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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: RtD - Space
"Well guys, we are stuck in here, and we probably have only two options:
Manage to survive on our own.
Try to look around if there is any trace of civilization."

Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:37 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Space
(#1) examine my surroundings fully, seeing if there is a place (clean), a house, anything that stands out.

(#2) Help James build the bionic arm, using my computer skills.

Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:43 am
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Post Re: RtD - Space
"I think we should explore the territory a little bit better. Also, Alexander is still missing, he might need our help."

Build bionic arm/repair IAMU

Last edited by pseudorastafari on Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:55 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Space
"Alright guys, let's stop wasting time. I highly doubt this planet is uninhabited, we are in the age of space colonization. Probably there are intelligent forms of life, which could be humans, that could help us, or at least, would be better than standing idle in here trying to survive.
Let's look for traces of civilizations."
> Look for traces of civilizations.

Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:20 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Space
EDIT - Ignore this post. Just realized I was supposed to be doing this through PMs. :P

Last edited by Nighthawk on Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:01 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Space
rolling now:

-- (#1) examine my surroundings fully, seeing if there is a place (clean), a house, anything that stands out.

-- (#2) Help James build the bionic arm, using my computer skills.

unwoundpath: Steve Master : 6-1,5
Now that the the sun is back to provide well needed light to the planet you decide to examine the surrounding hills,
looking for some sort of shelter, you start with the one left from your point of arrival, as you walk you see the lake on your right,
large rocky hills in front of you and more hills on your left, hiding the faggy part of the forest seen before, you are now on the top
of the hill and notice a strange pile of rocks in front of you, on the flak opposite from the arrival site, you approach the rocks and
realise they were hiding the entrance of a cave that seems to go deep underground, you cautiously enter to see a large, rather circular
room about twenty meters in diameter and two in height, as the sun is aligned with the entrance you can see quite well inside there are
a few white bush like plants growing between some rocks on the left side of the room. You can also see two passages going deeper underground
one on the left and one on the right of the entrance, both big enough for a man to go in, you can feel a cold wind coming from the one on the
right, yet there isn't enough light to see anything there. Seeing that you can't continue your exploration without proper lighting equipment,
you go out and rejoin the others. While returning to the hill you arrived on you think a bit about this cave: It might be a good location to establish a camp,
as we don't know how cold the nights are here the cave could provide us with some protection, and it would be an easily defendable position in case of an
attack. Yet there may also be some wild beast lurking in the dark. It would be wise to talk about this with the others. Arriving on the hill the others are on, you notice
that James is sitting on a rock, looking through his things, appearently thinking on some important project, probably this bionic arm he wants to build.
As you approach you recognise the object he is holding: it is an interface circuit, while seeing it you seem to remember something from before the stasis:
this circuit is used to interface otherwise incompatible technology, these can be used with nearly any kind of electrical based device if properly programmed,
you remember one of your colleages, Dr. Binenstein, told you he used some of these in order to connect with the artifact of experiment 47. You also know how to use and program these.
You talk about it with James and he shows you a few items he think will be useful to build the arm: some electronic componets, the interface circuit and some parts of the
exploded transport device. Tou think you will be able to program the circuit to function as an interface between his body and the arm. You would also need the help of a medical doctor to correctly program it. But you would also need some kind of computer
to do that, an interface to program the interface, ironnical isn't it? At this moment you remember that the IAMU units can be used to do just that, you tell it to James, who
almost immediatly goes to repair IAMU, leaving you with the interface circuit. You begin to think about the technical details of the programming as James tries to repair the damaged IAMU, still liing next to the destroyed arrival point.
You vagely watch him while thinking about the programming, after a few minutes you are distubed by some faint noise coming from IAMU, you can't hear it very well from where you are but see that James is
stepping a few meters away from the robot. (see game event).

Description: 5ft 6in Michigan Male

Inventory: 14.5875kg/20kg
_1.5 cooked lobsters(1.5*125)
_wood (3.276kg)
_a small box containing electronic components (0.424kg)
_electrical wire(0.15kg)
_3 small bits of metal(3*0.15kg)
_an interface circuit (0.4kg)

_flamethrower pistol (97%) (1.5kg)
_PP-42 (30/30) (1.25kg), 2 extra UPP-72 (2*0.3kg)
_8 incendiary grenades (8*250g)
_a steel rod (3.5kg)
_military knife(0.5kg)

_PS-22-S (100%) (0.35kg)

Abilities (2):
Gatherer : +1/-1 to finding/searching for things
Computer geek: +1/-1 to hacking most computers and electronics


-- > Look for traces of civilizations.

Asklar : Charles Cross : 1

You decide to look for traces of civilization, so you begin by watching this suspicious looking smoke trail coming from between the forest and the volcano, while trying to discern it better you unconsciously
walk towards it, you thinking is suddenly ended as you feel your body falling down, you just stepped in the lake, you water up to your arms and fortunately didn't harm yourself, yet you are now water soaked.

Description: Average human male.

Inventory: 9.7675/20kg
_6 nails (0.03kg)
_a medikit (1kg)
_1.5 cooked lobsters(1.5*125)

_PP-42 (29/30) (0.95kg)
_SDR-27 (5/5) (1.75kg)
_military knife (0.5kg)

_PS-22-S (92%) (0.35kg)

Abilities (2):
Medical Knowledge : +1/-1 on medical related things.
Close Combat : +1/-1 on any type of close combat.

_water soaked(+5kg)


Pseudorastafari: James Fisher : 4-1
--Build bionic arm/repair IAMU

You decide to start building a bionic arm, after thinking for a while you realise you have no idea how to do it precisely, yet know that building the structure will require some metal parts that will have to be either scavenged or smelted,
IAMU would probably know how to do that, you then start looking for useful stuff in your inventory: the interface circuit may be of some use for the body-machine interface, the electronic components will
surely be of some help to, same thing for the metal bits, maybe the UPP could be used to power it. So it seems you got most of the materials, now you will need to either learn the skills required to build
it, or find some people with these skills, and it seems like you are in luck: at this precise moment you see Steve coming back from the hill left of the point of arrival, he approaches and says he wants to help you, you
talk about it a few minutes, showing him the useful items you have. After some reflection he says he could probably program the interface circuit to relay orders from your brain to the arm, but that he would need the help
of a medical doctor and a computer to do this. He says that IAMU has the necessary functions to be used as a programming interface for the circuit. Seeing that you will most definitly need the robot, you
decide to try and repair him, leaving Steve to his reflections with the interface circuit and approach IAMU, still near the exploded transport device. The damaged generator of the robot Charles and Alexander
removed is still there liing next to IAMU, the outer casing of the robot was partially removed in an unsuccesful attempt to repaire it. As you look inside you see that most of the electronics are intact exept
some circuits on the left, yet you don't know enough about electronics to determine the severity of the damage. The only thing you can do for now is replace the broken generator, you examine it to check its
charracteristics and read:"250VAC, 200Hz" you take the extra UPP-72 you carry to see if it could replace it, you read: "230VAC, 200Hz". That seems close enough, so you decide to try it, hoping to be luckier than
Charles. You carefully connect the power supply cables to the UPP, it seems to hold, a few seconds later you hear some strange unintelligible noise coming from IAMU, you carefully step back a few meters.
Then (see game event).

Description: Tall burly dude

Inventory: 12.142/15kg
_lobster like creatures(6*125g)
_3 cooked lobsters(3*125)
_a flask of HNO3 (0.75kg)
_a box of nails(131) (0.655kg)
_26 electronic components (26*0.002)
_some cotton in a plastic box (0.3kg)
_12 pieces of an unknown alloy (12*0.1)

_a plasma dagger (0.5kg)
_PP-42 (29/30) (1.25kg)
_2 frag grenades (2*0.35kg)
_military knife (0.5kg)

_a hazmat suit (5.75kg)
_combat detector (0.2 kg)

Abilities (2)
Strong: +1/-1 to rolls involving strength-related tasks
Marksman: +1/-1 to rolls involving projectile weapons

_no right arm: -1 aiming with two handed weapons and any other task requiring this arm


IAMU-6452's inventory: 9.628/15kg
_64 electronic components (64*0.002kg)
_50 nails (50*0.005kg)
_18 small bits of metal (18*0.15kg)
_6 medium bits of metal (6*0.3kg)

_SDR-27 (5/5) (1.75kg)
_PP-42 (30/30) (1.25kg)
_2 frag grenades (2*0.35kg)
_1 UPP-72 (0.3kg)

_PS-22-S (100%) (0.35kg)
_2 combat detectors (2*0.2 kg)

Game Event:

James replaced the broken generator of IAMU with a UniversalPowerPack(UPP-72), after a few seconds the robot emits some unintelligible sounds, and then says:
independant automated maintenance unit 6452 activated
connecting to ship's main computer...failed
connecting to auxiliary systems...failed
error: cannot connect to any of the ship's systems
error: damage detected
error: motor system disabled
error: auxiliary AI control disabled
error: IFF system disabled
error: tool systems disabled
error: EMP damage detected, auxiliary circuits damaged
error: tactical systems do not respond, cannot kill process
error: unknown error
error: memory damaged, cannot recover data, estimated loss: 23.61 TB
error: unknown system changes detected, cannot repair
statement: the mighty crab of doom will rise once more
warning: power supply will be exausted in 197.3 hours
warning: electromagnetic signal detected
alert: IAMU proximity sensors detect lifesigns
analysing: humans, identified as part of the ship's crew, error: IFF system disabled, trying to compensate by using AI directed reasoning...
error: auxiliary AI control disabled, continuing without auxiliary AI control...
thinking... . .. ... .. . . ... . .... . . . . ... . . . ...
done: as the humans repaired me, they are probably friendly, or not, unless, maybe, if, possibly, exept if this statement is false
error: cannot evaluate assertion.
Silent mode activated."

Also Alexander is still missing.

Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:19 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Space
(talk to the guys)
"Um... That's bad, right, I mean, we kinda need IAMU to fix your arm. Also, we should camp out in this cave I found up on the cliffs, it looks real nice. I'm not sure what there is past a certain point though, got any flashlights?"
See if I can find out whats wrong with IAMU, fixing him, ect...

Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:04 am
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Post Re: RtD - Space
I think it's a good idea to explore the cave, but first I am going to look for Alexander.

Find Alexander.

Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:23 am
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Post Re: RtD - Space
"alright, you find Alex, I fix up IAMU"

Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:26 am
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Post Re: RtD - Space
I'll roll tomorrow.

Sorry I don't have enough time tonight, plus I'm exausted, I prefer to do it properly tomorrow than to make a shitty half arsed roll tonight.

Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:08 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Space
Well it seems Asklar didn't post an action, I'll pm him a reminder and roll as soon as he posts.

Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:21 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Space
Asklar doesn't seem to be able to post an action for the time being as he didn't read my pm, so I'll roll without him and give him an extra action for the next roll. I'll roll in an hour or two.

Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:00 pm
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Post Re: RtD - Space
Today's roll:

--See if I can find out whats wrong with IAMU, fixing him, ect...

unwoundpath: Steve Master : 3+1 == 4
You approach IAMU and start looking through the opened casing: you notice some smoke coming frombehind a broken electronic card. You carefully push it away and see that the plastic insulation on several
wires connected to seemingly undamaged circuits are melted, and some of the copper wires touch eachother, creating a short circuit, at some points the copper is red hot, emitting small amounts of smoke
as it evaporates the plastic. You unplug the power source in order not to be electrocuted, wait a few seconds for the wires to cool down and succesfully separate them. You manage to place them in such
a way thet they won't easily come close from one another anymore. You then reconnect the UPP: And hear IAMU say:
independant automated maintenance unit 6452 activated
connecting to ship's main computer...failed
connecting to auxiliary systems...failed
error: cannot connect to any of the ship's systems
warning: hardware changes detected:
motor system reactivated
IFF system reactivated
tool systems reactivated
error: tool systems damaged: plasma cutter is not responding.
error: auxiliary AI control disabled
error: tactical systems do not respond, process killed
error: unknown error
warning: power supply will be exausted in 872.4 hours
warning: electromagnetic signal detected
error: auxiliary AI control disabled
silent mode activated"
You reckon that the auxiliarry AI control and tactical systems were probably part of the destroyed circuits, these would need to be replaced, and there's no way you are going to be able to build new ones
with what limited resources you have. Still IAMU will now be able to move properly, use what tools weren't destroyed during the explosion and should properly recognize you and your comrades as friendly.
You then replace the removed outer casing plate in its original position. Although it is pieced it still covers most of the robot's front, providing some protection.

Description: 5ft 6in Michigan Male

Inventory: 14.5875kg/20kg
_1.5 cooked lobsters(1.5*125)
_wood (3.276kg)
_a small box containing electronic components (0.424kg)
_electrical wire(0.15kg)
_3 small bits of metal(3*0.15kg)
_an interface circuit (0.4kg)

_flamethrower pistol (97%) (1.5kg)
_PP-42 (30/30) (1.25kg), 2 extra UPP-72 (2*0.3kg)
_8 incendiary grenades (8*250g)
_a steel rod (3.5kg)
_military knife(0.5kg)

_PS-22-S (100%) (0.35kg)

Abilities (2):
Gatherer : +1/-1 to finding/searching for things
Computer geek: +1/-1 to hacking most computers and electronics


Asklar : Charles Cross : ? Error: No action posted, you can post two actions for the next roll


Pseudorastafari: James Fisher : 3
--Find Alexander.

You decide to go look for Alexander, so you head for the forest he didn't come back from. After walking a few minutes with the lake on your left you now stand on the outer limit of a dark forest composed of blue and green leafed trees.
You go in, decided not to go too far in order to find your way back. Although the sun is high in the sky you can't see very well under the thick foiliage of the trees, the ground is almost comletely covered with bush like white plants.
Some wood is scattered on the ground, yet you find no trace of your friend. After a while you notice that the place is perfectly silent, there is no wind, no birds, not event a moving leaf, you find it rather strange, but at least that way you'll
hear possible danger from a long distance. As you push a bush blocking your way you notice a small circular burn mark on the ground. You remember from your military training that this is the result of a laser based weapon being shot,
and Alexander was carrying a laser rifle the last time you saw him. You carefully examine the surrounding area and find some rather peculiar animal tracks on the ground, it seems to have three digits, each one about ten centimeters in length
and three in width, one of them ends with a claw about fove centimeters long. After searching for a few minutes you find some blood not far away from the burn mark. Near it there are signs that a body was dragged for about ten meters, then it suddenly ends,
the animal tracks however seem to continue, now there is a larger space between the tracks, as if the animal was running. It seems to go rather deep in the forest. But where did the body go?

Description: Tall burly dude

Inventory: 12.142/15kg
_lobster like creatures(6*125g)
_3 cooked lobsters(3*125)
_a flask of HNO3 (0.75kg)
_a box of nails(131) (0.655kg)
_26 electronic components (26*0.002)
_some cotton in a plastic box (0.3kg)
_12 pieces of an unknown alloy (12*0.1)

_a plasma dagger (0.5kg)
_PP-42 (29/30) (1.25kg)
_2 frag grenades (2*0.35kg)
_military knife (0.5kg)

_a hazmat suit (5.75kg)
_combat detector (0.2 kg)

Abilities (2)
Strong: +1/-1 to rolls involving strength-related tasks
Marksman: +1/-1 to rolls involving projectile weapons

_no right arm: -1 aiming with two handed weapons and any other task requiring this arm


IAMU-6452's inventory: 9.628/15kg
_64 electronic components (64*0.002kg)
_50 nails (50*0.005kg)
_18 small bits of metal (18*0.15kg)
_6 medium bits of metal (6*0.3kg)

_SDR-27 (5/5) (1.75kg)
_PP-42 (30/30) (1.25kg)
_2 frag grenades (2*0.35kg)
_1 UPP-72 (0.3kg)

_PS-22-S (100%) (0.35kg)
_2 combat detectors (2*0.2 kg)

Game Event:

Steve succesfully repaired most of IAMU's systems.

Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:31 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: RtD - Space [most recent roll: 12/03/2012]
"Ugh, it felt like if I was unconsicious for a month or something!"
>Get back with the guys.

Sorry for the delay, I had a tragic life story during the month.

And thanks for the extra action, but I can't find a good use for it =D

Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:11 am
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