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 SHIELD: Under Siege 
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 SHIELD: Under Siege

Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D.;
Sol Hazard Intervention, Espionage and Law-enforcement Directorate.
       MAIN OFFICE:  Bern, Switzerland, Europe, Planet Earth, Sol system.
       LEADER:       General Jack Russell
       FOUNDED:      2089
       BUSINESS:     Assisting Sol’s police, army and space fleet with S.H.I.E.L.D. specialists whenever the need arises.

       BACKGROUND:   Founded in 2089 by General Jack Russell and his brother, Roger Russell.
                     Roger left a year later for reasons unknown.
                     S.H.I.E.L.D. aids Sol’s forces through specialist help.
                     Up to date they assisted in countering 23 terrorist attacks in
                     places like Earth, Mars, Jupiter’s Europa and Saturn’s Titan,
                     disabled several space pirate organizations, assisted in the
                     defeat of 1 invading alien species and have helped in stopping
                     the rise of several dangerous religions by assassinating key

                     Funding from Earth’s governments is currently not enough to keep
                     S.H.I.E.L.D. running.

                     UniTec provides further funding for S.H.I.E.L.D. Rumors state
                     UniTec receives genetic material from their members in return.
                     Further investigation necessary.

                     MEMBERS: (Age:    Birthplace: )

                     General Jack Russell, 48, Saskatoon, Canada
                     Colonel Annelise “Scarlett” Sokov, 36, Yenisey, Russia
                     Private Mike Davries, 31, Brooklyn, The Netherlands
                     Corporal Jessica “Jess” LaForte, 26, Ketchikan, Alaska
                     Private Oz “Cougar” Harrison, 29, Kendal, England
                     Corporal Sancho “Shadow” Valdez, 37, Vigo, Spain
                     Sergeant Tanya Shepard, 32, Teresina, Brazil
                     Staff Sgt Gus Anderson, 54, Springfield, Vermont, USA
                     Corporal John “Grizzly” O’Hara, 41, Tuam, Ireland
                     Corporal Jengo “Blood” Mwamba, 38, Springbok, South Africa
                     Lieutenant Lenhard “Lynx” Jäger, 39, Zell am See, Austria

SHIELD: Under Siege is a four episode long mission-hopping story.
Using both UniTec and Map Pack 3 as a foundation, Bad Boy and Weegee have done amazing work in completing the first two episodes.
I have been given the honour to make the opening post, but, really, all the credits go to these two tireless workhorses. 8)

- Bad Boy: Creating Episode 1
- Weegee: Creating Episode 2
- Kettenkrad: Additional spriting
- Gotcha! Additional spriting

How to play:
- Install the mods as usual.
The latest version of UniTec is required! The maps in Map Pack 3 are NOT used. These missions use alterations of the MP3 maps.
- HOWEVER, the Maps - Objects folder IS used. You will have to use this one:

Maps Objects Pack, Updated for B27.
- This Maps - Objects folder is compatible with the regular Map Pack 3 version.
- If you have not installed Map Pack 3 in your current build, go into the Maps - Objects folder after extracting it into CC's folder and find and run MP3RUNME.BAT. Installation's done.
- Start the game and select Scenario Battle.
- Select the Activity of your choice. Suburbs is the first map. The maps are all in order of optimal playthrough. You will have to remember which ones you have finished yourself! There's also nothing that can keep you from playing through them in a different order, but the story won't make sense if you do. However, it does make it easy to replay your favourite mission!


Bad Boy, Weegee, you're up! :grin:

Last edited by Gotcha! on Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:15 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:54 am

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 SHIELD: Under Siege, Missions - City
Chapter 1 - City


Lieutentant Jack Russell, leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., is currently situated in the Suburbs of New London where he is training Mike, the newest addition to the group. A local dummy factory has gone haywire and created an influx of dummies who then proceeded to flood the streets. Train Mike by destroying them all or use Jack to show Mike how it's done. Loss of Jack's or Mike's life will result in failure.


Great job on showing Mike the ropes, commander. However, the following problem needs your undivided attention: Jack is the first to return to our base after the training, where 2nd in command Scarlett resides. Something is wrong here. The base has been overrun by an unknown enemy. Get in and save Scarlett! Both Scarlett and Jack -must- survive.

That was an utter failure. Our unknown enemy took Jack captive and flew him out, taking our spaceship with them! All our resources had been loaded into that ship as well! Thankfully Scarlett survived thanks to Jack's intervention. Other team mates have arrived at the scene and are mopping up the remaining Ronin. Interrogation of a captured Ronin leads us to believe that Jack was the real target, not Scarlett. He pointed us to two office towers on the outskirts of New London. According to him information about Jack's whereabouts can be found in the Ronin tower. Locate a computer to extract information and fly the data disk out. As always, keep your guys alive!
Note: Sorry about this mission, it's a bit too long I think and a bit too hard because of that.


City Prison
Nice job, commander! Jack has been located in a prison building in Cromwell! We have to move carefully to get him out in one piece. Have Shadow kill off all enemies in silence to reduce the chance of having them killing Jack in an act of desperation. Jessica is also present in case Jack has been severely wounded. Jack, Shadow and Jess must make it back in one piece.
Note: Remember, you need to use the pie menu to attach and detach Jack's stretcher. Also be careful when moving through small spaces with Jack attached, CC's physics can sometimes cause the person Jack's attached to to float up into the ceiling and gib.

The Bank
Good job on getting Jack back. However, upon return to base we found Scarlett gone! We have reason to believe our new enemy came back and took her, her being second in command. We have tracked our spaceship, the Gryphon, down to an unknown planet but have no means of following them. It's payback time. Information from the prison's central computer holds information on money being transferred to a bank in Leeds, in an old warehouse district. Infiltrate the bank and rob it. We need at least 10000 oz to buy a decent Hammer-class spaceship. Also, I want these Ronin bastards killed in case one of them likes to send out a warning.


Nice, commander. Nice. With these resources we won't have to buy a cheap rust bucket. While Jack is out shopping it's important that we get all S.H.I.E.L.D. members together. Currently there are two members that are still on a mission. The rest is accounted for. Lynx and Blood have been send to straighten out an ongoing quarrel between two neighbours. Other neighbours complained about the weapon noise and dead bodies on their lawn and want the fighting to stop. We have government authorization to get in there and kill both factions' brains.


Well, with all personnel accounted for we would be ready to go. However, Jess left a secret stash of medkits in an allied company's office building nearby our headquarters. These will be very useful in the future. Have Jess retrieve them. Since the company is friendly towards us you will not have any problems. Tell them I said hello.
Note: I redesigned this one a bit from the original map. The old map and script are still in the folder so if you want to play a slightly different version of it just rename the files to Office and you can.

Story, Map design, Mission design, Testing - Gotcha!
Programming, Testing - Bad Boy, Weegee
Soundtrack - Crusader, Command and Conquer: Tiberium Dawn, SAW_Factor

File comment: CC 1.0 Compatible.
Also fixed a few bugs and added Gotcha!'s lovely elevator sprite.

Missions - City.rte - 1.04.rar [679.59 KiB]
Downloaded 4185 times

Music: ... ic.rte.rar

Last edited by Bad Boy on Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:08 am, edited 12 times in total.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:55 am
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 Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Chapter 2 - Earth



Welcome aboard the Gryphon II. We have tracked our old ship to an unknown planet and to this
specific place but the Gryphon is nowhere in sight.The signal has been lost. Our scanners pick up
several Ronin below, along with unknown armored units. There seems to be a gold mining
operation going on. We have to find out more about what's happening on this planet. Deal with
these armoured soldiers and Ronin, but keep the Ronin leader alive. He is located deep within the
ground, in a small bunker. After all enemies are down Jack will have a chat with him. As always,
keep your team alive.


Good job, commander. After squeezing information out of our Ronin friend we found the location
of a landing pad where our ship has been. Infiltrating the tower was easy. Unfortunately
the records of the control tower teaches us that our bird has already flown. But that's not the
biggest problem we have right now. A gigantic coalition warship just landed and is keeping the
Gryphon II from picking up our people. Scans indicate four generators inside the ship. Disabling
these should render the ship inoperable for a few hours. Make it happen. The previous mission left
us with a bit of gold which we can use to spend on a nearby space station. Spend it wisely.

Great job disabling that ship, commander. The control tower's computer left us with coordinates to
a small mining outpost. We have just arrived. Again, the Gryphon is nowhere to be seen, nor is
anyone else really. This place is deserted. Enter the small base below and find some clues about
the Gryphon's whereabouts. Scarlett's life depends on it.

Old Dam
Nice job getting out of that ambush. Not much information was gathered from the console but one
file was interesting enough to look into. A dam, 15 miles from here, seems to be used as a refueling
point for submarines that go to unknown outposts up north. My guess is that Scarlett is being held
there. Let's be bold and hitch a ride on one. It might take a while to figure out the submarine
controls so have one of the team in the control room for at least 10 minutes while the others make
sure any possible invasion is taken care of. Jack will fly the Gryphon II and will hook up later.


Station #134-GOT
While Grizzly, Tanya, Jess and Cougar are in the auto-piloted submarine we will be unable to track
them until they resurface. We can have some fun in the meantime. The Gryphon II spotted a mining
operation below. Personnel seems to match our enemy's profile, so let's lay waste to their little
operation to give them a message. Destroy all robots. It should be easy enough, don't get killed.

Dry Flats

Story, Map design, Mission design, Testing - Gotcha!
Programming, Testing - Weegee, Bad Boy
Soundtrack - SAW_Factor
Blue explosion effects and glows - deathbringer

Gameplay video (best watched in HD):


Download music, extremely recommended (~30 MB)

Missions - [5.29 MiB]
Downloaded 2997 times

Last edited by weegee on Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:17 am, edited 12 times in total.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:55 am
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Chapter 3 - Snow

Coming someday...

Last edited by weegee on Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:33 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:56 am

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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Chapter 4 - Space

Coming (not very) soon.


For now I'll use this to say thank you to Gotcha!, weegee and kettenkrad for putting up with my delays. By all rights I should have finished my part of it at least a couple months ago but bugs and difficulties, lack of motivation and trying to add too much to the missions made that difficult (also being busy in real life played a fairly major role). Still, it's done and I've got plenty of leeway time to make chapter 4 up, hope all of you fine folks in DRLFF enjoy the missions.
Also, I don't think I need to add this but if you find any bugs please let me know. I think I squashed all of mine but some of my missions have kind of messily organised scripts (sticking in random things halfway through will do that) so I might have missed some.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:56 am
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
I really like it. Everything seems very well designed, and the campaign itself is a blast.
The only problem is that, with friendly fire, it can be very difficult to play. Thank god b27 is coming soon.

Hmm. I get crashes on Failures, sometimes. That's an issue.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:44 am
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Which missions do you get these crashes on? If I had to guess I'd go with towers cause that one's pretty messy. It's annoying though, I thought we'd ironed out all of the fatal bugs. Anyway, if you could describe the situations these crashes occured in to me as well as what mission that'd be great, the sooner I can stamp out whatever bugs remain the better.

Also while I'm posting a couple things to note about the city missions:
1) Tenements will probably be updated with a bit more mission stuff after the holdout phase, specifically a part where you have to hide Jack and distract the enemies with Scarlett. I've been planning to add it for a while and hopefully I'll have it within a week (it's not actually going to be too much work) but don't hold your breath.
2) The Bank will get a nice elevator sprite (instead of the drop crate) at some point, made by Kettenkrad. It's looks epic already and it's gonna be awesome when I can put it in. In the mean time, you'll just have to enjoy the placeholder.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:19 am
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Yeah, it was Towers. I was all set, and had everything ready to go. I was escorting my last troop (Tanya) to the Evac zone.. and she died on the way. It failed me, but immediately afterward it crashed for seemingly no reason.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:09 am
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Fixed, new version up which hopefully gets rid of any such bugs. I killed my people quite a few times in various situations to make sure it works and I got no problems.
I also fixed WEC respawns so they're not screwed up and fixed a typo mistake which probably confused the ai quite a bit. Note that you still can't unload people you put in your evac ship (it won't crash but you'll fail) and since I'm not sure how to deal with that error right now I threw together a shoddy reason for it instead. I may change that in future or I might be lazy and leave it.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:20 pm
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Despite having the version of Map Objects specified in the OP, I am getting some weirdness with gigantic trees being in places they really shouldn't. Has happened on both Suburbs and Tenements so far.

Also, which idiot decided all the Ronin should use Kar98s? That's a terrible choice of weapon for fighting indoors. :P

Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:14 pm
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Arcalane wrote:
Despite having the version of Map Objects specified in the OP, I am getting some weirdness with gigantic trees being in places they really shouldn't. Has happened on both Suburbs and Tenements so far.
Also, which idiot decided all the Ronin should use Kar98s? That's a terrible choice of weapon for fighting indoors. :P

Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:16 pm
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
I think I see what's going on. Base.rte has a huge tree (Tree 1) under Terrain Objects, MapObjects has a Tree 1, and it's picking the wrong tree because the presetnames are identical. :roll:

Ed: Accidentally walking over the Generator and breaking it is cheating, now? It's not my fault the physics engine glitched out!

Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:35 pm
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Not sure what to tell you about the trees, if what arc described is the problem those suffering from it can either get rid of the base ones, modify the scene ini or wait for Gotcha to see this and rename his. I haven't run into it so I'm not really sure what you mean other than that (feel free to post up a pic, I'd like to see this), since they should be in the same place as the normal trees either way.

All of the enemy weapons are randomized but the kar98 was taken out of my later missions (and weegee's as well I think) since it's irritating to get sniped randomly and have to restart. If it's a problem for whatever reason I can easily remove it from my earlier ones as well.

As for the generator, I'm not sure what you mean. You only see that message if you kill all of the turrets without destroying the generator (by waiting near it for 10 seconds). Walking over the generator doesn't trigger it, I just checked by stepping on it myself, so you must have done something else to get it. Aside from that, the message was either an accusation or a compliment depending on how you did it. Assume the latter and it works out just fine :P

Also, fixed a small objective arrow screwup in Towers, namely, after you kill the console room turret the arrow saying to kill it is still there. It's not a big deal and usually won't show up for more than a second or two so I'll wait til I have a more important update to post it up here.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:08 pm
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Arcalane wrote:
Also, which idiot decided all the Ronin should use Kar98s? That's a terrible choice of weapon for fighting indoors. :P

Talk to the devs about that please. And don't call people idiots unless they really deserve it.

Anyway, the trees... I heard that one before and forgot to look into it. I've also never seen the tree swapping before so pictures would be nice.
But technically it can happen, since there are two "tree" instances in base.rte after you install the mapobjects folder. I'll do some renaming soon after seeing some shots. :)

Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:16 pm
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Post Re: SHIELD: Under Siege
Bad Boy wrote:
All of the enemy weapons are randomized but the kar98 was taken out of my later missions (and weegee's as well I think) since it's irritating to get sniped randomly and have to restart. If it's a problem for whatever reason I can easily remove it from my earlier ones as well.

Tactically it's a bad choice, but mostly I'm irritated because a lucky shot from the very first guy in the tunnel just under where you land pretty much completely screwed over my first attempt at Tenements, since it knocked half of Jack's health off in one hit.





The offending tree is defined in Base.rte's Geology.ini.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:26 pm
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