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 Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods) 
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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
Azakan wrote:
Sooo... If the meta-game crashes asap when a "battle" is about to start it's probably the Loadouts thats the cause? In a mod ofc. :oops:
Yup. At least for me it was. Make sure all the referenced stuff is spelt right, and actually exists.

Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:38 am
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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
Shields are HeldDevice, dose that work in the Loadout?
And I guess it's possible to change the brain to what ever Brain actor in the "AddToGroup = Brains", also can you get items from say Ronin to work in your Loadout, say a Shovel?

AddCargoItem = AHuman
PresetName = Undead.rte/Skeleton
AddCargoItem = HDFirearm
PresetName = The-Undead.rte/Tin Gun mod weapon
AddCargoItem = HeldDevice
PresetName = The-Undead.rte/Tomb Shield mod shield
AddCargoItem = HDFirearm
PresetName = Ronin.rte/Shovel

Last edited by Azakan on Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:14 am
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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
Don't forget the 'Installation Brain' loadout, for mods which have custom stationary braincases.

AddLoadout = Loadout
   PresetName = Installation Brain
   DeliveryCraft = ACRocket
      PresetName = Base.rte/Rocket MK1
   AddCargoItem = Actor
      PresetName = Base.rte/Brain Case

I have no idea if replacing it will actually work, but it's worth a try, right?


Azakan wrote:
Shields are HeldDevice, dose that work in the Loadout?
And I guess it's possible to change the brain to what ever Brain actor in the "AddToGroup = Brains", also can you get items from say Ronin to work in your Loadout, say a Shovel?

Weapons, Tools, and Bombs from outside of your own Module and Base.rte are going to have their cost multiplied by 4, so I wouldn't recommend placing them in the Presets/Loadouts.

Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:17 am
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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
Arcalane wrote:
Don't forget the 'Installation Brain' loadout, for mods which have custom stationary braincases.

AddLoadout = Loadout
   PresetName = Installation Brain
   DeliveryCraft = ACRocket
      PresetName = Base.rte/Rocket MK1
   AddCargoItem = Actor
      PresetName = Base.rte/Brain Case

I have no idea if replacing it will actually work, but it's worth a try, right?

Yeah, that did nothing...

Arcalane wrote:
Azakan wrote:
Shields are HeldDevice, dose that work in the Loadout?
And I guess it's possible to change the brain to what ever Brain actor in the "AddToGroup = Brains", also can you get items from say Ronin to work in your Loadout, say a Shovel?

Weapons, Tools, and Bombs from outside of your own Module and Base.rte are going to have their cost multiplied by 4, so I wouldn't recommend placing them in the Presets/Loadouts.

I know it costs more but does it work? I'll check the prices later when I get the damn thing to work.
Thanks though!

I'll just post the whole thing here in it's corrent state if anyone bothers to look at the friggin thing.

Last edited by Azakan on Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:24 am
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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
Azakan wrote:
Yeah, that did nothing...

That was a general reference for the thread and other loadout makers, sorry.


Azakan wrote:
I know it costs more but does it work?

Oh, I'm fairly sure it does, or otherwise referencing the base dropships and base diggers wouldn't work (the Imperatus and Browncoats use Base.rte diggers). As long as you specify the type (i.e. Actor/HeldDevice/HDFirearm/etc.) and the PresetName properly, you should be fine. It may be that there's some kind of check to prevent you from using items from non-Base/non-own-Tech modules though, so you might have to use a stock digger or copy the shovel to your own module.


Azakan wrote:

Okay, at a glance here... the first problem I can see is that Undead.rte got merged into Base.rte, so your mod won't work on a fresh install of B27. That's a pretty major problem, even if there is no check to prevent you calling non-Base/non-own-Tech items.

Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:50 am
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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
Arcalane wrote:
Azakan wrote:
Yeah, that did nothing...

That was a general reference for the thread and other loadout makers, sorry.


Oh, well anyway ^^

Arcalane wrote:
Azakan wrote:
I know it costs more but does it work?

Oh, I'm fairly sure it does, or otherwise referencing the base dropships and base diggers wouldn't work (the Imperatus and Browncoats use Base.rte diggers). As long as you specify the type (i.e. Actor/HeldDevice/HDFirearm/etc.) and the PresetName properly, you should be fine. It may be that there's some kind of check to prevent you from using items from non-Base/non-own-Tech modules though, so you might have to use a stock digger or copy the shovel to your own module.


Azakan wrote:

Okay, at a glance here... the first problem I can see is that Undead.rte got merged into Base.rte, so your mod won't work on a fresh install of B27. That's a pretty major problem, even if there is no check to prevent you calling non-Base/non-own-Tech items.

Well I'll be damned, I did not notis that. Well now it's proparly pathed - not that it did anyting, even though I removed the shields, shovels and the custom brain actor.
Must be in the mod itself, and that's wierd as I based the loadout on my "activites" which does work fine. Must be some really stupid spelling mistake somewhere...

EDIT: It worked with a empty Loadouts.ini, gonna test and add then one by one now.


AddLoadout = Loadout
PresetName = Turret
DeliveryCraft = ACRocket
PresetName = The-Undead.rte/Casket
AddCargoItem = AHuman??? I beg to differ, ACrab my good sir, is what you are... ♥♥♥♥ my life...
PresetName = The-Undead.rte/Skull Turret

Resolved - I was right in that it was a retarded mistake.

EDITEDITEDITEDIT: Well now battles works fine, but crashes when I put money in to building a base and end turn...
What governs automatic base building?

Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:14 pm
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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
No idea, but if autobuild is crashing then you still have problems or conflicts with your loadouts/presets somewhere. Make sure all your loadout/preset slots are used (even if they just place the default infantry of your team) just to be on the safe side.

Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:14 pm
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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
Hopefully this is an acceptable spot to post this but, I'm having trouble with loadouts. I have everything defined properly and I can get into battle just fine. However, when I go to presets, it's all, well, messed up. Instead of the mod's troops, I have zombies with basic guns. The only thing that shows up from the mod is mixed up presets with no troops, just the guns and the craft instead.

Here's the Loadout.ini. Every loadout preset is defined, so, I'm thoroughly stuck with no idea of how to fix this.

Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:07 pm

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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
Hello, I am trying to get Dummy Expansion to work with the meta game. I have made a loadout.ini and added "Tech" to the end and the faction now appears in the game when I choose my faction however when I start a match just before it zooms onto the planets battlefield it crashes and says cc has stopped responding. I think it might be something in the loadout.ini can anyone have a look, PM me or say something and I will send you the loadout.ini to inspect (I dont want to post it just in case)

EDIT well looking above me it seems I can post my loadout.ini for you guys to look out.

EDIT Ok well it is 100% something wrong with the loadout so I would love it if someone could help, I am 100% new to ini editing

Loadouts.ini [3.79 KiB]
Downloaded 1238 times

Edit It seems I have narrowed it down to something to do with the dropship line, but I do not know what.

Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:20 pm
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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
   DeliveryCraft = Dropship MKIX Harrier
      PresetName = Dummy Expansion.rte/Dropship MKIX Harrier

There you have it. DeliveryCraft should be ACDropShip (assuming the "Dropship MKIX Harrier" is a ACDropShip and not a ACRocket).

Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:04 pm

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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
Yea I tried that as well, still the exact same problem. is there another ACthing it could be?

Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:36 pm
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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
I'm having trouble getting my KMF to work in metagame. When I try to buy something, it doesn't appear despite taking my gold for whatever I bought. This only happens in metagame and when a KMF player is in the match.

Edit: Fixed it, had to do with how the drop pod broke away on landing. Dunno how though.

Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:56 am
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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
Adding an aCrab to Ronin results in the engine crashing, even when it's not in the Mecha category:

AddLoadout = Loadout
   PresetName = Infantry Grenadier
   DeliveryCraft = ACDropShip
      PresetName = Base.rte/Drop Ship MK1
   AddCargoItem = ACrab
      PresetName = Ronin.rte/Roamer

This stuff really should be generic, imo; if no Loadout exists in a given category use the base.rte defaults, but otherwise anything that's an aCrab / aHuman should be OK (if nonsensical otherwise).

Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:42 am

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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
I've done more testing of why Loadout changes are causing engine crashes.

Really bad news:

1. There's a bug in the Deployments code that isn't getting the Metagame player's Native tech correctly in all cases. For example, since Ronin don't have a Turret defined, and grab the default, if you define a turret it crashes.

2. There's a fatal bug right in the heart of the Loadouts code; self:GetBuyGUI(player):LoadAllLoadoutsFromFile() in MetaFight causes a crash when practically anything has been changed :-(

3. Whatever's going on, the AI is fine... if it's not loading a base using Deployments that go sideways. Otherwise there's an instant crash.

I can think of a lot of bugs I'd like to see fixed in CC, but this has got to be the top one for me; it's very, very frustrating to know that everything is 100% AOK for Skirmish and that it works for the AI but it doesn't work for players, so there's no point in releasing anything until the bugs have been addressed.

Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:19 pm
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Post Re: Build 27 Loadouts (or how to make metagame compatible mods)
So long as that bug is reported properly we should see it fixed relatively quickly compared to other bugs, I know Data really wants to get his metagame sorted asap.

Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:55 pm
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