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 MMORPG RtD-ish Game 
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Post MMORPG RtD-ish Game
This is my first attempt at a forum game, so please don't be super hyper overly extremely excessively critical. Constructive criticism is fine. Anyways, the theme of this game will be an MMO. It's going to be run similarly to an RtD, but things will mostly run based off of stats.


For skills, there will be a training area where you can create skills. The basic idea is this:

At the start of the game, none of the characters have classes. The first job change is at level 5. Second is at 25. Third and final is at 50. There are hidden classes, so good luck.

First Job Change Classes:

Second Job Change Classes:

Third Job Change Classes:

If anyone can help me think of better names, please tell me your ideas.

For those of you who want to see a story, here's one. Oh. And don't expect too much out of me. The plots I come up with for RPGs I plan to make sometime in the future are so horrible I really want to cry. Like, seriously. Just thinking about it makes me seriously sad. I need to improve my creative writing skills. And my naming sense.

Story (For the MMO.) Long:

Story (For the MMO.) Short (Five-year-old-style-writing.):

Side Note About the Story:

To join the game, just type in a name and gender. That's the character sheet. I'm joining in my own game, so here's mine (Stealing SAO Character's Name in Progress):
Name: Kirito
Gender: Male

I'm going to make a kind of wiki that includes all known information about the game. I'm only going to include information that the other players have found, such as maps and stuff. I'll also include information I've uncovered. It's easier to put them there for everyone to see. That way no one has to scroll around and look around pages to find the information. It's all going to be right there. All nice and tidy and organized and prettied up with pictures and all. Here's the link:

All moves consist of three possible actions. There is a major action, a minor action, and talking. The major action is necessary and includes things like walking, talking to NPCs, and fighting. Bolded and underlined. The minor action would be something that takes very little time, such as picking up a stone from the floor. Just bolded. Talking will just be talking. Italicized and in quotes. Just a message to the other players and any nearby NPCs. By talking to NPCs in the first one, I meant actually starting a conversation. If you just say something randomly and the NPC overhears, it doesn't count. An example of a move would be this: Walk east. Equip sword R. "I'm walking to the east with a sword in my right hand."

Note: The "R" meant right hand. You also might have to go into further detail about the item, like using a specific name or the number I assign to it.

Extra Info That's Probably Important:

If I think of anything else that I forgot to say, I'll add it to the spoiler box up there that says "Extra Info That's Probably Important."

Edit: I told myself to put this in before I posted this, but here's a quick note. The game is supposed to work similarly to an MMO, so it should be possible to have a near-unlimited amount of players. But for this particular MMO, the most the server (my brain) can handle for now is probably about ten. Once I get more used to this, I'll let in more players. I'll also increase the maximum amount of players if I get some minions. Err... Friends. Yes. Friends. Or willing accomplices or helpers. Or slaves. All are fine.

Also, if you want to elaborate on how your character looks, go ahead. You can make your character have a pink afro for all I care. Although if I decide to draw the characters, there would be one with a pink afro. Weird.

Player Limit = 10

Current Players:
Me - Kirito
Izen - Skeev
Hunstsman - Tybalt
Psygnosis - Kahza Namirha
TheKebbit - Rincewind
Random11 - Mothax

Last edited by kungfuchan13 on Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:20 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:14 am
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
Oh, why the hell not.

Name: Skeev
Gender: Male

Aaaaand we're off!

Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:07 am
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
Oh. And sorry I couldn't make the post less than 3/4 of a page. Anyways, I'll start since I have... Wait... I had one player to begin with. I could have started on my own...

Anyways, all the characters are currently next to a large fountain. Nearby they can see three buildings, two to the east and one to the west. The building to the west is rather small and has no distinguishing features. Also to the east is a large fenced area with various targets and weapons spread about inside it. The two buildings to the east have small signs that show that they are shops. One is a weapon shop and the other is a general goods store. Further east is a bridge, but it's impossible to see what's past it. Encircling the whole village is a high wall, built to guard against enemy attacks.

My move:
Walk to the east until I reach the bridge. Check bag. "Hi. Nice to meet you."

Wow. I already forgot the format I set down for actions.

Edit: Oh. I'm good.

Edit 2: You can post your move whenever, but I'll probably wait a little before posting the effects of the actions.

Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:39 am
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
Head to the weapons shop
Check what I got
"Oh, uh, hi there. Are you going to become an adventurer as well?"

Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:54 am
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
Okay. Whatever. I'm a very impatient person. I'll post the effects of moves whenever I notice and have time to type everything up. Like now.

Kirito's (Kungfuchan13's) Move:

"Oh, uh, hi there. Are you going to become an adventurer, too?"
You hear someone's voice behind you, but you don't respond, pretending you didn't hear.
You start to walk east, but an NPC suddenly runs in front of you.
"Hey! What's your name?" The girls asks. "Oh. Right. Sorry. My name is Lin. Nice to meet you. Ah. I almost forgot." She reaches into her pocket. "Here's a map of Arincad. It's the town we're in now. Ah! I see someone else! Bye now!"

Inside your bag is... Nothing. No money, items, anything. Of course, you have the map that Lin gave you, though.


Arincad - View:

Skeev's (Izen's) Move:

"Oh, uh, hi there. Are you going to become an adventurer, too?"

You see a person named Kirito walk towards the east. You decide to go in the same direction, towards the weapon shop. Suddenly, Kirito stops. You can see that he's been blocked by an NPC, and you chuckle a little to yourself. You continue walking along, but then the NPC suddenly runs in front of you and starts talking.
"Hey! What's your name?" The girls asks. "Oh. Right. Sorry. My name is Lin. Nice to meet you. Ah. I almost forgot." She reaches into her pocket. "Here's a map of Arincad. It's the town we're in now. If there's anything you need to know, go to the chief's house to the west. He knows pretty much everything there is to know about this world. Well then, bye!" And with that, she runs off.

You only have the map with you. You don't even have money.


Arincad - View:

If you can't see the image, right-click it and click "open in new tab." I will also post it up on the wiki.

Edit: Removed the STA stat. It was a mistake.

Last edited by kungfuchan13 on Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:26 am
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
"How rude."
Make a face at other adventurers back.
Go to chieftain's house, ask for work.

Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:39 am

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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
Looks fun
Name: Tybalt
Gender: Male

Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:03 am
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
Name: Kahza Namirha (kar-za, Nam-ir-ra)
Gender: Male

Kahza was a junior scholar, schooled in the knowledge of the ages. However the past was never his interest, the future was what held his attention. He left to become an adventurer, a pioneer. A man to explore the world and be there as history was written.

Aside from the average servants garb he wears a belt of blue feathers, signifying his position as a librarian.

Extend a hand and smile
"First outing for myself, got a map for me too?"
im the map im the map im the map IM THE MAP.

Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:55 am
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
Okay. Posting moves for everyone. Oh. Grrr... I didn't post my move... I can't move here... Okay. For stats, there's no STA. I just messed up.

Huntsman, Tybalt is just at the starting area.

Izen, your move was flipped. The walking should be the major action and the face should be the minor action. Not that it really matters that much. But just saying. Oh? Was I just confused by the order or did you edit it?

Skeev's (Izen's) Move:

"How rude." You walk to the chief's house and ask the chief for work, but it seems as though he has nothing for you to do. He does, however, mention that the monsters in the forest are causing trouble for the villagers. He even says that the guard in front of the bridge has a store of weapons for aspiring adventurers to use. Seems like he doesn't trust you enough to directly ask you to do the work...


Arincad Map - View (Click Here.)

Kahza Namirha's (Psygnosis's) Move:

"First outing for myself, got a map for me, too?" You extend your hand as you say this. Lin turns around, and shouts, "Nope! Nothing for creepy weird greedy lolicons like you!" and with that, she turns away from you. Evidently that approach doesn't work.



Last edited by kungfuchan13 on Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:33 pm
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
And...! Here's my move...

Head towards the bridge and talk to the guard. Pick up stones along the way. "Bwahahahaha! Fear me! ... Jellies!"

Ah. Jelly. Nata de coco... Almond jelly... Pudding... No! My mind is now full of images of jelly and pudding! But... Tasty... So tasty...

Edit: By the way, Psygnosis, the training area was to the west.

Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:40 pm
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
kungfuchan13 wrote:
Izen, your move was flipped. The walking should be the major action and the face should be the minor action. Not that it really matters that much. But just saying. Oh? Was I just confused by the order or did you edit it?

I just put it in a weird order. I do that sometimes.

Go find the guard in front of the bridge.
Ponder the ideals of magic.
"Thank you anyways, mister chieftain sir."

Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:25 pm
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
So the humans who "discovered" this land, where did they come from?

Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:33 pm
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
I'm interested in joining.

Name: Rincewind
Gender: Male

Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:21 pm
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
Kallemort wrote:
So the humans who "discovered" this land, where did they come from?

Ummm... Wow. Someone actually read the story. Anyways, I'm assuming that they came from earth by means of some portal.

Currently, Rincewind and Tybalt are at the starting point.

Kirito's (kungfuchan13's) Move:

You walk to the bridge and talk to the guard, but you didn't find any stones along the way. The guard says, "Ah. Don't go into the forest. The jellies in there are dangerous. If you really want to go though, I have some weapons for you to choose from." He shows you a wooden sword, a strangely-shaped stick, and a crudely made flute. You choose... What weapon? "Bwahahahaha! Fear me! ... Jellies!"



Skeev's (Izen's) Move:

"Thank you anyways, mister chieftain sir." You say as you begin to walk away. Along the way to the bridge, no one stops you. You do find it strange that there are two people standing by the fountain, not doing anything. When you come to the guard post, you can see Kirito standing there, trying to decide on a weapon to use. In front of him is a pile of wooden swords, sticks, and flutes. You ask the guard if you can also take a weapon and he allows you to do so. You choose... What weapon?



Whenever I update the wiki, I'll make a mark like this at the end of my post: o(^.^)o

Edit: Oh. Right. Skeev's minor action didn't really count. You can think about the ideals of magic yourself. The character thinking about it really doesn't help. It's an MMO, remember?

TheKebbit, your action is so... Random... I'll post the results here, though.

Rincewind (TheKebbit's) Move:

"Oh god where the hell am I what is this place." You begin to wonder how you got to the village called Arnicad, then you remember that you started playing a VRMMO called Andirca Online. That explains it.



Last edited by kungfuchan13 on Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:27 pm
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Post Re: MMORPG RtD-ish Game
"Oh god where the hell am I what is this place."

Wonder how I got to this tiny village.

Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:36 pm
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