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 force shield 
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Joined: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:35 am
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Post force shield
hi, some time ago someone post the force shield like the protoos units, there is a little problem with that the shield by some weapons can be penetrated before it's break, the missiles can penetrate it, slowly but they can and some gun shots like the shot of the sjg-4 of the werhmacht mod, the missiles suppose to explode in the surface of the shield, no transpassing it, so i'm wandering if it's a propertie that change this or some command line in the lua script or in the ini file

this is the lua script: i'm already modificate it, only the resistence of the shield.

function Create(self)
self.shieldmult = 0.8 --set the multiplier to slow particles with
self.counter = 0; --set shield damage to 0
self.countertime = Timer() --set the regen timer
local curdist = 80; --find the closest actor, set it to be self.parent
for actor in MovableMan.Actors do
local avgx = actor.Pos.X - self.Pos.X;
local avgy = actor.Pos.Y - self.Pos.Y;
local dist = math.sqrt(avgx ^ 2 + avgy ^ 2);
if dist < curdist then
curdist = dist;
self.parent = actor;

self.yellow = CreateAEmitter("forceshieldwall2b") --create the yellow glow emitter = CreateAEmitter("forceshieldwall3") --and the red
self.yellow.Pos = self.Pos --and place them on self = self.Pos
MovableMan:AddParticle(self.yellow) --and add them on scene

if self.parent ~= nil then --if parent was found calculate offset vector to it
self.offset = Vector(self.parent.Pos.X - self.Pos.X , self.parent.Pos.Y - self.Pos.Y)

self.disptime = Timer() --set the print timer


function Update(self)
if MovableMan:IsActor(self.parent) then --make sure parent is accessible to avoid crashing
self.Pos = self.parent.EyePos --set the center of the shield and coloured emitters to the parent's head
self.yellow.Pos = self.parent.EyePos = self.parent.EyePos
self.impulse = Vector(0,0) --reset impulse
for particle in MovableMan.Particles do --cycle through particles
if particle.HitsMOs == true then --if the particle is dangerous
dist = SceneMan:ShortestDistance(self.Pos , particle.Pos , true) --get a vector pointing to the particle
if dist.Magnitude < 60 and (not(self.PresetName == particle.PresetName)) then --if the particle is close
if math.abs(particle.Vel.AbsRadAngle - dist.AbsRadAngle) > math.pi / 4 then --if the particle is headed towards parent
self.impulse = Vector(self.impulse.X + particle.Vel.X * self.shieldmult * particle.Mass , self.impulse.Y + particle.Vel.Y * self.shieldmult * particle.Mass) --add the force caused by the particle to impulse
particle.Vel = Vector(particle.Vel.X * self.shieldmult , particle.Vel.Y * self.shieldmult) --slow down the particle
self.counter = self.counter + math.abs(particle.Mass) * particle.Vel.Magnitude / self.shieldmult --decrease the strength of the shield
self.countertime:Reset() --reset the shield recharge time
self.glow = CreateMOSParticle("Shield glow") --create a glow on the particle
self.glow.Pos = particle.Pos
for particle in MovableMan.Items do --do the same thing to items
dist = SceneMan:ShortestDistance(self.Pos , particle.Pos , true)
if dist.Magnitude < 60 and (not(self.PresetName == particle.PresetName)) and particle.Vel.Magnitude > 5 then
if math.abs(particle.Vel.AbsRadAngle - dist.AbsRadAngle) > math.pi / 4 then
self.impulse = Vector(self.impulse.X + particle.Vel.X * self.shieldmult * particle.Mass , self.impulse.Y + particle.Vel.Y * self.shieldmult * particle.Mass)
particle.Vel = Vector(particle.Vel.X * self.shieldmult , particle.Vel.Y * self.shieldmult)
self.counter = self.counter + math.abs(particle.Mass) * particle.Vel.Magnitude / self.shieldmult
self.glow = CreateMOSParticle("Shield glow") --create a glow on the particle
self.glow.Pos = particle.Pos
self.impulse:SetMagnitude(self.impulse.Magnitude * 2)
self.parent:AddAbsImpulseForce(self.impulse , self.parent.Pos) --give parent a jolt
else --if parent is dead, gib the shield and the colour emitters

if self.counter < 20500 then --if the shield is strong disable non-blue emitters, enable blue, set shield velocity multiplier to be small
self.shieldmult = 50
if self.counter > 20500 and self.counter < 30000 then --if the shield has taken some damage, enable yellow emitter, disable others, set shield velocity multiplier to be medium
self.shieldmult = 0.5
if self.counter > 30000 then --if the shield is weak, enable red, disable others, set shield velocity multiplier to be large
self.shieldmult = 0.7
if self.counter > 50000 then --if the shield is too damaged, gib it and the emitters

if self.countertime:IsPastSimMS(3000) and self.counter > 0 then --if the shield hasn't taken hits in 3 seconds start regenerating it
self.counter = self.counter - 600 * TimerMan.DeltaTimeSecs

if self.disptime:IsPastSimMS(500) then --print shield strength every half a second


function Destroy(self)

plz help :) thnks

Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:25 am
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Post Re: force shield
Whoa nelly, that code bit could be spoilered and put in the code tag.

So that people could
1) easily read it
2) easily copy it
Because if you just pasted it on like that, people would have trouble copying it into a .lua file, because forum formatting does things to text like that.

If you're feeling more adventurous, try attaching the .lua file, or a .rar of the .rte here.

Good luck!

Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:01 pm
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Joined: Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:56 am
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Post Re: force shield
Sorry I cannot help you with this scripting, but I did want to mention that your shield if it works as advertised interests me greatly. Some of Mehman's units that have a shield stop bullets, but reflect things like launched grenades and rockets. That type while extemely entertaining, can be a bit OP. A version that takes a rocket in the chin and can also stop all the particles spewed from the blast, but lose alot of it's energy sounds like something I would add to this robot soldier I'm making.

Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:24 am

Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:12 am
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Post Re: force shield
Where could I find the original script?

Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:47 pm
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