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 Killing Floor 
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Post Re: Killing Floor
I can't? How the hell have I shot 30 clots with one mag then???

Also at first I thought the M4 M203 was burst, so I kept shooting three and three shots. I don't know man, I might be a robot.

Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:10 pm
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Post Re: Killing Floor
Were you using the M4 without the M203 in semi auto? In that case you can fire once, but in full auto I have tried and tried and tried and I just can't fire it once. Watching the ammo counter, it looks like the time between the two shots is just a couple of frames.

Maybe I just have a crap mouse and slow finger, and it is possible to fire once in auto, but the second round does fire incredibly quickly after the first, which was the main point of interest I meant to bring to notice.

Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:16 am
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Post Re: Killing Floor
As I've already told you, I hate the optic M4.

Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:52 am
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I don't remember ever hearing that, but okay. :???: Just a few posts ago you mentioned you loved it, but not especially so.

The claymore is crazy effective, although lacking any particular gimmicks or special features. The range makes it great for crawlers and Fleshpound kiting, and the power is extremely impressive, too. It's slow, but that actually helps me use it much more deliberately.

A friend and I were playing on Hell on Earth Mountain Pass, just the two of us, as level 6 Berserkers, and with altfire headshots we were killing Scrakes in only two hits.
Although, now that I look at the wiki, Scrake health and head health is super-dependent on number of players. Normal 6-man-game Scrakes are tougher than 2-man-game Hell on Earth Scrakes!

A .44 magnum for crawlers, (double tap 'em) a xbow for husks, (headshots kill, regular shots will stun) and a claymore for every other gormless tosser makes a pretty good berserker loadout, when you're staying on the move.

Edit: it turns out the strange 2 round burst thing I mentioned only happens while playing offline. Which is also very odd, and probably indicative of it being more of a bug than a feature.

Last edited by Azukki on Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:36 am
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Post Re: Killing Floor
Husk gun. Husk gun. HUSK GUN.
Now there is a reason to play pyro, besides being a defensive debuff utility

Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:59 am
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Post Re: Killing Floor
I just had the best patriarch fight on West London. He ran off into the church to heal, got up on the pulpit, gave us a sermon of bullets and a rocket as we jumped around on the pews, and then he ran outside and in the alleyway with ~2% health. I finished him with a SCAR, and his ragdoll flopped onto the garbage bags next to the dumpster, where he belongs. :lol:

Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:54 pm
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Post Re: Killing Floor
Add me to the list Dataski's.
I prefer Medic, or Sharpshooter.
I am a level 6 Sharpshooter, and a level 5 Medic.
My Steam account is Endu2.
There needs to be a Steam group or something at least because I don't go to DRL much anymore.
I guess maybe someone can update me with a message on Steam?

Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:20 am
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We do have a Steam group, if you haven't checked. It isn't exactly what I would call active, but it exists.

Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:06 pm
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Post Re: Killing Floor
Okay, that still works for me. I love Steam party groups.

Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:01 am
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Post Re: Killing Floor
Summer sideshow 2012! Carnival zeds are back until the 23rd.
IJC weapons have been polished and made official, new map, new achievements, new pack of 4 skins for $2, and separately there's a Harry Enfield knockoff character is now available to whoever wants to pay LOADSAMONAY* for it.


Edit: played it for a solid 7 hours.

A little rundown of the weapons:
MK23, the .45 pistol, feels disappointing, but that may just be because in the IJC mod it was crazy OP. It's either balanced or underpowered, now, I'm unsure.
M7A3, the medic assault rifle, seems unchanged from the IJC mod, so far as I can tell. It's got a heal dart launcher like that of the MP7's, but it kills small zeds so well you could almost say commando's now unneeded...
FN FAL, the battle rifle, prevents that, though. One could complain that there's not enough gameplay distinction between the fal and scar to make the fal addition worthwhile, but it looks nice, and now you can carry two 7.62x51 battle rifles. With fifty rounds of that stuff ready to be dumped on target, commando is a lot stronger.
M99, the anti-materiel rifle, is like the crossbow, except too heavy to carry extra guns with. The way it dominates FPs, SCs, and the Patriarch can easily make it worth it to be shooting 9mm the rest of the time.
HSG-1, the shotgun, is great. Basically it's the original pump shotgun, but with detachable 12 round mags, and an option to have tighter or wider spread.
The .44m revolver weighs 2 again.
Crossbow is faster now I hear? Haven't played enough to see that well.

At level 5, 6, and maybe 4, support can carry a M7A3, HSG-1, and any other shotgun. It's like you're a support, half a commando, and half a medic, all at once. Crazy versatile.
And for sheer awesomeness, give dual mk23s, dual .44s, and dual hand cannons a try.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:39 am
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Post Re: Killing Floor
New guns are awful. Animations beautiful, models beautiful, but they don't fit in the game balance wise.

And yeah, crossbow fires almost as fast as lever action now, making it pretty much pointless.

Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:30 pm
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Only the FAL and M99 are 'awfully' unbalanced, I think. The HSG1 & M7A3 seem overpowered, but not quite to an awful extent.
MK23s seem balanced to me, compared to handcannons, but I haven't used them much yet. As they were in the IJC mod, though, that was the epitome of OP.

I am certain that M99 and Xbow will get their rates of fire reduced at some point.
The HoE players are pissed about it and are basically shouting in Tripwire's ear for a fix asap.

Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:51 am
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Post Re: Killing Floor
Oh, I completely forgot the update, I always use support specialist (lvl 3 now!) and go:
44 mag
hunting shotgun
AA-12 and m79

On another note I don't enjoy the HSG-1 It doesn't seem to be that special and the sights bug me for some reason. (probably cause I'm really picky)

Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:52 am
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Post Re: Killing Floor
Finally purchased this. Half due to a friend's recommendation, half due to the price. It is much more entertaining then I thought it was going to be. Sharpshooter is, in my opinion, the most entertaining class so far.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:42 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Killing Floor
It's also one of the most useful, especially for scrakes and fleshpounds.

Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:02 am
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