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 Dark Souls 
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Post Dark Souls
Who's got it, who wants it, what do you think of it?

I have it on Xbox, I've been following the Gamespot walkthrough liberally and I've gotten to The Depths. I just lost two Humanities as well versing the boss. :-( I've got the Drake Sword though, so the going is easy enough.

EDIT: Blighttown sucks balls. HATE the poisonous cavemen. :x

Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:34 am
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Post Re: Dark Souls
♥♥♥♥. BLIGHTOWN. for serious.

Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:15 am
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Post Re: Dark Souls
Its annoying how you get sooo far through (but between bonfires) and youve racked up heaps of souls and then die. But the thing that REALLY takes the hellcake is when you rush to get your stuff back and die AGAIN from some silly monster.

THAT has caused me to raegquit twice now. A Humanity and like 10,000 souls lost in both cases.

And the best bit; get this: I can just go farm for souls and Humanity somewhere else. That's how evil this game is. But it's soo good too. :-(

Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:46 pm
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Post Re: Dark Souls
Yoman987 wrote:
Its annoying how you get sooo far through (but between bonfires) and youve racked up heaps of souls and then die. But the thing that REALLY takes the hellcake is when you rush to get your stuff back and die AGAIN from some silly monster.

THAT has caused me to raegquit twice now. A Humanity and like 10,000 souls lost in both cases.

That reminds me, I had lost a humanity and 5,000 souls right after a boss fight (to standard enemies at that) I respawned and on my way back to my souls I got in a fight on a ledge, sidestepped and fell to my doom.

Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:57 pm
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Post Re: Dark Souls
I've already beaten the game. The final boss was kind of easy. What kinds of builds are all you guys using? I'm a heavy armor knight with a Zweihander and Havel's Armor. And if you do the graveyard run at the beginning of the game to get the Zweihander, it's far superior to the drake sword. Plus you can use it for your entire playthrough, because it had awesome scaling.

Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:58 pm
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Post Re: Dark Souls
Benpasko wrote:
The final boss was kind of easy..

Not on the 4th playthrough he's not.

Also Great Sword of Artorias (Not Cursed, Cursed sucks.) > Zweihander.

Black Knight's Great Axe is also pretty badass.

Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:13 pm
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Post Re: Dark Souls
So, what builds do you guys use? I'm a pyromancer / mage with an emphasis on going as fast as I can while maintaining good protection (things like havel's ring come in very hand for me) I also prefer weapons that find a middle ground between strength and speed.

Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:18 pm
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Post Re: Dark Souls
Hunter with

Gold-hemmed hood.
Ornstein's Armor and Gauntlets.
Havel's Leggings.
Black Knight's Great Axe +5 and a Claymore +15.
GreatShield of Artorias +5 and a Claw +15.

Havel's Leggings make anything look good.

Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:20 am
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Post Re: Dark Souls
Coops9753 wrote:
Benpasko wrote:
The final boss was kind of easy..

Not on the 4th playthrough he's not.

Also Great Sword of Artorias (Not Cursed, Cursed sucks.) > Zweihander.

Black Knight's Great Axe is also pretty badass.

The Cursed sword is handy against ghosts, since last I checked you don't need a Transient Curse. Also, thoughts on the Gravelord Sword? I find it hella-fun, but not too useful except against Sif, who for some reason kicks my ass if I use my Zweihander. And I still prefer it to Artorias because I like the moves for the Ultra Greatsword weapon set.

Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:08 am
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Post Re: Dark Souls
Zweihander's attacks take to long to execute, also I never used the Gravelord sword.

Good tips on fighting bosses is to keep close to them, unless it's the Gaping Dragon, or Final Boss (Gwyn). Take notice to their attack patterns, and keep your shield up, but never, NEVER keep your shield up when low on stamina. If it's below a quarter, lower your shield and regain your stamina quickly. It happens faster if you lower your shield rather than keeping it up. If you keep it up and you take a hit that brings you over the rest of your remaining stamina then you're pretty much boned.

Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:56 am
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Post Re: Dark Souls
I'm constantly using the best armour I can find, but I'm using a Pyro with the Drake Sword and Long Bow ATM.

Quelaag sucks.

Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:48 am
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Post Re: Dark Souls
Coops9753 wrote:
Zweihander's attacks take to long to execute, also I never used the Gravelord sword.

They're slow, but I spent my entire first playthrough(literally) using it, so I'm used to it. I picked the Bandit class, ran my ass through the graveyard for it, and spent my first 10 or so levels getting the stats to use it. In the end, I 4-shotted the Taurus Demon. It was lols. And I highly recommend the Gravelord sword for pvp, it inflicts Toxic. Also, the Drake Sword is overrated. If you build any kind of strength, it gets outscaled by a decent weapon in no time.

Also for Quelaag,

Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:30 am
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Post Re: Dark Souls
I'm gonna double post, but it's a completely different thought. I've started a new character, and fallen in love with Crossbows and Halberds, to the point where I'll equip a crossbow instead of a shield in my left hand. It's a ton of fun, especially if you can get the repeating crossbow from the archives.

Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:20 am
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Post Re: Dark Souls
I have made a few builds to experiment and I've made a tank build that had a high chance of wining on one on two battles, :???: in my opinion...the game is unbalanced when it comes to plain strength and endurance builds, but those builds are not nearly as fun as high dexterity builds.

:evil: Dragon slayer great bow on anor londo is AMAZING for hate mail

Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:52 pm
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Post Re: Dark Souls

Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:45 am
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