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 RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business! 
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Post RtD: Mega Corporation Back in business!
Some may know me, some don't. But all of you know I've never ran a rtd before.
I will however do anything in my power to make this an enjoyable experience to both players and readers.

So, without further ado, I present you:
RtD: Mega Corporation!

The year is 2194, humanity has survived it's fair share of political, ecological and financial crises. The world has become corporation heaven, political power is expressed in dollar signs and your rights only count when the opposition hasn't thrown enough money at the judge.

Corporations hold most of the power and enforce it without warning, corporate espionage is business as usual, just like finding mutilated bodies in dumpsters. The mini armies at their disposal turn the streets into warzones from time to time.

You are the latest addition to Saltech's R&D "security department". To outsiders and even colleagues this means you make sure nobody goes in or out of R&D without proper clearance.
To you it means being Saltech's deniable ops, no job is too dirty for you.

Tl;dr syndicate but better.

This well be a realistic futuristic RtD, meaning that you can be a slightly augmented human, wielding ballistic weapons(both chemical and electrical*) and low tech laser based weapons*, hacking computers is a skill and melee is a risky, yet highly efficient, tactic.

Railguns are heavy bolt action rifles with a temper.
Lasers are limited to the heavy continues type, requiring a dedicated battery pack.

I'll be using the standard RtD rules template, aka:

With a couple of changes:
You may receive additional orders by pm, it is up to you whether you follow them or not. Following them might net you some rewards, but may cause unforseen side effects.

I will play a role as your commanding officer. I will NOT accompany you in the field, but will already be listening and watching, support may be asked in any form, but approval will be based on your performance and of course a dice.

Character example:
Name: John Doe
Background: unknown, note: you're from the mega cities, no rural ♥♥♥♥.
Appearance: sex/build/skin colour/whatever else
Primary weapon: one two handed weapon (ammo not necessary)
Secondary weapons: two one handed weapons.(pistols/close quarters/grenade pouches)
Augmentations/traits/abilities: you can choose three.
Augmentation replace a (part of a) limb and increase roll requiring that limb by 1.
Traits indicate certain special skills like long range shooting or fighting in close quarters, these increase such roles by 1.
Abilities are special powers that are actively triggered by the player, keep them balanced gentlemen.

Note: please do not name your own weapons, you are to use weapons from Saltech's extensive armoury. Sorry for any inconveniences caused by this corporate rule.

That will be all then, I'll see how many people show up and start the game in a day or two. Players cap at six but characters on the waiting list might be called upon if needed.(I'll pm you, don't worry.)

And with that I conclude this post,

Welcome to Saltech.

Last edited by maart3n on Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:00 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
Character sheet inbound. I'm glad that a new RtD is here. All of the ones that I was in died.

Name: Nikolai Petrouski
Background: Mr. Petrouski, or Niko to friends, has had an extensive history in hacking and computer programming. He was brought on to Saltech's newest security team by due to recommendation by unknown benefactors.
Appearance: Caucasian with longer than average blond hair, and glasses. Wiry frame. Wears flannel over generic long sleeve shirts, along with combat fatigues, not unlike one of those old age 'Hipsters'. Right handed.
Primary weapon: Laser Rifle
Secondary weapons: Vibro-Katana, Revolver
Right Hand Augmentation
Trait: Hacker (+1 to the hacking of any mechanical system, +2 to the hacking of computers)
Ability: Spotter (Spot out a single enemy in a group, allocating a +1 bonus to rolls against it. Can only be used when there are more than three enemies.)

Last edited by Harzipan on Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:15 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
Name: Edward Smith
Background: In the need of money he decided to take this job.
Appearance: Average joe.

Primary weapon: Assault Rifle
Secondary weapons: 9mm Handgun, Combat Knife.

Augmentation: Torso (Much better at resisting impacts and is as resistant as a light-medium kevlar vest but makes him less agile)
Tank: +1 on defending.
Adrenaline Rush: Activate some adrenaline packs on the augmented torso, giving a +2 on combat actions and +1 on non-fighting physical actions for the next turn. The turn after that recieves a -1 penalty to the roll. After activating needs three turns to cooldown.

Last edited by Asklar on Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:40 am, edited 3 times in total.

Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:44 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
Name: Heather
Background: Hitwoman for a rival mega-corporation, Heather was picked up after killing a scientist from Saltech. The job required you to scale a building, breach several security systems, and break into a lab reinforced with steel. After that they hired her, for double the pay of course.

Appearance: Average hieght black haired female.
Primary weapon: Railgun.
Secondary weapons: Long knife. Standard revolver
1) Agility aug: Scaling things and running are no problem with these enhancements to the legs.
2) Snipers eyes: usable with railguns and snipers this improves accuracy with both. +1 to hitting target.
3) Pheromone implants: Lets say the last two don't work. This grifting tool will. +1 to persuasion

Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:50 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
Harzipan wrote:
Secondary weapons: Las-Katana, Las-Revolver

maart3n wrote:
Lasers are limited to the heavy continues type, requiring a dedicated battery pack.

You wouldn't mind removing the Las part from those two weapons, would you?
Just to keep the backstory intact and ♥♥♥♥. You can have a vibro sword though(since vibro blades are already being made now...)

I think I'll wait just one more day before I start the story, drum up some more people to our cause!

Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:30 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
Name: Nathaniel McDonohugh
Background : Nathan is a born runner. His dossier shows that he's been around the world. London, Munich, Singapore, Los Angeles are a few highlights of his journeys. His time in those cities coincides with a large number of corporate assaults and break ins. Camera footage of his missions show that he was not detected during his missions, but you can most certainly see the decapitated security guards left in his wake. His dossier also has a quote from him that describes his personality well "In like a ghost, out like the reaper."
Appearance: Male. Nathan is a man with a fairly large build. He has large legs, well suited for running fast with his sword, with enough upper arm strength to make it count. Height is approximately 2 metres tall (Welcome to the future, no frigging imperial system left I hope), approximately 72 kilograms.
Primary weapon: Vibro-Sword,
Secondary weapons: Pack of smoke grenades, Blowpipe with tranquillizer darts.
Saltech legs : Exactly what it says on the tin. Both of Nathan's legs have been replaced by cybernetics, allowing him to run far faster then a regular human, without tiring.
Saltech prototype cloaking device : A early prototype of a cloaking device that is under field testing. The device is implanted into the user's chest with a regenerating power supply. It can run for five minutes on its power supplies before needing to be recharged. It renders the user completely invisible, but the user still generates sounds like running and breathing.

I've set the cloak to basically be two augmentations, to balance it. Assuming you meant that we can choose three augmentations and not be forced to mix and match, anyway. If you need me to nerf the cloak more, just say.

Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:07 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
I'd be more worried by the fact that we have two snipers and two stealth characters. The double Aug seems reasonable especially since you're using a generator in the chest and a stealth generator.

Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:53 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
Weapons switched.

Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:00 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
Well, I'll change my actor's skills and such to become the "tank" dude.

Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:33 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
Off we go then!

Chapter -1: Prelude.

You find yourself sitting in a room with two more strangers, neither of then looks like they are here to collect money for amputees without augs. And since you are here to collect money for yourself that rules out the last reason they are here besides getting the mysterious job you've been "offered".

A man in a suit walls in through the ornate walnut doors.
"My apologies for keeping you waiting, there have been some "issues" with the fourth applicant."
After a short greeting he takes a seat at the end of table that is as far away from the door, and you, as possible.

20 seconds of painfully awkward silence go by before you hear muffled footsteps and curses from behind the door. Followed by two kicks against said door and a beautiful woman being thrown into the room. Before see can get up the security guards quickly close the door, trapping you and the man inside with her.

The man gets up and casually walks up to the woman, who is still yelling remarks about the guards' mothers.
"Heather darling, please, you can hardly blame them for doing their job. Especially after you shot one of our main scientists in the face."
He offers her a seat, in such a way that each of you has somebody sitting opposite, and returns to his chair at the end of the table.
"Now that we're complete we can start the moment you've all been waiting for, the reason why you're here. You are here because I want you to be here, you've been carefully selected to do the job you have been offered. Any man, or woman, who thinks he is incapable of doing it can now stand up and leave."
He leaves a short pause for dramatic effect before continuing. "Very well. You have been contracted as R&D "security" a profession similar to the one practised by the men whom just escorted Heather to this meeting. But we all know that's not why you're here. You're here to do MY dirty jobs, you have only one superior and that is me. Therefor I expect you to carry out my orders without a doubt."
You nod confirmingly. This sound like private security heaven.
"Good, now if you follow me I'll give you a quick tour of the R&D department."
He escorts you out of the office and past some labs and testing rooms. Except Mr. Petrouski nobody is really interested in the vivid explanations the man is giving.
After what seems like an hour you arrive at a door labelled 'R&D security department' followed by a few warnings.
The room looks like the inside of your closet, back when you were in college, smells the same too.
The man smiles and makes a gesture with his ATM that crab best be described with the word "tada".
His smile broadens as he opens up a locker and reaches inside. And out of nowhere the wall opposite the door slides up to reveal a room that bears a striking resemblance to a modern lounge bar, with weapons on the walls.

"Take whatever you want, it's on the house!"
You each select the weapons corresponding to your preferences.

Nathaniel picks up a sword labelled mk3 vibro blade, which he carefully moves around until deciding that this might just be a perfectly balanced a extremely sharp sword. He then starts looking for some smoke grenades and tranquilizer darts.

Niko is immediately in love with the high tech laser rifle, a big gun with a power pack about half the size of a car battery. A one of a kind since conventional laser weaponry is limited to massive support weapons. He also takes a chunky revolver and a medium length Japanese style vibro sword, not even nearly as big as the one Nathaniel is swinging around.

Edward takes a different approach, unlike the others he casually strolls through the room, picking up, and putting down nearly every pistol before finally picking up the 9mm 'privateer' model, a contemporary classic.
"Ah my very first successful design. Here, follow me, I've got something else you might like."
The man says as he walks towards the wall filled with automatic rifles. He picks one labelled: 8.45 AP 'Thumper'.
"She's a kicker, but I think you can handle it.

Heather takes a serrated knife and a light revolver and walks towards the sniper rifles. She takes the biggest I've she finds and grins at how she fulfils the stereotype. The man walls over shaking his head. "no, no, no, if you insist on taking such a monstrous weapon already do it right. Slightly annoyed he walks to the wall filled with what look like prototypes that didn't make it into a final design and takes the big rifle.
"The rail rifle, or investors didn't think the design was good enough for the military, I want you to prove them wrong."

After helping Heather pick the right gun the man informs the group that he'll be leaving then for today. You are now free to do whatever you want until tomorrow. "Your presence is expected in the conference room tomorrow at noon, don't be late."

There you go, what will you do?

Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:03 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
"Do we get any rooms to sleep, or do I have to get a room elsewhere?"

Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:24 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
"We should all get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day.

Find somewhere to sleep.

Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:21 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
Manages to write a full page of information, forgets the important part....

Bedrooms and other facilities are attached to the room you're in.

Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:47 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
Return to my quarter's. Get a feel for the sword.

Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:57 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge: Mega Corporation
"Ok, thanks."
>Get some sleep on the room provided.

Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:00 am
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