship on it's voyage across the stars. Within this armour, lies a gel that softened ballistic impacts, further shielding the precious cargo within. from the outside, the ship appears to be cylindrical in some sections. These are the most heavily armoured sections, and for very good reason. If one was to walk down the corridor, from the stern to the aft, they would enter twelve cylindrical rooms, where walkway's extend towards sealed doors. Behind the sealed doors, are thousands of cryogenic stasis pods, rotating. When the ship eventually arrives at it's destination, these doors will unseal, allowing the occupant within the cryopod to step out directly onto a walkway, before that pod is removed from rotation and returned to its storage position.

Before the Great Calamity, Canisean science was devoted to furthering the industrial prowess of the nation, however, each corporation had a different research division, leaving the individual objectives unknown. It is well known, however, that the Canisean government had a great fondness for the concepts of cloning, artificial intelligence and industrial robotics. In Canis Maximus, before the Great Calamity, primitive AI's ruled in factory assembly lines, managing hundreds of machines and robotic manipulators for the sole goal of richening the owner's coffers. Also of note, were a number of medical corporations, such as Johnson Medical, which pioneered cloning technology by "cloning" new heart valves and skin grafts.

Leader Background/Description: Daniel Black is the pilot of the CMS Salvation and governor of the colony. He has black hair, with dim eyes, a side effect of his bonding with the ship. Daniel was the designer of the CMS Salvation, and Councillor of Industry before the ship left home. He designed the cryogenic pods that allowed the CMS Salvation to even exist. Not much is known about his personality, - those files, along with his history, were lost to the ages, unfortunately. But it is known that his siblings are on the voyage, too. Daniel is a twenty seven (27) year old Canisean. He has a natural gift with matters of industry, and a knack for the impossible. No one thought that cryogenics could be cracked. They all thought that the ship would have to make a voyage with the ship being multigenerational, or stored as zygotes ready to be grown into humans. Daniel is well known for his loyalty to the nation, which is one of the reasons he made governor, aside from his eagerness to please and penchant for command.

FINAL EDIT : Done the background. I've intentionally left Daniel's history vague, to give something to uncover as the game goes along :D

Last edited by caekdaemon on Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:10 am, edited 4 times in total.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:47 am
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A colonial-type would be a major population center or metropolis, with substantially higher population and larger comestible reserves than any other colony. Their incredible amounts of manpower make them versatile and resilient in a survival situation.

Industrial colonies begin with heavy mining and construction capability, allowing them to easily harvest resources and construct a well-defended base of operations.

EDIT: Ohcrap. Forgot the "destination" category. Editing OP accordingly (players choose a general destination).

Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:56 am

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Shp name: ISV Jerusalem, Colony name: Katarr, Style: Military
Defining traits: Relies on heavy firepower and overwhelming force against any threat. Religious Extremeism prevalent, so are suicide bombers. Colony type: Military, Defining traits, Discipline and firepower, Charismatic as well

Last edited by Cozur on Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:02 am
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TheKebbit wrote:
A colonial-type would be a major population center or metropolis, with substantially higher population and larger comestible reserves than any other colony. Their incredible amounts of manpower make them versatile and resilient in a survival situation.

Alright then, I'll be changing the category of my colony.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:07 am
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Remember when picking your destination that Terran worlds are not necessarily the best, and seemingly inhospitable places are not necessarily the worst. Terran worlds may be resource-poor or have dangerous wildlife. Inhospitable worlds could provide ample defensive opportunity. All world-types have their own great advantages and disadvantages, terran, oceanic, exotic, and close-solar alike.

EDIT: received an application from a new forumer by PM. Cozur, welcome to the game!

Last edited by TheKebbit on Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:20 am
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Can the player governor be a artificial intelligence? Just need to know this for the colonial governor.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:25 am
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Technology really hasn't advanced that far yet. The ship AI isn't really an AI at all, more akin to Mass Effect's VIs but less complex. Also, the governor is explicitly human.

EDIT: Wildcard? Do you mean a random planet or an exotic world?

Last edited by TheKebbit on Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:29 am
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Submitted my colonial backstory I've written so far for you to read.
TheKebbit wrote:
Technology really hasn't advanced that far yet. The ship AI isn't really an AI at all, more akin to Mass Effect's VIs but less complex.
What if the AI was originally a human?

I mean, what if they pretty much stripped off the limbs and the like, slapped the brain in a jar with hundreds of wire connectors and are using it as a governing body?

TheKebbit wrote:
EDIT: Wildcard? Do you mean a random planet or an exotic world?

Aye, random planet. I'm letting you pick for me, in this case. I imagine the colonists would have no idea where they would end up, so I shouldn't pick for them.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:32 am
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I edited my post to clarify. The governor is explicitly human; your thing could work, but I intended for each leader to have a personal storyline and a gratifying conclusion.

Also, the colonists would have no idea, but the Governor-Pilot would.

And the Calamity I'm leaving intentionally unclear.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:40 am
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TheKebbit wrote:
I edited my post to clarify. The governor is explicitly human; your thing could work, but I intended for each leader to have a personal storyline and a gratifying conclusion.

Alright then. Completely human it is. Vance "♥♥♥♥" Stubbs reporting in
TheKebbit wrote:
Also, the colonists would have no idea, but the Governor-Pilot would.

Okay then. I'll pick a world type. Oceanic seems good to me.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:49 am
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Colony Name/Ship Name: Forward Dawn / The Hope's Edge

Colony Type: Scientific.

Background: The colony of Forward Dawn contains a large group of scientists who see only benefit in shedding their human flesh and uploading their consciousness into a vast database, essentially becoming immortal. They fled their homeworld of ERROR: DATA CORRUPTED. SKIPPING TO UN-CORRUPT SEGMENT The survivor of the battle, a lone ship directed by a VI and a pilot who was unfrozen for one hour bi-annually to check on the extensive damage to the ship, traveled onward. Hoping to find a new home for their ideals, and with no knowledge of what remains of their homeworld, the colonists entrusted the ship's control and repair to the lone pilot and VI pair. The ship can hold around 250 people. Current population: UNKNOWN. DAMAGE TO ALL SECTIONS OF SHIP EXTENSIVE. PROBABLE RATE OF SURVIVING CREW: 64.91%. REQUIRES MANUAL CHECK.

Leader Background/Description: Zalian Travetzski is a 25 year old master pilot. He graduated from the most prestigious pilot's academy on his planet. He is blond, and is missing his right arm due to an explosion. It has been replaced with an advanced cybernetic prototype that is the first, and perhaps last, of it's kind. He is physically fit, for the most part. His years in cryostasis have left his body in a weakened state, and he will have to work to get his body to the shape is was in previously. He is not a true believer. He does not believe in enlightenment through the loss of his human form. He was just the only one willing to pilot the ship. Everyone else back home saw the job as being too risky, and for good reasons. He IS however fascinated with the notion of remotely piloting a body or ship. He sees it as a way to do things that will not risk the lives that would otherwise be wasted. His job was to get his part of the fleet to their destination, VeraERROR: DATA CORRUPTED. SKIPPING TO UN-CORRUPT SEGMENT. SUGGEST RUNNING ANTI-VIRAL PROGRAMS his being the only survivor of the battle, he, along with his personal VI, M3-RK4 (Called Meerka) tasked himself with bringing the survivors to somewhere safe where they can complete their goal. Perhaps in time, the way back to his homeworld may show itself.

Destination: Open Space

Fun Fact: In Pioneers of Space (May it rest in peace) I was planning on having a colony focused on uploading consciousness, but I wasn't able to reach that point before Psygnosis left.

I would have preferred if I had more guidelines to go by, such as what is in my storage bay, but I believe that I did well enough.

Last edited by Harzipan on Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:31 am, edited 8 times in total.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:54 am
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I'll give you some time to finish it and will keep your reservation in mind.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:11 am
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Colony Name/Ship Name: Gungnir Industries (eh, I'll make a new flag later)
Colony Type: Industrial
Background: Gungnir Industries was the vision of one man, Grif Mason. Inheriting his fathers mechatronics workshop after his untimely death Grif Mason was able to rapidly expand the small business into a large corporation. Specializing in advanced technology, this young entrepreneur relished the opportunity for his company to populate the stars under the orange and white flag. [High tech equipment, rapid expansion, very partial to mechas.]
Leader Background/Description: A man in his early 30's, Grif Mason sees only opportunity among the stars. While his head strong attitude got him places in Earth, only time will tell whether his keen competitiveness well keep him ahead on the final frontier... (too dramatic?)[Headstrong, very accepting to progressiveness, fascination with AI]
Destination: WILDCARD! Because I'm a daredevil.


Last edited by Fail Flail on Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:12 am
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TheKebbit wrote:
I'll give you some time to finish it and will keep your reservation in mind.

I've completed my nation and it's ready to roll. The traits should be quite clear, but if they ain't, the nation's is industry, and the governors, is also industry.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:19 am
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