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 Legends of the Sky 
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [7]:
"Well, it could attack other ships if we let it go, maybe kill some innocent people... then again, it seems like it's afraid of us, so I'd have some moral qualms killing a fleeing enemy- it probably just mistakenly thought we were food. I don't think it'll pull this on another ship. Let's just let it go. HALT THE ATTACK! KEEP WEAPONS AT THE READY!"
"So... We're just letting it go? After it tried to kill us? Just like that?"
"It's just an animal. Thing's hungry, not evil."

You smack the Retract control on the Harpoon, and the winch begins winding, drawing your ship closer to the Sky Octopus. Wait what oh god what NO THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU MEAN TO DO!
You've forgotten that harpoons are meant to go in and stay in.


Miggles (Robert Wright) [3-2=1]:
"Goddamn it! It deflected my charge, it turned into some icy-shit, and now I'm about to fall over?! Confound that tentacled bastard."
You hold on to the wall, trying to catch your breath. The ship shakes and jerks, but no serious movements. It's still enough to throw your weakened self off though, and you fall down to the floor.

Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [5]:
You try to hack at the ice with your rapier, and get predictably nowhere. The ice chips a little bit, but barely any.
Rapiers are meant for stabbing squishy things, and excel at that.
BREAKING pretty much anything? Yeah good luck.


Izen (Sedraxis) [5]:
"Well, it could attack other ships if we let it go, maybe kill some innocent people... then again, it seems like it's afraid of us, so I'd have some moral qualms killing a fleeing enemy- it probably just mistakenly thought we were food. I don't think it'll pull this on another ship. Let's just let it go. HALT THE ATTACK! KEEP WEAPONS AT THE READY!"
"So... We're just letting it go? After it tried to kill us? Just like that?"
"It's just an animal. Thing's hungry, not evil."

You back away from the beast slowly, spear held up in case it decides to attack. Thankfully it doesn't.


Maart3n (Mareikura) [3]:
Luckily the fires were few, and immediately extinguished by the Ice Transformation. This damn thing is your anathema, there's no way you can damage it with your magic now.


Tomaster (James Tiber) [6]:
"Captain? Should we kill it?"
"It's just an animal. Thing's hungry, not evil."
"...So yes?"

You shrug and stop caring, then head belowdeck and get back to drinking.
A third of a bottle of rum later.


Game Events: The Octopus flails and tries to get away, panicking as the ship inches closer.

Sat May 05, 2012 12:50 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Anyone care to lend a hand?"
>Try to convince someone to free me.

Sat May 05, 2012 1:54 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Tits." >Charge up sword with an MLS, slice the harpoon line.

Sat May 05, 2012 1:59 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
help Grif out.
"bloody squid."

Sat May 05, 2012 2:02 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Drunkness should confer some sort of strength or endurance buff.
Go above decks. Take a bottle of rum with me.

Sat May 05, 2012 2:20 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Sign me up, this looks fun.

Name: Brogg
Description: The big strong and dumb one. Brogg never had much brains, but he made up for it with sheer brawn, which helps when you have to load cargo for a living. He did not have much money to buy equipment, which is why he works on ships in the first place.
Abilities: Strong : +1 to uses of strength, like loading crates or moving the anchor, as well as combat.
Inventory: Clothes, a few coins.
Equipment: Wooden club with iron spikes.
Strength: ++

Brogg work hard for little pay. Brogg is happy.

Sat May 05, 2012 2:28 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Caek.. all the slots are filled and there's no real way you could enter the game anyway. :l

Sat May 05, 2012 7:23 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Miggles he meant the waiting list.
And as soon as you guys find a town then he would easily be able to join.
Once there's room in the crew of course.

Sat May 05, 2012 2:04 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Stare down the sky squid.
"Can we hurry up and get the harpoon dis-attached?"

Sat May 05, 2012 6:57 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Miggles wrote:
Caek.. all the slots are filled and there's no real way you could enter the game anyway. :l

You'll have to forgive me if I sound hostile, but that was quite obvious indeed.

Sat May 05, 2012 10:58 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
I don't RtD's.
I dun ♥♥♥♥' know the rules.

Mon May 07, 2012 1:54 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Feel free to leave taking care of the rules and new players to me then.

Mon May 07, 2012 1:59 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Speaking of which, rolling. MIGGLES

Fri May 18, 2012 12:54 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
> Go downstairs, back to drinking like a dorf.

Fri May 18, 2012 1:08 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Oh god that roll.

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [3]:
You charge your sword with magic, intending to slice through the cable, but a sudden shake of the ship tips you over backwards, and you land on your ass. The magic in your sword loses cohesion, and the air around your sword flashes bright blue harmlessly.
"Double tits."


Miggles (Robert Wright) [2-1=1]:
You get back up, but the ship shakes suddenly, throwing you against the wall where you hit your head. You fall to the ground, vision full of stars, before you black out.

Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [2]:
"Anyone care to lend a hand?"
Improbably, someone does! Mare hustles over and does some kind of magical jiggery-pokery on the ice around your feet, and it melts. You quickly hop off of it, and it almost instantly refreezes into big ice crystals. That ink is dangerous stuff...


Izen (Sedraxis) [6]:
"Can we hurry up and get the harpoon detached?"
You give the Sky Octopus a harsh stare in the face, and it doesn't even notice. It's too busy hitting its body against the ship.


Maart3n (Mareikura) [3]:
"Bloody squid."
You run over to Grif before he gets hurt more, and apply a warming magic to the ice around his feet. It quickly melts, and Grif jumps off the ink, which promptly refreezes. Hmm. That stuff might be worth investigating later.

Tomaster (James Tiber) [9]:
You stagger up the stairs, swaying left and right haphazardly, and swinging your bottle of rum a bit. You get to the top, and take another long swig, hiccup, and survey the situation.
Giant squid thing still here? Yep.
It kicking our ass? Eyup.
Booze? Roger.
Alright, everything checks out.
It responds to your drunken yelling by swinging a tentacle at you.
You respond to its attack by tilting your body so that you rest on one leg, and raising the other up to meet the tentacle. There's a massive boom as the tentacle impacts your foot and stops dead. Everyone on deck stops what they're doing and looks to see what the hell just happened. You kick, pushing the tentacle back off the ship. The tentacle that's 10 feet across and solid muscle.


Game Events: The Octopus is thoroughly confused by what's going on, even moreso than before, especially now that something with such a strange and terrible power has appeared. It wants nothing more than to get the hell out of there right now.

Sun May 20, 2012 4:21 am
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