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 E3 2012 
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Nintendo's conference started so well, it could have been amazing... but they drove it off the metaphorical cliff of good e3 conferences and then slammed into the rocks at the bottom. (I hear their share price also fell afterwards too) Also after actually looking at the minigames in "nintendo land" it actually looks pretty good, but that central games hub and the way they described it/showed it made it look so bad.

Ubisoft did the best job (even though the presenters and intro was just horrendous, and I mean... just the worst intro and presenters ever - "hey let's play a game it's called count how many times [her name] get's lady wood" eugh).

Sports, sports, sports, "smart glass" (a wiiU ripoff I see).
Love what the south park creators said: "How many times have you been watching an episode of South Park and thought, ‘I’d like to watch this on my television, while hooked into my mobile device, which is being controlled by my tablet device, which is hooked into my oven, all while sitting in the refrigerator,” Parker said in an obvious jab at Microsoft’s SmartGlass. “Well, we’re not doing that. We’re just doing this game. It’s an RPG.” -taking the piss out of smart glass.

Freeeee Games! One year PSN + membership for the audience! PSN mobile! Wonder book, with J.K. MOTHER ♥♥♥♥ ROWLING! Hey guys our PSN is amazing! Journey is fastest selling and most critically acclaimed PSN game! Super Sony Smash Bros... wait wait wait no that's "PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royal" I'll have you know! Also God of War Acension and The last of us.

Dead Space 3, sports, Call of Duty... er Medal of Honor, spoooorts, crysis 3
"A few years ago the game you bought was the game you got... now we offer you so much more" HA! Good one EA!
None of the new games seem to have anything particularly interesting.

I have to admit though when this happened I was amused:

Some highlights:
the last of us -
watch dogs -
south park and the stick of destiny -
zombiU -
rayman legends -
Halo 4 -
far cry 3 -
star wars 1313 -
pikmin 3 -
lego city undercover -
project p-100 - (perhaps not a highlight but you probably haven't even heard about since it was shown post nintendo conference, in an exclusive interview to spike tv I believe)

Lastly AC3 looked completely unrealistic and a complete "America ♥♥♥♥ yeah!" game; the part they showed where he pretty much takes on AN ENTIRE ARMY of British soldiers whilst the Americans just watched as he decimates an entire platoon, he then jumps over another platoon and one shots the general with an arrow IN MID AIR. But then he somehow survives and manages to check the generals body and I presume get away uninjured... THEY HAVE MUSKETS AND THERE'S HUNDREDS OF THEM READY FOR COMBAT! Not to mention he's able to run as fast as the deer at the beginning of the gameplay section for like ten seconds and fights a whole pack of wolves of close quarters, one even jumps on him and just spazzes about showing him it's teeth and fresh breath I guess. There was also other in game footage where the men with muskets used them ridiculously and totally ineffectively - that is for the people that were even good enough to get a shot off. And the naval battles were equally ridiculous, one shotting each frigate consecutively and they then just sink instantly? Pretty sure he got hit a few times but British boats only take one barrage to be sunk?

I just think assasins creed with guns everywhere doesn't work, the combat is mostly close quarters and you have to make the people with guns totally ineffective with them.

Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:27 pm
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A gritty star wars game where you don't have a lightsaber?

I hate E3, I always need new pants.

Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:46 am
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Post Re: E3 2012
Izen wrote:
I hate E3, I always need new pants.

Because, like E3, they are now full of ♥♥♥♥?

Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:26 pm
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Post Re: E3 2012
I have a friend who does the art direction for a couple of the Ubisoft titles shown at E3.

She's yet to tell me why they accidentally announced DLC for splinter cell though.

Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:19 pm
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Post Re: E3 2012
in (the) "The last of us" video, does't that girl sound alot older then she looks?

Also, I belive the game is as fluid as that demo when I see it.

Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:07 pm
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Post Re: E3 2012
Barnox wrote:
Izen wrote:
I hate E3, I always need new pants.

Because, like E3, they are now full of ♥♥♥♥?

I laughed.

Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:23 pm
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Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:52 pm
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Post Re: E3 2012
Azakan wrote:
Also, I belive the game is as fluid as that demo when I see it.

According to RPS, most if not all E3 demos were running on (high-end) PCs. So I guess it'll either not be as fluent or as good looking, depending on your PC or console.

Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:37 pm
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I think he's talking about The Last of Us gameplay, possibly. If you watched the live E3 gameplay, it was being played in realtime on a PS3. It is indeed that fluid, all the time.

Watch Dogs was run on a really high-end PC though. Graphics were astounding.

Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:13 pm
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Adriaan wrote:
Azakan wrote:
Also, I belive the game is as fluid as that demo when I see it.

According to RPS, most if not all E3 demos were running on (high-end) PCs. So I guess it'll either not be as fluent or as good looking, depending on your PC or console.

Well not what I was talking about but I have a pretty good rig (i7 x980 extreme hexacore, 12g ram, GTX 570, etc..) so I'm not worried for FPS lag, no.

Ragdollmaster wrote:
I think he's talking about The Last of Us gameplay, possibly.

Yeah that!
Ragdollmaster wrote:
If you watched the live E3 gameplay, it was being played in realtime on a PS3. It is indeed that fluid, all the time.

Hmm.. I think... you are payed by the developers..

Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:46 pm
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Post Re: E3 2012
It's pretty common place (actually I'd say closer to utmost certainty) that games demoed at E3 are all prerecorded and being either 'trailered' (as in, high definition video recorded earlier) or a fully scripted demo being run on high end hardware behind the scenes. The consoles or PCs you see on stage are not doing anything except reassuring you that by the end of development, it will work on those platforms.

This is to prevent hiccups in a scenario where your entire consumer base is paying their undivided attention to look for just such mistakes.

Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:31 pm
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Post Re: E3 2012
Why would anyone want a wonderbook
It takes the disadvantages of real books and the disadvantages of ebooks and combines them into one totally unwanted package

Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:27 pm
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Post Re: E3 2012
Dauss wrote:
It's pretty common place (actually I'd say closer to utmost certainty) that games demoed at E3 are all prerecorded and being either 'trailered' (as in, high definition video recorded earlier) or a fully scripted demo being run on high end hardware behind the scenes. The consoles or PCs you see on stage are not doing anything except reassuring you that by the end of development, it will work on those platforms.

But... but Naughty Dog said that it was real-time and dynamic. Surely you're not implying that developers would lie about how good their games are to get more hype and more potential customers. That's just crazy-talk.

Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:11 pm
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we'll just have to wait and see. once we play that portion of the game we can tell if its scripted or not.

Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:25 am
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