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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.3 (CustomFactions.cfg)
No prob. ;)


So hey, remember when I said I meant to finish that House of Suns file? Yeah, I kinda forgot. And then I did it just now! Twice, even!

Even better, I threw in SnowMonster's Lizards as four "factions". Take in mind you must have the elite/brain lizards (Sage.rte) and the lizard weapons (Lizard Weapons.rte) unpacked regardless of which subfaction (Black/Blue/Green/All) you're using.

It turns out they're all kind of unstable though (brain/elite duplication bug), and I'm not exactly sure why, probably making another dumb mistake somewhere. The Lizard heavies also don't spawn with any weapons, so this may be a problem for the THS MK IIIs as well. I haven't had time to test them all.


Code for ForeignMapIcons.ini;

// The House of Suns by Major added by Arcalane
AddEffect = MOSRotating
   CopyOf = FactionIcon
   PresetName = FactionIconTHS
   SpriteFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = UnmappedLands.rte/ForeignMapIcons/MapIconTHS.bmp

// The Lizard Hordes by SnowMonster20 added by Arcalane
AddEffect = MOSRotating
   CopyOf = FactionIcon
   PresetName = FactionIconLizardsAll
   SpriteFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = UnmappedLands.rte/ForeignMapIcons/MapIconLizardsAll.bmp

AddEffect = MOSRotating
   CopyOf = FactionIcon
   PresetName = FactionIconLizardsBlue
   SpriteFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = UnmappedLands.rte/ForeignMapIcons/MapIconLizardsBlue.bmp

AddEffect = MOSRotating
   CopyOf = FactionIcon
   PresetName = FactionIconLizardsBlack
   SpriteFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = UnmappedLands.rte/ForeignMapIcons/MapIconLizardsBlack.bmp

AddEffect = MOSRotating
   CopyOf = FactionIcon
   PresetName = FactionIconLizardsGreen
   SpriteFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = UnmappedLands.rte/ForeignMapIcons/MapIconLizardsGreen.bmp

Finally, the download. Stick it in your UnmappedLands.rte folder and unpack. I haven't tested them yet or set up custom voices - recommend C&C3 Scrin or Protoss for the Lizard factions, and one of the C&C voice sets for the THS groups. (Possibly EVA for the House Guard, and CABAL/LEGION for the Mech Inf.)

File comment: Not Stable!
THS and [13.59 KiB]
Downloaded 194 times

The Lizards have pretty lame map icons for now. I've got my hands full with the next version of the 40K recompilation and real life, so someone might want to make better ones.


Also, IG/Marines/Orkz Win/Lose/Mission Start sounds;
File comment: IG, Orkz and Marines [1.45 MiB]
Downloaded 190 times

Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:04 am
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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.3 (CustomFactions.cfg)
Nice but im getting the same thing that TRuBi was getting in that the forst 5 blocks are filled with 5 actors each and the rest are empty. Problem is that I never had a problem with any of my mods.


Honostly can anyone tell me what exactly is happening (I know what weegie said Im saying more like why)

Edit: Turns out Pelian army is a no go.

Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:54 am
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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.3 (CustomFactions.cfg)
Jack Trades wrote:
Weegee, I have a suggestion to you.
Remember that voice sound problem we talked about? I think I found a way to fix it, what if you instead of creating an emitter (which isn't the best way since volume changed according to camera position etc etc etc) you played that voice sound as if it was Music?
I know that in that case, you'd have to disable the real music but I personally would love an option to change between crappy voice sounds with music and good voice sounds with no music.
(I always listen to an external music player anyway)

I could try it but only with a switch to explicitly turn it on and it will be off by default.

Tankman101 wrote:
Nice but im getting the same thing that TRuBi was getting in that the forst 5 blocks are filled with 5 actors each and the rest are empty. Problem is that I never had a problem with any of my mods.

The problem is usually with a facton wich is in the first empty block. Myabe the author updated the mod and it's not longer compatible with current UL.

Sorry guys been away for a while thinking about the meaning of life and ♥♥♥♥. I'll try to get back soon :) Maybe even with R7.4 but we'll see about that. BTW any global suggestions for R8? I'm totally out of ideas.

Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:49 am
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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.3 (CustomFactions.cfg)
A couple of thoughts, then;

1) List of items that the Commander always starts with, rather than picking a random Light weapon for him.
2) Official heavy infantry and possibly other infantry type settings for AI factions. Workarounds using the ArmorHuman list are unreliable.

Ed: Figured out the problem with the Lizards; left the { and } in the Brains bit. Oops.

Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:09 am
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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.3 (CustomFactions.cfg)
Arcalane wrote:
2) Official heavy infantry and possibly other infantry type settings for AI factions. Workarounds using the ArmorHuman list are unreliable.

And what's wroing with current? You want a separate definition for heavier infantry (but not armored) actors?

Last edited by weegee on Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:45 am
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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.3 (CustomFactions.cfg)
Not so much want as some thoughts. It's all about being able to easily identify who/what you're up against at a glance, without necessarily having to see what they're actually holding.

The way I set up factions now means 1 sidearm (light list), 1 primary (heavy list), and 0-2 grenades, so that most of the soldiers spawned are common infantry as you'd encounter in any army. But let's say that a faction only fields their heaviest weapons with a particular kind of unit, or there are weapons specially made for their heavy infantry - I like to try and have them as accurate to the faction in question as possible. I try and use the ArmorHumans and ArmorPistols/ArmorShields lists to sidestep this a bit... the best example so far is probably the post-recompilation Imperial Guard, who I set up to use Imperial Guardsmen with lasgun+laspistol almost exclusively, with occasional appearances of IG Sergeants with plasma pistols and power swords.

There are a couple of ways around this I can think of, and I think the simplest might be to define a 'Sidearm' list which everyone gets a pick from, and define a HeavyActorSets list. When spawning an actor, pick an actor from the ActorSet or HeavyActorSet lists (more chance of a normal soldier than a heavy); actors from the ActorSet list get a Light list weapon, actors from the HeavyActorSet get a Heavy list weapon.

This means factions field common infantry, less-common infantry, and have the option of armoured walker units. When spawning the player's prebought troops for base defense, it could always pick from the HeavyActorSet list.

On the Imperial Guard note, I'll issue updated versions of the post-recompilation IG/SM factions once the next update for that is out, since they'll finally have their own grenades.

In other news, here's fixed Faction Files for the lizards, so your guys don't break when attacking their turf. Their heavies are still broken though.

Attachment: [5.05 KiB]
Downloaded 179 times


Updated post-recompilation Imperium Factions, now with Death Korps of Krieg sub-faction;

Attachment: [12.08 KiB]
Downloaded 185 times

Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:12 pm
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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.3 (CustomFactions.cfg)
In the Treasure Hunt missions, is it intentional for the Tradestar forces to very frequently choose to drop their troops right on top of ones's own i.e. the dropship is directly above them? I personally find it quite annoying, and the dropships don't live much longer, either.
Other than that, i've found myself quite addicted to this, especially with the WH40K factions fixed (having rapidly duplicating Chaplains and Commissars was rather bizarre)

Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:05 pm
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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.3 (CustomFactions.cfg)
Sgt Doom wrote:
In the Treasure Hunt missions, is it intentional for the Tradestar forces to very frequently choose to drop their troops right on top of ones's own i.e. the dropship is directly above them?

No, AI is dropped at random positions.

Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:38 pm
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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.3 (CustomFactions.cfg)
weegee wrote:
Sgt Doom wrote:
In the Treasure Hunt missions, is it intentional for the Tradestar forces to very frequently choose to drop their troops right on top of ones's own i.e. the dropship is directly above them?

No, AI is dropped at random positions.
It seems that, especially on that one map with one giant entry point to the underground tunnels leading to the artifacts; if I station 2 troops on either side of the holes, the tradestar forces will drop theirs either right on top of, or close to, my own. On other maps it's not as common, but still fairly frequent. Does their choice of deployment area also depend on the location of my commander and whether or not it's underground (i.e. less accessible, usually only one way to reach it)?

Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:30 pm

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Post TOD faction problems
I have gotten all the other factions to work but TOD will not work no matter what i try i have read the readmes and there is no aterisk inf infront of the name or faction playable=false help

Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:27 am
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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.3 (CustomFactions.cfg)
We can't help you unless you give more specific information about the problem. :???:

Also, since I put up R4.5 of the 40K Recompilation a few hours ago, I've updated the faction files again;

File comment: Updated for R4.5 [12.12 KiB]
Downloaded 192 times

Marine factions use the new Bolter turrets, Guard factions use the new Hellgun turrets. Either way if you're attacking one of their territories, bring heavy weapons or find an alternate route; the turrets hit really hard.

Also swapped the default Light weapon for all Marine factions to a Bolt Pistol, so Sergeants/Chaplains have a ranged weapon to defend themselves with at mission start. Ultramarines/Space Wolves are back to Bolt Pistols on their "Armor" troops in line with the other Marine factions should you choose to play against them.

Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:08 am
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Post Re: TOD faction problems
detcord wrote:
I have gotten all the other factions to work but TOD will not work no matter what i try i have read the readmes and there is no aterisk inf infront of the name or faction playable=false help

Looks like ToD was massively updated and became uncompatible with Unmapped Lands.

Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:07 pm
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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.3 (CustomFactions.cfg)
AFAIK the ToD was not updated ever since my conversion by the end of September, although it did bring a number of changes to mod structure. Could you recheck?

Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:32 pm
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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.3 (CustomFactions.cfg)
Checked with the latest version of ToD available, and it seems to work just fine, my bad :oops:


Updated to R7.4. Most content updates thanks to Arcalane. W40K updated, Pelian army fixed, +2 new factions.

Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:16 pm

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Post Re: Unmapped Lands B26 R7.4 (new factions)
Wow, how have I never seen this.
It's like Data doesn't even need to do anything. Campaign = done, by fantastic modders.
Now I just need to see how to actually make it so I can use more than Coalition/Dummy/Ronin before doing anymore.

Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:39 am
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