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 RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business! 
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Planning on getting eye augs. Processing visual information on screens would take much less time. Along with zoom functions and whatnot, My vision would basically be an interactive FPS HUD. Although I think that it would take some brain implants as well to make it such a thing.

Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:19 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
I'm planning on getting augs for my arms to become much better at quick aiming and melee combat. Then I'll be the tank dude.


Also, I was thinking, and what happens if later in the game, maart3n gives me a secret mission that goes "Kill Niko. He is dangerous for Saltech."?

That would be so goddam mind-blowing face-raping action-packed plot-twisting act of treachery!

Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:39 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Extra armor for your body would be cool. Graft nanofiber plates directly to your chest. I'm sure that they would have those at the point in time that this RtD takes place.

Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:43 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Asklar wrote:
I'm planning on getting augs for my arms to become much better at quick aiming and melee combat. Then I'll be the tank dude.


That's what Nathan is intended for. The cloak is not for stealth roles - its hard to do infiltration when they can hear you breath and walk, along with the cloak lasting five minutes, tops.

I intended it for use in melee. If you can't see your enemy, even if only for five minutes, they have a massive advantage.

Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:58 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
i'm not sure what role i fill

dps/token evil guy?

Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:52 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
We have tank (Ed), we have stealth/DPS (Heather), we have odd jobs/DPS (Niko), and we have general violence/DPS (Nathan). I would prefer if you were a medic/healer, just if to fill out our typical MMO raid group, but if you just want to be DPS, that's fine. The more the better.

I might end up going for a medkit or something of the sort to replace my main weapon, instead of an SMG. If that's alright with you, Maart3n. We always need medics.

Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:10 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Asklar wrote:

Also, I was thinking, and what happens if later in the game, maart3n gives me a secret mission that goes "Kill Niko. He is dangerous for Saltech."?

That would be so goddam mind-blowing face-raping action-packed plot-twisting act of treachery!

Stop ruining my ideas damn you.

I'll post in a second.

Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:07 am
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Harzipan - Nikolai Petrouski.
3 + 3 = 6 - Next, shut down all elevator access to this floor. Don't want any pesky reinforcements arriving while I work.

After the immensely successful blindfolding of security you decide to lock yourself in at the labs. Which turns out to be a lot harder, even though you already had access to the elevators. Apparently the elevators are operated by a primitive and very stubborn AI. That explains why they're always where you need them to be.

Eventually you get the elevator locked at the bottom floor, however the stairs are still accessible and there is no way to block them.
At least Ed found a big harddrive.

Caekdaemon - Nathaniel McDonohugh.
8 - Head down corridors. Find labs. Pillage.

Thanking Edward you and Heather go to the labs, time to Rape, loot and pillage.
Upon arrival you decide to split up, heather will go after anything that's valuable, while you destroy anything that isn't. Also, decapitating scientists left and right, very important.
You find some C4 stashed in a locker labeled explosive resistance testing.

Asklar - Edward Smith.
9 - 2 = 7 - Search for hard/flash drives, CDs, DVDs or any form of digital storage.

That sure was one hell of a fight, such a fight deserves a trophy! You take the guards arm pads, which would come in useful when engaging in hand to hand combat.

New gear acquired: Arm pads, +1 to melee combat!

Tired from you heroic action you decide to take the calm job and help Niko out by finding some portable storage device.
Which turned out to be harder than expected. The entire room is covered in computer parts and blood, making it not only hard but also reasonably disgusting.
The first two drives you found were drowned and of no use, but the third one was on top of a cabinet. According to the sticker on top it contained "wild life footage", it didn't.........
You erase the contents and give it to niko.

NikolasX - Heather.
7 - Loot. After all this is a secret lab of a rival corp.

You and Nathaniel head to the labs, each with your own personal objective. The labs are filled with all sorts of interesting things, from weapon prototypes to augs, and even the odd chemical experiment.
Which will you take? You can only carry a maximum size of three:
Smg prototype (1)
Jetpack (2)
Combat drugs (1)
Machine grenade launcher (2)
"Rapier" patern combat aug arm (2)
HEAP rapid accelerated slugs (1)
Armor alloy (1)
Ocular implants (1)
Spider bot (2)

Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:21 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
i suppose my character is more of a close combat generalist rather than dps

also helps with mission objectives because "enhanced questioning"

EDIT: also, Dagenham as a medic?

Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:32 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Find important files, as many as I can, and copy them over to the portable hard drive. Check encrypted folders first.

"Heather, find anything interesting?

Oh, and Ed, thanks."

Hey. Nikolas. Ocular implants. Please?

Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:25 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"Heather, mind if I take some of that stuff too?"
If nicolasx don't take em, the arm aug's and armour alloy. If picking up loot like that is a minor action, toss some C4 round the room for later.

Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:37 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
maart3n wrote:
Asklar wrote:

Also, I was thinking, and what happens if later in the game, maart3n gives me a secret mission that goes "Kill Niko. He is dangerous for Saltech."?

That would be so goddam mind-blowing face-raping action-packed plot-twisting act of treachery!

Stop ruining my ideas damn you.

I'll post in a second.


Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:46 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
Muhahahah, btw would you mind me limiting Heather and Nathaniel to the looting, otherwise you can take pretty much everything. So a maximum of 6 points.

Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:08 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"Alright, what do I do now? I'm pretty sure all my job as an escort is pretty much done."

And alright caek, if you will be the melee dude, I'll be the general versatile dude, oriented to bullet-sponging and heavy weight lifting.

Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:16 pm
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Post Re: RtD: Mega Corporation now using d10 and still open.
"Er. Not sure. The elevator's been deactivated. Kinda. The stairs are still able to be used though. Try and secure us a way out through there, if you can."

Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:28 pm
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