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 Legends of the Sky 
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Seek medical attention

Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:13 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Ask for a small advance on my pay from the captain, then off to the shops to find some rare exotic items I may or may not be able to buy.

Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:46 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"If I won't make it there myself I want you guys to carry me to a place to sleep."
Make sure Sed and I end up in the right parts of town.

Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:51 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Attempt to sell watch for more than it's worth. There's so many stores, one of them HAS to take it!

Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:43 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Nice to meet you, Gregery. I'm Troy, and my crew and I are on a mission to explore the skies for new cities and lands, so I'm very glad to have found Madosa. Our ship has some light damage from a run-in with a Sky Octopus, so I wouldn't mind some pointers in fixing it up- I know a few things here and there and so does my engineer, but it never hurts learning more, especially from a man with your skills."

>Give 100 Drachmas to each crew member.

"Alright boys, have fun and stretch your legs a little. Don't get into any trouble- we're guests to this city and I expect you to act like it. I'm not bailing anyone out of jail and I'm not getting into any brawls, so just keep a cool head. We'll stay here until the next morning at the very least, so as long as you're back at the ship sometime before sunrise you'll be good."

Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:29 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Find or scream for a wheelchair/crutches/some way of moving around. Get into the town, and get alcohol, women, and a nice pistol.

Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:21 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
This is... a really weird roll. A 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, and 10.

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [1]:
You pace around out on the deck, waiting for a gangplank to be deployed so you can get off. You may be at the dock, but it's a good 10 foot fall down to the planks below.
You decide that it's worth it.
One bad decision later, you're rocking back and forth on the dock, holding your very painfully sprained ankle as O'Neil stands over you tutting, eyebrows raised. A dock boy hurries over carrying a tall wooden ladder, and leans it against the ship before locking it into place on the dock.
"Eager to geddoff, are we laddy?"
"Hey... I'm Troy. Good to meet you."

You yell up to your crew on the deck.
"You guys up there, you each get 100 Drachmas! And don't you dare take more, I'm gonna count them!"
"Effective leadership, eh boy?"
"Whatever works. Erm, a little help?"

O'Neil chuckles, then helps you to your feet.


Miggles (Robert Wright) [2]:
The ship's not even docked yet, you can't sell anything!
Well, the lack of proper exit seems to not have bothered Troy. Except his landing, that bothered him a lot.


Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [10]:
Before you can ask Troy about money, he leaps off the ship, cloak billowing dramatically. His landing is less dramatic.
"... THAT'S your LEADER?"
You stare at him as a dock boy brings a ladder over, when suddenly Troy yells.
"You guys up there, you each get 100 Drachmas! And don't you dare take more, I'm gonna count them!"
Hmm. You definitely wouldn't call that pay, more of some pocket money. But you'll take what you can get, and you suppose Troy'll need some for "Official Captain Business".
Which will probably be him getting drunk.


Izen (Sedraxis) [3-2=1]:
JEGUS CHRIST IT BURNS! Oh dear GOD what you would do for a bucket of ice right now...
The heat continues to spread, and reaches your chest. You're sweating profusely now, and your vision is swimming a bit. Burns do not normally act like this.
Oh god what is wrong with your body?
Mare picks you up and supports you as the two of you make your way up on deck.


Maart3n (Mareikura) [9-1=8]:
"Up and at'em..."
You somehow manage to get back to your feet, and pull Sedraxis up with you. The two of you hobble up on deck, and wonder what the commotion all is.
"If I won't make it there myself, I want you guys to carry me to a place to sleep."
Hmm. They seem to be distracted by something. Suddenly, you hear Troy yelling about money or something from over the side. What the hell?


Tomaster (James Tiber) [8-1=7]:
Your anger boils over, and you scream at your broken leg.
"Grahhhh! Fix yourself you piece of ♥♥♥♥!"
Suddenly the runes flash blue.
Did. You just. Yell your leg. Into being fixed?
"I am a god."
You happily unwind the wards, taking care with the crystal and mounting, then place them back in the medkit. You then happily run up onto deck, noting that your leg is back to full capacity! You can probably thank the fact that it was just a lot of thin fractures rather than a full break.


Game Events: Robert heads into the Captain's Cabin and opens a small safe tucked into the corner, drawing out a small cloth bag and measuring out a number of coins marked with 10's and 50's. He then locks them back up, and walks back out, distributing 100 Drachmas to each of the others on deck. Everyone then climbs down the ladder onto the dock, some with the help of their more able bodied crewmates.
Troy is standing on the dock on one leg, the other held lightly above the floor.
"Alroyt lads, I'll have a looksee at yer ship, give ya an appraisal fer free. Ye just come on back here in a bit, we can talk business then, aye?"
"Sounds good."

Everyone walks down the dock towards the massive central building of the shipyard. It's a huge beast of a building, 8 sided, covered in windows and a good 4 stories high, a glorious marvel of carpentry. Around the building runs a wide boardwalk, and below that are a sparse number of small earth platforms, which must be what supports the bulk of the docks and shipyard. The group proceeds down the boardwalk, going around the building, and comes to stand at the end of a wide street, directly connected to the boardwalk via a large wrought iron gateway.
Many bright and colorful shops line the street, of every type imaginable and usable to the random ship-goer and adventurer. Most prominent and boisterous are a couple bars and bordellos very close to the end of the street where you are.
What will you do?

Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:19 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Go look for some simple magic shops, in particular any enchanted equipment or simple spell books.

Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:42 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Look for another mage who is willing to train me.
"Hey captain, some cannons would be nice, why don't ya spend your money on that instead of booze? "

Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:08 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
We don't have that much cash, as far as I can tell. Also, I can't imagine how good booze that costs as much as cannons is.
Go get some booze first. Buy enough to drink and walk around. Visit one of the magic shops, see if there are any amulet/charms/enchanted items I could use.

Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:03 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Who said anything about booze? I'm not one of the ones that got drunk or even had a shot of anything last night. Besides, we've only got 500 Drachmas left. I doubt that's enough for even one cannon." >Walk off sprained ankle, take a look at the shops. Identify which may be of interest: Shops that sell weapons, magical items, medical items, or sex anything that seems necessary.

Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:29 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Miggles wrote:
Attempt to sell watch for more than it's worth. There's so many stores, one of them HAS to take it!

> Do this.

seriously it took like 3 rolls to dock are you kidding

Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:04 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
I'm sorry but have you ever docked and then fallen off of a large boat?

Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:16 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
No, I haven't. Still, we should've docked by the first roll, when Mr Pirate was introduced. It's as simple as getting to a dock and tying the ship to a rope, I mean seriously.

And no, don't tell me it's more complicated because it's a skyboat because that's 100% bull♥♥♥♥.

Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:27 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Well for one it's a fricking 50 foot long ship. I've pulled in ones that are 12, maybe 15 feet at a small dock in calm water with plenty of space, and it can be a ♥♥♥♥♥ to maneuver in. This is much larger, surrounded by other ships, and etc etc.
Besides, it took 2 rolls to dock. The first was arriving at the town, the second was the tug guiding you in (the beginning of the docking), and the third was actually getting hooked to the dock.
In other words, quitcherbitchin.

Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:38 am
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