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 Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Writeup 7) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 115)
Roll 115

[ 4 ] = 4
> You can't see the eye from here, so you shove off the corrupted chirop that falls down with a shriek, and the black dragon slowly gets to its feet.

Jumping up and flying towards the Colossus's right hand that's covering its eye, the dragon inhales deeply before letting loose a burst of pitch-black fire that peels away at the Colossus's scaley skin.

Race: Human
Inventory (10/10) :
- Firebrand
- Luminous Bow
- Bow
- Quiver (35/50 Arrows)
-- Arrows (Qty. 36)
- 142 gold coins
- Cooked Venison (Qty. 1)
- Deer Pelt
- Quartz
-- (Energy: ===)
- Grass Blades (Qty. 50)
- Cloth Bag (10/10)
-- Caelum Mage stone (Qty. 5)
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll

Equipped (10/10) :
- Moonlight Armor (Helm, Cuirass, Armguards x2, Gauntlets x2, Leggings x2, Greaves x2)

Active Abilities :
- Arrow Abilities (Requires a bow and arrows)
-- Fire Arrows
-- Cold Front
-- Tornado Shot
-- Trail Blazer
- Magic Control Level - Instinctual
-- Elemental
-- Accelerated Repair

Passive Abilities :
- Stealth (+1 any action involving sneaking)
- Bull's Eye (+2 to precision actions)

Conditions :
- Mounted on the Black Dragon

John Freemaneth
[ 3 ] = 3
> So is he purified?

Maybe, maybe not.

Doubling up Haste again, you would think you're fast enough to close the distance between yourself and the lord without any interuptions, but a flying Lupus manages to time its leap perfectly and slam into you from the side, knocking you out of haste and pinning you to the ground. The massive wolf savagely bites and batters your arm holding Lucida with Herculean strength.

Race: Human
Inventory (7/10) :

- Lucida
-- (Energy: =======-----------------------)
- Leather Pouch
-- 1500 gold coins
- Calligraphy Kit
- Paper Runes
-- Shield Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Earth Elemental Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Fire Drop Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Lightning-Trap Tag (Qty. 5)
-- Push Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Plasma Bolt Tag (Qty. 3)
-- Vampire Ice Tag (Qty. 2)
-- Lightning Tag (Qty. 2)
- The Chronicles of Kark (book)
- The Two Lovers of Vranhal (book)
- Crossbow Bolt (Qty. 15)

Equipped (4/10) :
- Andrew's Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ----------)
- Quality Chainmail
- Quality Gauntlets (Qty. 2)

Memory :
- Lucida's Memories

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic, Runic
-- Elemental
--- Ice Claws
-- Kinetic
-- Light
--- Flare
--- Hard Light
--- Haste
--- Blink
--- Portal
--- Lucida Armor

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- ???
- Charging Lucida (1 unit per turn)
- Lucida Armor

Gustaf Anorak
[ 3 ] = 3
> If I can't get out, then...

Turning around, you push your way through goop to the back of the eye. Feeling a thick, fleshy wall, you drive Sanguis through it and start tearing it apart. After several seconds of frenzied cutting, you break through and fall forward into an air pocket full of cords as thick as your arm to as thin as your finger and covered in slime.

Taking a deep breath of air, it smells absolutely horrid, but you can breath.

Race: Human
Inventory (3/10) :
- Sanguis
-- ??? (===-------)
- 100 gold coins
- Caelum Mage Stone Fragments (x12)

Equipped (2/10) :
- Echo Helm (+1 Detection)
- Magmaul (Brigandine)

Abilities :
- Heaven's Blessing: Automatically roll a 5 when used with an action. (10 turn recharge)
-- Rechargo-Meter (=====-----)
- Bloodlust (Sanguis)
- Banshee (Echo Helm)
- Highlander (When activated, cannot die for 3 turns) (Can be used on multiple allies closeby)
-- Recharge (===============)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ 2 ] = 2
> "Have at ye!"

Leaping forward, you clash blades with the sword-wielding corrupted. Immediately, you notice that it looks different than before. Several pieces of armor have fallen off around its limbs, revealing them to be thin and covered in inch-long spike-like hairs

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Vulcanis
- Leather Bag
-- 1100 gold coins

Equipped (1/10) :
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ====------)

Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Runic
-- Energy Control
-- Elemental
-- Kinetic
--- Power Flow
- /Instinctual
-- Addle Lance

Passive Abilities :
- Critical Eye (+1 to actions involving precise movements)

Conditions :

[ 6 - 1 ] = 5
> Turning your falling, vertical motion into horizantal, running with wind, you sprint across the ground until you collide with the also-sprinting lord. Your weapons slam with a mighty bang before both of you jump back. The lord's halberd emits an eerie blue glow, while Whirlwind gives off a pale green glow.

Race: Human
Inventory (2/10) :
- Whirlwind Halberd
- Curved Dagger (+1 to precise attacks)

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Advanced Learning (Can learn at a faster rate)

Conditions :
- Stunned (-1 actions, ends next turn)

Kyros Deiimor
[ 6 ] = 6
> Flying low, you power up your entire body and hack away at the inside of the Colossus's legs. The left arm of the beast swings towwards you, but you easily evade the giant limb.

Meanwhile, all but one of your fellow chirop fly towards the tower behind the colossus, with the remain one hurling fire balls at the giant's face. The black dragon also gets back into the air and breaths black fire over the colossus's right hand.

Race: Chirop
Inventory (1/10) :
- Longsword

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :
- Hurricane Blade
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Kinetic
--- Power Flow
-- Elemental
--- Lightning

Passive Abilities :
- Magical Potency (+1 Magic Potency)

Conditions :
- Corruption level 1


[ 3 ] = 3
> Walk, walk

Inventory (1/5) :
- ??? Book

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Elemental
-- Light
--- Haste
--- Hard Light

Conditions :

Black Dragon

[ 3 ] = 3
> Standing up, the dragon jumps and flies back into the air towards the colossus's hand that's covering its eye. Breathing in deeply, the black dragon unleashes a stream of pitch-black fire that erodes the skin of the colossus's hand.

Inventory (?/?) :

Active Abilities :

Conditions :
- Carrying Cihas on neck

World Events:
Time of day: Day


Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:00 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 115)

Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:14 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 115)
>Seeing as John is on the ground: Mighty wind slash all across the regular lupus.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:59 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 115)
"♥♥♥♥, maybe I shouldn't have tried this. Ah, whatever. I'm inside- should be able to do major damage." Hack and slash s'more, advance forward.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:59 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 115)
> Keep slashing legs. Try to continually hit the same spots.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:17 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 115)

Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:32 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 115)
>Try and sever hair while duelling.

Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:36 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 116)
Roll 116

[ 2 ] = 2

The dragon ignores you and evades a falling arm before landing on the Colossus's face and starts tearing apart the already-damaged right eye. It rips out pieces of flesh and sweeps masses of dark fluid and jelly out before sticking its head through when there's enough space.

Leaning against the dragon's neck, you feel warm wet squishy things slide over your back. You're going to need a bath after this.

Race: Human
Inventory (10/10) :
- Firebrand
- Luminous Bow
- Bow
- Quiver (35/50 Arrows)
-- Arrows (Qty. 36)
- 142 gold coins
- Cooked Venison (Qty. 1)
- Deer Pelt
- Quartz
-- (Energy: ===)
- Grass Blades (Qty. 50)
- Cloth Bag (10/10)
-- Caelum Mage stone (Qty. 5)
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll

Equipped (10/10) :
- Moonlight Armor (Helm, Cuirass, Armguards x2, Gauntlets x2, Leggings x2, Greaves x2)

Active Abilities :
- Arrow Abilities (Requires a bow and arrows)
-- Fire Arrows
-- Cold Front
-- Tornado Shot
-- Trail Blazer
- Magic Control Level - Instinctual
-- Elemental
-- Accelerated Repair

Passive Abilities :
- Stealth (+1 any action involving sneaking)
- Bull's Eye (+2 to precision actions)

Conditions :
- Mounted on the Black Dragon

John Freemaneth
[ 5 ] = 5

Punching the lupus on top of you with a kinetic punch, you throw him off and Banrax sends out a blast of air that throws back the other lupus. Something slams into him from the North West and knocks him away, and in his place is the Lord.

Race: Human
Inventory (7/10) :

- Lucida
-- (Energy: =======-----------------------)
- Leather Pouch
-- 1500 gold coins
- Calligraphy Kit
- Paper Runes
-- Shield Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Earth Elemental Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Fire Drop Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Lightning-Trap Tag (Qty. 5)
-- Push Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Plasma Bolt Tag (Qty. 3)
-- Vampire Ice Tag (Qty. 2)
-- Lightning Tag (Qty. 2)
- The Chronicles of Kark (book)
- The Two Lovers of Vranhal (book)
- Crossbow Bolt (Qty. 15)

Equipped (4/10) :
- Andrew's Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ----------)
- Quality Chainmail
- Quality Gauntlets (Qty. 2)

Memory :
- Lucida's Memories

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic, Runic
-- Elemental
--- Ice Claws
-- Kinetic
-- Light
--- Flare
--- Hard Light
--- Haste
--- Blink
--- Portal
--- Lucida Armor

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- ???
- Charging Lucida (1 unit per turn)
- Lucida Armor

Gustaf Anorak
[ 4 ] = 4
> "♥♥♥♥, maybe I shouldn't have tried this. *COUGH* Ah, whatever. I'm inside-*COUGHGAG* should be able to do major damage."

Slowly continuing deeper into the smelly head while hacking, you hear a hissing or wheezing sound everytime you cut a slimy cord. The Colosses shudders and you nearly lose your footing on the slimy ground, but you press on forward until you see... A bat creature.

Suspended in the center of the Colossus's head, held up by small and large cords connecting at various joints, is another one of the bat creatures.

Race: Human
Inventory (3/10) :
- Sanguis
-- ??? (===-------)
- 100 gold coins
- Caelum Mage Stone Fragments (x12)

Equipped (2/10) :
- Echo Helm (+1 Detection)
- Magmaul (Brigandine)

Abilities :
- Heaven's Blessing: Automatically roll a 5 when used with an action. (10 turn recharge)
-- Rechargo-Meter (=====-----)
- Bloodlust (Sanguis)
- Banshee (Echo Helm)
- Highlander (When activated, cannot die for 3 turns) (Can be used on multiple allies closeby)
-- Recharge (===============)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ 1 ] = 1
> Still dueling with the corrupted, you attempt to cut at its hair. Noticing your change in attack, the swordsman parries your blow before stepping forward and punching you in the gut hard enough to throw you on to the ground.

Lifting your head, you see the swordsman take a few steps closer before stopping. In the short amount of time, the "hairs" have grown into thicker, 2-inch long spikes, like porcupine quills.

Aucupe: "Oh, look, he's stable. No more corruption."

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Vulcanis
- Leather Bag
-- 1100 gold coins

Equipped (1/10) :
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ====------)

Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Runic
-- Energy Control
-- Elemental
-- Kinetic
--- Power Flow
- /Instinctual
-- Addle Lance

Passive Abilities :
- Critical Eye (+1 to actions involving precise movements)

Conditions :

[ 3 ] = 3
> John knocks the Lupus off of him and you swing whirlwind in an arc, creating a blast of air that throws all of the lupus within range back.

Out of nowhere, a loud shrieking sound that resembles an eagle's cry blares in your ears, and something collides with you hard. You tumble through the air momentarily before landing roughly on the ground.

Are you... Wearing armor?

Race: Human
Inventory (2/10) :
- Whirlwind Halberd
- Curved Dagger (+1 to precise attacks)

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Advanced Learning (Can learn at a faster rate)

Conditions :
- Whirlwind Armor

Kyros Deiimor
[ 3 ] = 3
> You fly downwards again, about to cut at the Colossus's legs, but its massive arms swing down again and you have no choice but to evade. The beast stumbles forward a bit, and its arms seem to slacken. The black dragon is on the face of the giant, mauling at the right eye.

Race: Chirop
Inventory (1/10) :
- Longsword

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :
- Hurricane Blade
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Kinetic
--- Power Flow
-- Elemental
--- Lightning

Passive Abilities :
- Magical Potency (+1 Magic Potency)

Conditions :
- Corruption level 1


[ 4 ] = 4
> "Oh, look, he's stable. No more corruption."

Inventory (1/5) :
- ??? Book

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Elemental
-- Light
--- Haste
--- Hard Light

Conditions :

Black Dragon

[ 5 ] = 5
> Evading a swinging arm, the dragon lands on the Colossus's face and tears apart its already-opened eye before sticking its head in.

Inventory (?/?) :

Active Abilities :

Conditions :
- Carrying Cihas on neck

World Events:
Time of day: Day


Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:27 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 116)
"Excuse me there sir, before you do me more bodily harm, we might actually be fighting on the same side now, who are you?"

Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:39 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 116)
"Oh hey, I forgot I had these."
> Haste towards Lord, apply and activate a Vampire Ice tag around waist, one in back and one in front.

Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:51 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 116)
If eye opens jump into Colossus Eye with Firebrand Drawn, else; Shoot a barrage of arrows at the other eye.

Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:06 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 116)
>Eagles? Heavy wind storms across the area.

Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:56 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 116)
"Hello there, gorgeous..." >Destroy the bat with Sanguis. After it's dead, sever all of the connecting cords for good measure.

Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:07 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 116)
> Eh... take a time out on a nearby building and fiddle with my Lightning magic. See if I can use power flow in combination with it again. But THIS TIME use it only on the tip of a single claw of mine.

Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:44 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 117)
Roll 117

[ 6 ] = 6
> The head of the Colossus lurches forward and the dragon is pushed into the eye socket a bit before being almost thrown out of the eye. The dragon clamps down on the edge of the eye socket with sharp claws, and you can see that the eye is now a large, bloody, gaping hole.

Using your arrows like daggers, you jump into the eye and cling onto the inside "floor".

Race: Human
Inventory (10/10) :
- Firebrand
- Luminous Bow
- Bow
- Quiver (35/50 Arrows)
-- Arrows (Qty. 36)
- 142 gold coins
- Cooked Venison (Qty. 1)
- Deer Pelt
- Quartz
-- (Energy: ===)
- Grass Blades (Qty. 50)
- Cloth Bag (10/10)
-- Caelum Mage stone (Qty. 5)
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll

Equipped (10/10) :
- Moonlight Armor (Helm, Cuirass, Armguards x2, Gauntlets x2, Leggings x2, Greaves x2)

Active Abilities :
- Arrow Abilities (Requires a bow and arrows)
-- Fire Arrows
-- Cold Front
-- Tornado Shot
-- Trail Blazer
- Magic Control Level - Instinctual
-- Elemental
-- Accelerated Repair

Passive Abilities :
- Stealth (+1 any action involving sneaking)
- Bull's Eye (+2 to precision actions)

Conditions :

John Freemaneth
[ 4 ] = 4
> "Oh hey, I forgot I had these."

You Haste yourself up and dash around the Lord placing a Vampire Tag in the front and the back of her waist. When you stop, a blast wave explodes from the lord's armor in every direction, shredding your tags and throwing you back.

Race: Human
Inventory (7/10) :

- Lucida
-- (Energy: =======-----------------------)
- Leather Pouch
-- 1500 gold coins
- Calligraphy Kit
- Paper Runes
-- Shield Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Earth Elemental Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Fire Drop Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Lightning-Trap Tag (Qty. 5)
-- Push Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Plasma Bolt Tag (Qty. 3)
-- Lightning Tag (Qty. 2)
- The Chronicles of Kark (book)
- The Two Lovers of Vranhal (book)
- Crossbow Bolt (Qty. 15)

Equipped (4/10) :
- Andrew's Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ----------)
- Quality Chainmail
- Quality Gauntlets (Qty. 2)

Memory :
- Lucida's Memories

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic, Runic
-- Elemental
--- Ice Claws
-- Kinetic
-- Light
--- Flare
--- Hard Light
--- Haste
--- Blink
--- Portal
--- Lucida Armor

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- ???
- Charging Lucida (1 unit per turn)
- Lucida Armor

Gustaf Anorak
[ 3 ] = 3
> "Hello there, gorgeous..."

You stab Sanguis into the bat's stomach, and the head of the Colossus lurches forward. The sudden movement catches you by surprise and you slam into the bat, before the head of the Colossus stops moving and you feel like you're going to fall. You instictively hang onto the bat, which is about 5 feet tall. Sanguis is still embedded in the creature, and you can feel it shivering in pain.

The head is now facing downwards at a diagonal angle.

Race: Human
Inventory (3/10) :
- Sanguis
-- ??? (===-------)
- 100 gold coins
- Caelum Mage Stone Fragments (x12)

Equipped (2/10) :
- Echo Helm (+1 Detection)
- Magmaul (Brigandine)

Abilities :
- Heaven's Blessing: Automatically roll a 5 when used with an action. (10 turn recharge)
-- Rechargo-Meter (======----)
- Bloodlust (Sanguis)
- Banshee (Echo Helm)
- Highlander (When activated, cannot die for 3 turns) (Can be used on multiple allies closeby)
-- Recharge (===============)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ 6 ] = 6
> "Excuse me there sir, before you do me more bodily harm, we might actually be fighting on the same side now, who are you?"

The man(?) stares at you blankly with pitch-black eyes. He doesn't respond, but he doesn't make any threatening gestures either.

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Vulcanis
- Leather Bag
-- 1100 gold coins

Equipped (1/10) :
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ====------)

Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Runic
-- Energy Control
-- Elemental
-- Kinetic
--- Power Flow
- /Instinctual
-- Addle Lance

Passive Abilities :
- Critical Eye (+1 to actions involving precise movements)

Conditions :

[ 1 ] = 1
> You're about to swing Whirlwind when the lord swings her own halberd and a powerful concussive force slams into you, knocking you back hard.

Race: Human
Inventory (2/10) :
- Whirlwind Halberd
- Curved Dagger (+1 to precise attacks)

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Advanced Learning (Can learn at a faster rate)

Conditions :
- Whirlwind Armor

Kyros Deiimor
[ 2 ] = 2
> You fly to a nearby building while the other chirop poke around the Colossus, seeing if it's dead or fatally wounded yet.

Charging the tip of your claw on your pointer finger on your right hand with lightning and kinetic magic, you see it explode in a small burst of heat, static, and debris from your claw. Your hand also tingles slightly from electricity.

Race: Chirop
Inventory (1/10) :
- Longsword

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :
- Hurricane Blade
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Kinetic
--- Power Flow
-- Elemental
--- Lightning

Passive Abilities :
- Magical Potency (+1 Magic Potency)

Conditions :
- Corruption level 1


[ 1 ] = 1
> Tuturru~

Inventory (1/5) :
- ??? Book

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Elemental
-- Light
--- Haste
--- Hard Light

Conditions :

Black Dragon

[ 5 ] = 5
> The head of the Colossus lurches forward before stopping, almost throwing the dragon out of the eye socket.

Inventory (?/?) :

Active Abilities :

Conditions :

World Events:
Time of day: Day


Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:30 pm
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