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 Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Get THE ♥♥♥♥ out of the way of her hand. Get up close and personal and yank the hand up, if necessary. Continue firing while she's distracted with her super attack.

Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:05 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

"I hope these are effective!"
Draw and brandish Durendal and Keltzinogre.

Last edited by Ociamarru on Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:03 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:05 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Damn you useless +1 T_T

Grab the Nairle, and pull myself up by throwing her to the ground.

Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:24 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
> Instantly charge my hands with electromagnetism, pulling any metal towards the bolts on my hands and then do several powerful spins, essentially creating a lightning tornado. At the end of my spin, unleash the electricity and magnetic force outwards.

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:04 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Blush intensely while body mastering faster reflexes. "I say! Being stabbed in the buttocks is no laughing matter!"

Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:30 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [4]:
You convert the electricity in your hands to magnetism (4+2=6), and #1 is visibly affected. Her stance shifts and her face goes to a look of surprise, before all of a sudden-
She. Uh.
Levitated up.
Specifically, her body moved up, with her sternum coming to rest on your fist, arms roughly wrapped around her front over your fist. Your fist is trapped between her boobs, and with both her arms locked around your wrist you can't get it out.
She blushes furiously and looks at you, a combination of furious and flustered. #1 barely manages to get her words out through her gritted teeth.
"Rret... Me... Guu."
Your hand feels squishy.

Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [9-2=7]:
You quickly get back to your feet, staggering a little, but shake it off and draw the twin daggers you noticed at your side. #5 lands a good distance in front of you, wary of the daggers you now wield. She raises one hand at you, fingers splayed in a "Stop" gesture, and a long diamond of energy forms at each fingertip. You notice this happened to both hands, not just the one she raised at you.
"Wouldn't want this to be TOO unfair."
"Mmm, maybe you're right, perhaps I SHOULD use only one hand."

The two of you rush forward at each other simultaneously, weapons bared. Her left claw easily stops Keltzinogre, but the ones on the right are sliced through like a hot knife through butter by Durendal. She raises her eyebrows at this, quickly grabs the sliced off portions of energy, somehow, and spins backwards away from your knives.
"Ok then, I take it back, no handicaps for you."

Amazigh ("Amazigh") [3]:
You summon a glob of plasma in either hand and lob them towards #3 with extreme prejudice. She sidesteps one, and quickly slashes her sword through the other, almost faster than the eye can see. The slash leaves a trail of dull red flames and evaporates the glob entirely. She then dashes towards you, sword held at her side, ready to cut.

Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [10]:
#6 punches the air, and the ground in front of her shatters as an orange shockwave of energy bursts forward, rippling the air and shaking everyone in the arena with its force. 6 almost fang-like blades of energy spread outward from the center, the ones facing the ground carving deep trenches into it as the shockwave passes. You haul ASS out of the way of the shockwave as fast as you can, and the overpressure wave from the attack STILL throws your mecha forward onto the ground.
You don't see it since you fell down, but the wave travels the distance to the edge, then impacts something about a foot away from a portion of empty stands. The area explodes as the shockwave releases its energy, causing a ripple to spread across a previously invisible barrier surrounding the arena, and chunks of rock of all sizes are sent raining across the arena, while a huge dust cloud billows up from the impact.
"Hmph. Well, next one won't miss."
Damn well better not, that nearly broke the barrier around the arena! Be more careful!

GlowstickNinja (Jackson Winters) [9-1=8]:
"I say! Being stabbed in the buttocks is no laughing matter!"
She breaks down into another giggle fit. Dammit you are the least intimidating opponent ever.
Suddenly, something off to the side explodes, and #4 regains her composure.
"Well damn, #6 means business. Hope she doesn't get mad... Anyway, where were we?"
While she was talking, you altered your nervous system with your Body Master. You can now move and react significantly faster than a normal human can; this should be enough to level the playing field with #4!

Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [6-1=5]:
Facedown, #2 pokes you with her foot to see if you're dead.
"Hey, I didn't kill you did I? Hell, I know I didn't hit THAT hard."
You suddenly reach your arm forward and grab her by the ankle before she can pull away. She starts, and gives your mecha a couple kicks to try and dislodge you. You grab her other ankle.
She flails at you now, trying to batter your cockpit and make you release, but a partial Megido blocks her hits, throwing her off balance and making her fall to the ground.
#2 looks down at you, still gripping both ankles and now pulling her towards you, with a slight look of fear.

Game Events:
#1 is fighting Raphael, currently disabled.
#2 is fighting Grif.
#3 is fighting Amazigh.
#4 is fighting Jackson.
#5 is fighting Vadim.
#6 is fighting Vlad.

Oho? What's this, an upheaval perhaps?

Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:23 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:25 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Christ, you women can get so overworked.
Missile pods on the back to #6, along with left arm weaponry to keep her distracted. Keep moving.

Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:37 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Got the ham reference...
"THERE ARE NO BRAKES ON THE RAPE TRAIN!!!" (Changed once more due to caeks wise words.)
Slam her into the ground by flicking her ankles (Like spreading a picnic blanket on a warm summers eve) and then fling her into Narlie #1.

Last edited by Fail Flail on Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:01 am, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:00 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
"*sigh* I'll attempt to not injure myself any further. My apologies for my lack of challenge so far Miss." Direct charge at her, feint/dodge then Sepulcher from her side/rear.

Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:57 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

> Send a massive surge of electricity through #1, enough to fry a grizzly bear to a crisp, and fry the crisps to a crisp.

Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:34 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Fail Flail wrote:

For the love of god man do not say that.

Unless you want her throwing your broken body at the next person she decides to fight.

Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:43 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
"Believe me, I don't need any handicaps."
Erupt large psionic spikes in a 20-foot cone toward Nairle #5, starting a few feet away from yourself.

Posting my actions might be delayed, we couldn't pay the electric bill so now the only time I can use the computer is when we have the generator running.

Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:44 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [4]:
Before you can administer electroshock therapy, #6 attacks Tomaster, and the shockwave makes you lose your concentration, cancelling the magnetic field and sending you flying up into the stands. You land pretty badly, smashing through a solid stone bench, and you're pretty sure something around your pelvis broke.

Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [8]:
"Believe me, I don't need any handicaps."
The ground in front of you erupts into spikes, and #5 is forced to dodge backwards to avoid them. Suddenly, she looks over towards Vlad and #6.
"Oh ♥♥♥♥. Grab onto something, now!"
She dives forward, putting your field of spikes between her and #6, and wraps her arms around one.
You do the same, deciding anything that could scare this woman is worth being afraid of.
You were right to do so, and aren't sent flying by the Draco's shockwave.

Amazigh ("Amazigh") [5]:
You activate the Plasma Burst, and several panels on your mech's chest pop open, revealing a burning white orb suspended in midair. The area in front of you practically ignites as a huge wave of burning fire blasts forth, and #3 is forced to retreat in the face of the wall of fiery death.

Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [2]:
"Christ, you women can get so overworked."
"Oh, you want to go THERE now. Okay. Fine. You want worked up? I WILL SHOW YOU ♥♥♥♥ WORKED UP!"
Oh god.

#6 extends both arms all the way out, hands balled into fists, and a shudder runs down your spine. Small arcs of, what the hell, orange lightning, crackle between her fists and the rest of her body.
The arcs of lightning multiply, and #6 swings her arms in, crashing her fists together in front of her. She then leans forward and shoves both fists straight forward, one laid on top of the other, wrists facing each other.
The effect is tremendous. You scramble to dodge the blast again, but this time there's simply no running. You're swept up by the enormous shockwave, which punches through the barrier around the stands like they aren't even there.
The blast travels through the stands, destroying them effortlessly, and hits the wall behind them, finally unloading its full payload of destructive force.
The wall behind the stands goes up a good 300 feet before opening up to a blue sky overhead. The wall is also about 20 feet thick of solid stone.
The Draco Butenko Raisen destroys a third of the wall circling the entirety of the arena, sending it flying into the area outside the arena.
You find yourself thoroughly confused and rattled, lying on a broken bench in an undestroyed section of the stands. Your HUD is pretty much all red, from a combination of warning screens and blood. You hit your head on a corner and your lip got cut open pretty badly.

GlowstickNinja (Jackson Winters) [9-1=8]:
Suddenly, the arena explodes. Looks like #6 got mad.
You forgo words, and dash over towards #4, who got caught off guard by the explosion. You slam your spear into the ground again, sending another barrage of spikes up. There's a splash of crimson and a scream, and #4 leaps up and away from your attack. She clutches her left shoulder. Or rather, the stump of her left shoulder. Her entire arm was cleanly severed by a spike from your Sepulcher. That's...
Ok, you'll admit, that's a bit more grisly than you wanted.
"OW... Ok, you got me there."

Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [4]:
You reconsider saying something, instead choosing to slam her into the ground. You lift her up and she yells something unintellable before you swing her back down, but she holds her arms behind her and stops the slam, then somehow grabs the ground and attempts to yank her feet free of your grasp. It fails, but #6's attack takes you by surprise and knocks you down, giving the same effect. #2 goes rolling backwards, free of your grip and blushing indignantly.

Game Events: As the clouds from #6's attack clear, the barrier around the arena falls to pieces like a giant piece of tempered glass.
"Well damn. I knew she was strong, but didn't know she had THAT in her."
"It took me WEEKS to make this arena..."
"Well that'll teach you to not use my girl as a toy for Rollers."

#1 is at the foot of the stands.
#2 is fighting Grif.
#3 is fighting Amazigh.
#4 is fighting Jackson.
#5 is fighting Vadim.
#6 is in the center of the arena.

Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:25 am
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