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 Legends of the Sky 
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [3]:
"Uhm... free pancakes!"
You leg it on out of there, up to the Captain's cabin, and grab the wheel, then spin it rapidly to the left. The ship tilts to the side as it rotates in place, and you click the engines on, causing a low hum to emanate from deep inside the ship. The Storm Sylph creeps forward at first, gaining speed until you're moving at a respectable clip. You glance at the map, and it has updated itself accordingly. Good!


Miggles (Robert Wright) [8-2+2=8]:
You grumble about your head a bit more, then decide to put your mind to something else. You head into the bunkroom and sit down at the small table, pull a stool up. You quickly strike up a conversation with the bedridden James while you lay out your small tools and spare parts from your toolbag.
"Hey, whatcha doin'?"
"Makin' something, my head hurts, trying to take my mind off it."
"Coo, coo. What're you makin'?"
"Not sure yet. Any ideas?"
"Well, how are you making it?"
"Machinery. Gears and pistons and sprockets and crap like that."
"Hmm... How about a pocketwatch?"
"That's... yeah, that'll work."

You pull out a few clockwork components, but realize you don't have the parts to make a watch... Well, what if you...
That might work, but you'd need to... Hrmm... Oh, you could replace that with this gear assembly, and... yeah!
You vocalize your thought process unintentionally, and James seems to be listening intently, having nothing better to do. Within a few minutes, your machine genius has cobbled together one HELL of a pocketwatch. It's rough around the edges and you use a fine toothed gear that's missing a spoke as the watch face, but it also runs on a shard of crystal so it'll never need charging, and you literally cobbled the damn thing together with replacement parts. You ALSO learned a lesser version of your Jumper Charge. Too weak to do any damage, but it can be used safely on small machinery and if you concentrate the charge it makes a fine stream of electricity that you can use to heat metal up!


Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [6]:
You shake the hammer to dislodge Charlotte, but she refuses to budge. You don't need it yet anyway you suppose...
You start by removing the nails of the broken planks, then pulling those off the railing and setting them aside. You then carefully nudge a nail into a plank, hold it up to the railing, and quickly hammer the nail in before the ship can move suddenly and you drop the board or something. You then hammer in the other nails for that board, and move on to the next section of railing. Charlotte quickly abandons the hammer once you start hammering, and perches on your head.
You get through all the broken sections of the railing in this manner, then stand back and admire your work. The repaired planks are a different color than the old and a bit different thickness, but nobody'll be falling over the edge so easily, so you're satisfied.


Izen (Sedraxis) [6]:
You've got to be kidding me."

You go find the wizard, and find him tucked away in a quiet corner of the storeroom, reading a book by the light of a small green flame.
"Oh cool, you're not busy."
"Oh really, does it truly LOOK like I'm not busy? Like I'm doing nothing of any tangible value to us?"
"Well, are you?"
"...What do you want?"
"I need some fire to weld the harpoon back on."


Maart3n (Mareikura) [9]:
"How are you a doctor?"
"I'm not, I'm a firestarter. I'm a damn good doctor too, do quit complaining and enjoy the leg, I'm going to study."

You go down to the hold where it should be quiet and take out your book, sadly realizing that it has no magical value whatsoever. It's a very good read to be sure, but it has pretty much no bearing at all to the world you live in regarding magic.
As you read a bit, Sedraxis approaches.
"Oh cool, you're not busy."
"Oh really, does it truly LOOK like I'm not busy? Like I'm doing nothing of any tangible value to us?"
"Well, are you?"

"...What do you want?"
"I need some fire to weld the harpoon back on."


Tomaster (James Tiber) [10]:
"How are you a doctor?"
"I'm not, I'm a firestarter. I'm a damn good doctor too, do quit complaining and enjoy the leg, I'm going to study."

Sassy ♥♥♥♥♥. You sit around a bit, rapidly becoming more bored, until Rob unexpectedly enters the room. You start up a conversation and give him an idea, and as he settles into his work you listen in on his mutterings and watch what he does. It's not much, but you manage to cobble together some basic machine knowledge!


Game Events: The Storm Sylph turns southwest, then begins moving forward in search of new, undiscovered lands.

Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:09 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Play with new watch, acquire more details on it. (tell me more about it!)

Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:17 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Help sedraxis with the harpoon, try and see if I can touch the hot metal without getting burned.
"This might be a bad idea, but it's in the name of science."

Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:06 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
See if there any books about the Ship around that I can read. If not, keep talking.

Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:55 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>With the wizards help, get back to fixan' the harpoon

Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:25 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Check the time, I may be a bit famished after that bit of hard labor, and lunch may just be around the corner...

Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:27 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:46 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [3]:
You relax in the Captain's cabin, idly spinning the wheel back and forth gently. Nothing happening still... So sad... You sigh and look out the window for anything interesting. Not many clouds today, that one sorta looks like an animal, oh hey, a bird, cool over there's an island, the bottom of the Sky loo-
You stop and sit straight up.
An island?


Miggles (Robert Wright) [1]:
Well, it's-
What? An island?


Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [7]:
You look up towards the sun, making sure to not gaze directly at it. Hmm... From where it is, you'd guess... 10 AM maybe? Still morning for sure, everyone got up rather early.


Izen (Sedraxis) [7]:
He grunts in agreement, and the two of you make your way to the harpoon. When you get there, you notice that Troy yells something, but you can't hear it from here. If it's important, there'll be more yelling. You prop up the harpoon against the gun, point on the ground and eyelet up in the air.
"Ok, so, I need you to use your fire to melt the end of this cable onto itself, like this."
You feed the cable through the eyelet and touch it against itself a few inches down to show him. Mare ponders it for a moment, but nods in agreement.
"This is going to be VERY hot. Metal takes a lot of heat to melt. You may want some gloves."
"Eh, I'll... Uh...
Well, I'll manage."

Just in case, you grab a couple rags from nearby and wrap them around your hands. Not much, but better than nothing.
...Unless they catch fire.
(Continued in Mare's roll)


Maart3n (Mareikura) [6]:
You make a small flame in your hand, and intensify it into a tiny blazing blue torch half the size of your finger (6+1=7). You can feel the heat radiating off of it, but you naturally keep it from burning your hand.
"Alright, ready?"
He nods.
You take the end of the cable and bathe it in the fire, and it soon grows to a cherry red. You pump more magic into your flame, and will it to flow into the cracks and crevices of the cable, and soon the entire cable glows a brilliant yellow-orange color. Finding the heat to be getting unbearable, even for you, you motion for the cable's end to be pressed against the body, and Sedraxis complies. You then intensify your heat even more, drawing on all your magical reserves. The blaze inside the cable becomes even greater, and you can see the yellow color transferring to the entire area of contact.
The two are pushed together, slightly meshing the now loose metal fibers, and mashing their softened lengths together. Then, suddenly, you reverse the flow of magic entirely, and suck the heat out of the metal very rapidly. You find yourself strained to the limit by all this, but after a minute of pulling heat the metal has cooled down to its normal color. Still hot to the touch, but no longer going to immolate the wood of the ship if it touches it. You set it down on the non flammable harpoon cannon to cool down, just in case.
"Phew... God, I'm drained after that. But it looks like it worked."

He inhales sharply as he gingerly pulls the rags off his hands, and it reveals that they're covered in raging red blisters, even singed black in some spots.
"Oh god!"


Tomaster (James Tiber) [1-1=1]:
"Put the lime in the co-co-nut, and drink it all up, put the lime in the co-co-nut and drink it all UP!"
"The hell are you singing?"
"I have no damn idea. My leg blue yet?"


Game Events: The Storm Sylph keeps moving southwest, and very quickly something emerges from the haze present in all of the sky; an island! And not just an island, a TOWN! A port, with ships and buildings and docks and all sorts of amazing and exciting things! The island itself is vaguely L shaped, with a long strip of land running north and south, and a prong going off the north tip going east. The main docks seem to be in the corner formed by the this, with a line of buildings running halfway down the island from the boatyard, before turning into nicer houses and regular buildings instead of large shops and bars. The island here is much much smaller than the home island. You can't see from one end to the other on the home island because of the Sky's tendency to make anything too far away just appear as a haze, but this isn't NEARLY as large. Despite its small size, the town is actually quite populous; you can see many ships at the main docks, with smaller docks wrapping around the north edge as well. There's even a couple larger metal hulled docks that look a lot like they're meant for battle. Seeing large cannons on their decks confirms this.
So, shall you dock?

Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:24 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:11 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
I'm already a scarred, seafaring sailor, and it's only been one day!

>Get medical help

Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:38 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Did I hear something about alcohol and women? Damn this leg, heal faster.
Will the leg to heal faster. James needs women and drink.

Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:50 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Charlotte, I'll wager you 20g that we're chased out of town within 5 hours."
Also, feel sad that I didn't be a gentleman and check the time on my pocket watch.

Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:17 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Why didn't you say anything? Anyway, let's find that medkit, I can't vie you myself but you should be able to do it yourself."

3 rounds!?

Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:13 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Booze and women?! AND BOOZE?! Yippee! Maybe I can make some money off this watch of mine, buy some more parts, too!"
>Wait to get to island, if we get to the island and can do stuff within the next roll, then sell the watch and buy metally bits to make more cool stuff.

Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:49 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [4]:
You hear at least one roar of joy, and you bring the ship down and towards the island. A small boat, no more than 10 feet, climbs up quickly to meet you, and a man on its deck yells at you while another pilots it. You can't hear him too well through the cabin, but you more or less piece together that they're there to guide you in.
They throw a rope over to the Storm Sylph, and Grif catches it and ties it to a pillar at the bow. You let go of the controls, and let the small tug pull you in to a mid sized dock on the tip of the jutting part of the island.


Miggles (Robert Wright) [6]:
"Booze and women?! AND BOOZE?! Yippee! Maybe I can make some money off this watch of mine, buy some more parts, too!"
You happily head up to the deck, and watch the small ship pull you in. It's got a good amount of power for such a small thing.


Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [9]:
"Charlotte, I'll wager you 20g that we're chased out of town within 5 hours."
"Hmm... I'd take that bet, but I don't have any money."
"Well we could always sell some fairy dust or something."

The lack of response tells you that if she had a face, she'd be looking at you with horror and incredulity. You laugh a bit, and reassure her you'd never do such a thing.
Fairy dust is pretty rare, and essentially involves grinding up fairies and other motes into powder. Quite potent for magical things, otherwise it's mostly useless and excessive to acquire.


Izen (Sedraxis) [10-2=8]:
You thought your hands were just a bit uncomfortable. Taking off the rags has changed that thought. It's also made them burn with a thousand red hot pokers of agony. You stumble backwards and slump against the wall, as Mare freaks out a bit as well, then falls against a wall just like you did. Probably for a different reason though.
You notice that the pain in your hands seems to be getting worse. You also notice a heat spreading through up your arms. You whimper and lie back against the wall, hoping desperately that the pain goes away. You know it won't.


Maart3n (Mareikura) [2-1=1]:
Seeing Sedraxis's burns makes you freak out a bit.
Freaking out a bit makes you a bit more tired.
Being a bit more tired compounds with your magical exhaustion.
Being VERY tired from the two of those makes your legs give out, and you fall against the wall, vision blurring.


Tomaster (James Tiber) [9]:
"Did I hear something about alcohol and women? Damn this leg, heal faster."
You attempt to Willpower the leg better. Unsurprisingly, not much happens. You flop back onto the cot and sigh explosively. DAMN THIS LEG!
You meditate on the past day a bit, finding yourself surprised at how much you've been learning.
+ gained in Intelligence!


Game Events: The tugboat draws the Storm Sylph into dock, and a man and woman run out to meet the boat, then throw ropes up onto the Sylph, tying the ship to the dock. The small tugboat, having guided the Sylph in, floats off elsewhere. As Troy comes out on deck, a large, bald, sturdily built man with a big muscular belly and a frizzy orange-brown beard walks out onto the dock. He's got a large toolbelt around his waist with several spacious leather pouches and exotic tools hung from it. He greets the ship.
"Ahoy thar! Welcome to me shipyard! Ahm O'Neil, Gregery O'Neil, finest shipwright this side ah tha sky! I've not seen ye around before, ye must be new here. Welcome to Madosa!"
That must be the name of the town here. Actually, you're not sure if you can call it a town. There are so many stores and people, it's more like a tiny city.

Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:26 am
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