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 A better xbox 360 configuration 
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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
Data wrote:
ookay.. finally overhauled the Xbox 360 controller support. There is now a 360 'preset' choice in the options menu; once you select that, all the recommended mappings are made automatically.

Those recommended mappings incorporate a few of the ideas Johannes presented in here: dpad can now be used for fine tuned aiming and full menu nav (left/right also).. but instead of using the right stick clicky to engage sharp aim, X is used instead. The thumbstick is too easy to not keep centered when also depressing it, causing the aiming to get jammed up when the thumbstick analog input kicks in.

Also, the B button is used a redundant mapping for the pie menu, since it also cancels the buy menu, which makes sense for the B button (usually used for cancel/back on stnadard xbox interfaces). Y is jump (it's spatially the top one of the four.. 'up!'), and A is fire/select/confirm.. also makes sense in the xbox standard UIs. If you guys don't like these preset buttons, you are of course free to remap 'em in the settings file.

Thanks for the great suggestions; hope you like the improvments! Hopefully will make having friends over for splitscreen games a lot easier and intuitive!

Wonderful! Thanks so much for incorporating my suggestions.

I haven't had much time recently to play cortex (as you can see by my post count) but it's great to know that now I won't have to manually enter my configurations every time I install a new build.

Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:56 am

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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
Data wrote:
ookay.. finally overhauled the Xbox 360 controller support. There is now a 360 'preset' choice in the options menu; once you select that, all the recommended mappings are made automatically.

Those recommended mappings incorporate a few of the ideas Johannes presented in here: dpad can now be used for fine tuned aiming and full menu nav (left/right also).. but instead of using the right stick clicky to engage sharp aim, X is used instead. The thumbstick is too easy to not keep centered when also depressing it, causing the aiming to get jammed up when the thumbstick analog input kicks in.

Also, the B button is used a redundant mapping for the pie menu, since it also cancels the buy menu, which makes sense for the B button (usually used for cancel/back on stnadard xbox interfaces). Y is jump (it's spatially the top one of the four.. 'up!'), and A is fire/select/confirm.. also makes sense in the xbox standard UIs. If you guys don't like these preset buttons, you are of course free to remap 'em in the settings file.

Thanks for the great suggestions; hope you like the improvments! Hopefully will make having friends over for splitscreen games a lot easier and intuitive!

Some buttons to emulate mouse scroll would be good. Right now, it's impossible to really use a grappling hook.

Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:21 pm
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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
Note: this post discusses issues with B26. if these have already been addressed in B27 then please ignore this :)

So far I had only ever played cortex with a 360 controller on a Windows machine (which is odd since I'm really mostly a Mac user).
Recently I tried to play with a controller on my Mac and I noticed that the controller was really not working very well.

My configurations for the record:

After doing some research it seems that this is a known issue.
Basically the way that the mac drivers see the axes of the 360 controller is not currently supported in CC.

In hopes of helping the devs in fixing this eventually, here is a complete list of issues that I encountered on my mac:

  • Of all the 'Joystick Axes' that are usable for windows users, Only the left and right trigger are recognized.
    • For example, when going into 'Options & Controls' in the game, no movement of the right/left analog sticks will be registered and the actions will not be bound. (Though clicking them is registered fine)
    • Manually Editing the Settings file also confirms this.

  • The left and right trigger are registered as different axes as they should be, and their 'Press Down' and 'Press Up' are registered as separate axes/events.
    To be specific, Instead of:
    • Right Trigger: StickMap = 0, AxisMap = 2,DirectionMap = 1
    • Left Trigger: StickMap = 0, AxisMap = 2, DirectionMap = 0

    I get:
    • Right Trigger (Press Down): StickMap = 0, AxisMap = 1, DirectionMap = 1
    • Right Trigger (Press Up): StickMap = 0, AxisMap = 1, DirectionMap = 0
    • Left Trigger (Press Down): StickMap = 0, AxisMap = 0, DirectionMap = 1
    • Left Trigger (Press Up): StickMap = 0, AxisMap = 0, DirectionMap = 0

    Since these settings match the mappings of the movement axes in my default settings (see first post), the triggers are what controls the cursor's movements, with their default state causing the cursor to constantly move up/left. I did a quick video to demo this:

  • The D pad's presses are not registered as joystick axes, but buttons instead.
    Instead of:
    • D Pad Up: StickMap = 3, AxisMap = 1, DirectionMap = 0
    • D Pad Down: StickMap = 3, AxisMap = 1, DirectionMap = 1
    • D Pad Left: StickMap = 3, AxisMap = 0, DirectionMap = 0
    • D Pad Right: StickMap = 3, AxisMap = 0, DirectionMap = 1

    I get:
    • D Pad Up: JoyButtonMap = 11
    • D Pad Down: JoyButtonMap = 12
    • D Pad Left: JoyButtonMap = 13
    • D Pad Right: JoyButtonMap = 14

    Admittedly this does make more sense for the D pad, but it also means that they cannot be bound to actions that would require an axis (such as cursor movement).

I'm really anticipating the build that will have the controller improvements that Data has confirmed so far, and hopefully these issues can be addressed soon as well.


Last edited by Johannes on Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:10 am, edited 5 times in total.

Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:47 am
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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
And here's a small feature suggestion that may also help with some of the controller issues.

( Disclaimer: I completely understand that there are way more important things for the devs to do than beautifying the settings file, I'm just brainstorming a bit here, but I really believe this may be useful. :grin: I could also just be over-thinking things. In any case, you have been warned. )

Consider this:
  • Right now if a user wants to add 'D-pad up' for an action they need to add this:
      StickMap = 3 // For Windows
      AxisMap = 1 // For Windows
      DirectionMap = 0 // For Windows
      JoyButtonMap = 11 // For Mac
    Assuming they want to account for how the Dpad is treated as an Axis/Button depending on the OS/Driver. This is very complex, and basically impossible to read. This applies to the whole controller binding scheme: it's impossible to read.

  • While I don't own any other controllers, my guess is that they probably have different default axes than the Xbox controller. This combined with the unreadability of the file makes managing it a mess, and makes providing default presets fairly difficult.

My suggestion: (note: please consider all the code/settings below to be 'pseudo code', just intended to explain my idea.)
  • It may be helpful to add a separate 'layer' that allows the user to just use:
      ControllerButton = DpadUp
    And have the engine manage the axis/button conversions internally.

  • This would also be helpful with managing how the triggers work:
      ControllerAxis = TriggerRight

  • To allow for different controllers this could be listed in a separate file 'DevicePresets.ini' that defines the controller schemes for common controllers:
      Controller = xbox360Windows
        ControllerButton = DpadUp
          StickMap = 3
          AxisMap = 1
          DirectionMap = 0
        ControllerButton = AButton
          JoyButtonMap = 0
      Controller = xbox360Mac
        ControllerButton = DpadUp
          JoyButtonMap = 11
      Controller = PS3Windows
        ControllerButton = TriangleButton
          JoyButtonMap = ???
    Then the user could just use 'Controller = xbox360Mac' right below where the device is defined in settings.ini so the engine knows which of the preset keywords it should use from DevicePresets.ini

  • It also wouldn't have to replace the current system; The old definitions would still work. It would just be a helpful addition.

Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:12 am
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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
Oh cool, this was integrated into the game? Now I can play it on my couch!

Also, Johannes, I know you from the Overgrowth forum :D

Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:15 am
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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
Great continued work and input johannes - much appreciated! Facepalm on the 360 being mapped differently on Mac :x Will have to provide a mac-specific preset it seems, in addition to the windows one

Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:06 am
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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
Cool, nice work!
Now I just need to make this work with my Logitech Rumblepad 2... :-(

Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:34 am
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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
Here's my mapping for anyone that uses a Logitech cordless Rumblepad 2, pretty much the same controls as the OP, but the aim button is on the L2 trigger. Enjoy!

Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:07 am
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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
Firstly, I apologise for bumping a two month old thread, I hope it's okay.

Anyway, I'm utterly terrible at editing the Settings.ini, and when I did attempt to implement the config that was uploaded I ended up screwing up the entire control scheme. Luckily I had a backup. So, I'm just wondering if anyone could upload the edited .ini with the control changes for me due to my incredible ineptitude.

Bloody hell this is a bad way to make my first post on the forums.

Tue May 22, 2012 1:41 pm

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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
haha that's an awesome way to put it, I posted that about a year ago (without pictures and all) and people hated it viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25067


Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:27 pm
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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
DennisBo wrote:
haha that's an awesome way to put it, I posted that about a year ago (without pictures and all) and people hated it viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25067


Heh, people love pictures ;)

Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:30 pm

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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
Data wrote:
Great continued work and input johannes - much appreciated! Facepalm on the 360 being mapped differently on Mac :x Will have to provide a mac-specific preset it seems, in addition to the windows one

Maybe the "360" preset functionality can also be added into the regular custom analog choice? To make it similar all that would need to be done is allow you to pick multiple buttons for the same function, and then you'll be able to use this with any controller in the game without having to edit the .ini

Causeless wrote:
Some buttons to emulate mouse scroll would be good. Right now, it's impossible to really use a grappling hook.

Y and X are jump/crouch respectively, which can be used for the grappling hook

Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:54 pm

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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
Will the '360' option for the game work for A Ps3 controller?

Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:01 am
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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
Turbine wrote:
Will the '360' option for the game work for A Ps3 controller?

95% sure that it will not. The button mappings are generally very different for the PS3, and since I sadly don't own one I haven't been able to test if it's supported by default.

Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:41 am
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Post Re: A better xbox 360 configuration
It will work flawlessly if you're using motionjoy DS3 tool and set it to 360 pad emulation.

Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:21 pm
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