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 Magitech: Frontiers 
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Loose Canon
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Oh god I didn't even realize
Oh my god I'm basing all my sword stuff on ToS now. Sword Rain will be tricky with a sword big as I am...

Sat May 26, 2012 6:40 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Um is someone going to roll? I mean this is just getting sad. Maybe if we had a GM for the GM's? or someone to PM them?

Wed May 30, 2012 9:30 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
We're waiting for half our DMs, all the actions are in for this round.
Also this was the problem inherent in a multi-DM game like this.

Wed May 30, 2012 9:55 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
I don't even know who is meant to roll right now.

Wed May 30, 2012 10:08 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
This is pretty frequently updated.

Wed May 30, 2012 10:31 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Mostly by me.

I'll roll for you tomorrow, Arcalane.

Wed May 30, 2012 11:09 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
HKU, not all of the actions are in.
I don't have anything for Psy.

PMing him now.

Thu May 31, 2012 12:54 am
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
TorrentHKU wrote:
This is pretty frequently updated.

T'was the plan all along.

Thu May 31, 2012 3:17 am
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Roast Veg wrote:
Isaac | Arcalane (Roll: 9)
> Isaac: Great, dragonflies. Fantastic. Whatever, let's get a move on already!

Thu May 31, 2012 11:54 am
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Tarik scratches his stubble.
"alright lads, fall in" he commands in his best inspiring tone. "i want a smash n grab, take as much as you can, bags, pockets, hog tie sheets like the old fishermen"
Once through the front doors and determining the area is clear, Tarik places a hand on Fatman shoulder and directs him to a window "call if you see anything" while tarik moves to another.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:00 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Fail Flail and TheKebbit still need to roll, and everyone barring Izen can action for the next round.

Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:07 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
(Psygnosis) Tarik Morskorj: [2]
You scratch your manly stubble for a second or two while you think on what to do next. "Alright, lads! Fall in! you command in your best inspirational war leader tone.

Continuing your order, you bellow "I want a smash and grab, take as many supplies as you can, get bags, pocketfuls, hog tie sheets like the old fishermen to carry more." Fatman, Horace, Anthony, Old Harold, and Geldmann wait to dutifully file in after you make sure everything is clear.

You nervously poke your way through the front door and, seeing nothing overtly deadly, relax and move in while signaling for everyone else to follow. There is an abrupt scream from the patient ward, coupled with a gunshot that ends it just as abruptly. Startled, you misstep. Your hobnailed boots slide in a patch of gristle and kick up sparks as you crash down to the blood-spattered floor.

You lie among the dead for a few seconds with your vision reeling. When the static subsides, there a sudden stabbing pain in your calf muscle. You gingerly feel your leg and, to your horror, it has been impaled with a six-inch needle for the administration of alchemical remedies and serums. With your brute constitution, however, you simply grit your teeth and (10 + 2 Toughness = 10) rip the whole needle out lengthwise, leaving a bloody gash. Whatever sopoforic concoction was in that needle simply had no effect on you, and as you examine it, you deem yourself fortunate; this was a shot of potent catatonic "medicine" designed to incapacitate lunatics. You tuck it into your belt to the horrified awe of your party, who can't believe what they just saw you do. Anthony is noticeably pale.

The noises start back up from the medical ward. You hear laughter and someone speaking in a Steinen dialect. Another scream, followed by a sickening splatter and the puff of a discharging pneumatic hammer. You motion for Geldmann to investigate, and he disappears for half a minute into the hospital.

"Steinen fireteam. Greyjacket recruits and a political officer, some kind of Commissariat representative judging from the epaulettes and red trim. They're executing Cherman wounded, along with the sanatorium patients. I saw one tearing gold teeth out of one of our officer's mouths. The man was alive."

Do you attempt to kill the Steinen troops? Or simply make an inglorious getaway without tangling with the enemy? Choose wisely. The riskier option could net you Steinen military gear and bolster the Chermanshire defense with rescued wounded.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry guys for taking so long

also, my signature summarizes my current rolling situation

i will use almost all of my free time over there to write, but that progress might be set back by the fact that DURR KINDLE NON PHYSICAL KEYBOARD FORMATTING ISSUES HORRIBLE COPY-PASTE MECHANISM

this also means i might make progress on Serious Theology (we'll see)

Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:20 am
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
I totally did not forget this existed. For real.
I call bull♥♥♥♥.
Fail Flail wrote:
(nicolasx)Verigon= 9
Flicking through the pages you eventually come across the page for Hex-Tech weaponry.
"Took you long enough..."
After a questioning glance, Charlotte replies.
Oh sorry, not you, just... you know what, forget I said anything.
She's a strange one. Turning back to the book you are disappointed to find the pistols are not actually Hex-Tech, and are instead just plain awesome looking pistols. However, the books DOES explain how to enchant weaponry to become Hex-Tech (It being an enchanters guide and everything (also technically just enchanted to have the exact same properties, but no one will know the difference))
Several moments later, you find yourself looking at a brand new pair of 'Hex-Tech*' Revolvers! Not only do they have the same properties as you thought they originally did, but you have the added bonus of being able to use shadow magic! Ho-ray!

Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:25 am
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
I roll as soon as guilt kicks in because I realize that other people are rolling and I am not. :P

(TorrentHKU) Anthony M. Lovegale [4 + 2] = (6) vs. (6)
All right - This guy's going down. You charge without hesitation, whipping out your claymore and activating it. The weapon hums softly as you tilt it so that the flat of the blade shields you.
The mechanical soldier fires off a round of shots, some of which strike your blade and bounce off harmlessly, while others carve up the ground about you.
You reach the enemy and run right into him with a strong right shoulder, knocking him off balance, and then swing your blade in a wide arc...
The blade catches the enemy in the chest at an odd angle, cutting into the metal breastplate and sending him flying at the same time with blunt force. He hits the ground sideways, bouncing, and recovers, sliding to a stop on a single knee. Looks like the attack didn't hit anything vital.
Now he aims his gun at you, firing off another volley (1 vs. 4). You quickly slide out of the way of the majority, and hold your blade up to catch another two shots, one of which bounces straight back and hits the enemy in the shoulder.

Nice moves, there, Torrent. (Even if I did describe them myself.)

Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:21 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Set off with lord robert.

"Lets go."

Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:43 am
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