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 Legends of the Sky 
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Apply for waiting list

Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:13 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [8]:
You clear your throat, and the rest of the crew quiets down to listen to their captain speaking. Damn straight.
"Hey guys, listen up: We just launched and I know we're all feeling excited and whatnot, so everyone's off for the rest of the night. Let's just relax and get to know each other better. We'll get officially started on exploring in the morning. For now, I guess we'll just go North. If I spot a town, we'll probably try to get some information from it before moving on."
A collective "Aye aye!" hits your ears. Glorious.
You then saunter into the Captain's Cabin and look around. On the left wall are several consoles, covered with dials and gauges and all sorts of doohickeys. You know a few important ones, and the rest are left to your Engineer. Front and center is the wheel and a few other controls. You know THESE by heart.
On your right is the map. You aren't particular to the details, but some kind of magic in the ink and parchment make it so the map tracks your current location at all times. It also shows the position of any islands you may run into, and keeps them permanently. As an added bonus, it picks up nearby ships as well! Very handy.


Miggles (Robert Wright) [6]:
Yeah... to hell with sobriety. This calls for booze. Luckily, you made sure to load a whole damn crate of assorted kinds of drink onto the ship. Now THAT was a task. You invite the others to the crew quarters for a drink, and everyone except Troy and James jumps at the chance.
15 minutes later, the first of the bottles are emptied, and drunkness is starting to set in for everyone. Well, definitely you at least. You're not sure about the others.


Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [9]:
You follow Robert down to the quarters with the others, and help him break into the booze. You drink, but make sure to watch yourself. Wouldn't want to be falling over if anything happened. All the while, Charlotte is constantly bugging you to try the stuff. You've never let her near it, since you don't really know how a sprite would handle the stuff. Finally, your judgement loosened by drink, you relent slightly. You tip a tiny amount into the cap of your bottle, and hold it up for Charlotte.
30 seconds later, she's asleep on your head, occasionally hiccuping.


Izen (Sedraxis) [1]:
"This was the worst idea.
"Need a drink?"

Robert offers you a bottle of whiskey. You take thankfully, and chug about a mouthful before pulling the bottle away and gasping at how much the stuff burns. Then you realize just how much the ship is tipping.
Oh dear GOD seasick.
You barely manage to open a porthole and get your head outside before you empty your stomach into the sky.


Maart3n (Mareikura) [6]:
Let's see...
Wooden ship.
Something about that math tells you NOT to start lighting tiny fires. You guess you could try some other magic though. You've always been fascinated with fire magic, but you can do just about any really, as long as you understand the principles behind the magic. Which you most definitely do. Hell, anyone can do magic, it's just most people don't know how.


Tomaster (James Tiber) [7]:
You follow Troy into the Captain's Cabin, and start asking him questions about the various gauges and controls. He's happy to answer them as he plots the ship a course northward. By the end of the impromptu lesson, you can tell what's going on in and around the cabin! Still don't know how to fly this thing though.


Game Events: The ship drifts northward uneventfully, with nothing coming into view. The sky starts to darken ever so slightly.

Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:35 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
I should have "susceptible to seasickness" as a character flaw.

>No more booze. Sit down.
"Please tell me somebody has something, anything, that can counteract seasickness."

Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:39 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"I could try something. "
cure izens seasickness.

Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:41 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Retire to my designated sleeping area, tuck Charlotte in safe and sound and then sleep until a catastrophe or morning.

Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:52 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Chill with James and keep an eye on the map.

Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:15 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
> Check ship's engine, look for seasickness cure.
"I know a cure for seasickness: more alcohol! If you get hammered enough you won't care, right?
Ha ha ha. In all seriousness, I do think we have something in storage."

Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:24 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Continue observing. Chat about home life, ship stuff, etc.

Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:14 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Apply for waiting list

Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:08 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Ragdollmaster (Troy) [3]:
You continue chatting with James, and get along swimmingly. You also forget to keep an eye on the map, but the ship is just cruising north, and nothing's happening right now so nothing awful happens. You glance out the window and noticing the sky is tinged orange from the sun setting. It's summer, so it gets dark pretty late, meaning it must be almost 8 by now.


Miggles (Robert Wright) [2]:
"I know a cure for seasickness: more alcohol! If you get hammered enough you won't care, right?"
You fall off your chair.
"No, no, s'kay, I'm good. I'm good."
You take another swig of booze.
"Allll good."


Fail Flail (Grif Mason) [10]:
As if on cue, Rob falls over drunk. Yeah, you watched your intake JUST to avoid that very fate. You walk over to your cot, and lay Charlotte down on your pillow. Her glow softly pulses as she respirates. It's strange. You've never seen any other fairies besides Charlotte, and very few traders have any information about them. Which makes it surprising just how similar she is to a human.
Hmm, the drink is hitting you, too. You lift Charlotte up for a moment, then climb into bed and set her back down on the pillow next to you. It doesn't take long for you to drift off to sleep.


Izen (Sedraxis) [2-2=1]:
"Please tell me somebody has something, anything, that can counteract seasickness."
"Uhhh... I remember that root we got once helped with it. That was a long time ago though, and we don't have any on board."
"I could try something."

Mareikura raises his hand at you and mutters a few words. You feel a funny tingling in your stomach, and then your seasickness is gone.
"Hey... I think tha- HURK."
Oh god. Stomach. PAIN.


Maart3n (Mareikura) [1]:
With Sedraxis suffering, you decide to flex your magical muscle to help him out.
"I could try something."

You raise your hand and spell out a quick incantation to absolve sickness. Magic on humans is a bit tricky, so this spell is a bit ambiguous. You finish and look to see how it worked.
"Hey... I think tha- HURK."
Sedraxis clutches his stomach. You think something went slightly wrong.


Tomaster (James Tiber) [5]:
You continue observing, but not much happens worth observing. You continue making small talk.


Game Events: The sky continues to darken as the ship flies. Nothing is encountered.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:34 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky

Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:48 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Fetal positon

Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:01 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
>Check the map, go out to check on the crew.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:14 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Examine instruments. See if I can find some whiskey.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:08 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Grab a bucket for Sedraxis.
"I'm sorry mate, magic on humans is difficult you know."

Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:36 pm
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