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 RTD: Serious Theology 
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Post RTD: Serious Theology
From the depths of TheKebbit's brain, a churning soup of GRIMDARK and ramblings about divinity, I give you...


Rules and Character Format:

Earth is a flat, seemingly endless expanse, a plane in an infinity of planes. Above it lies the blank void of the Aether, studded with the Many Moons, a similarly endless array of lesser worlds.

The gods meddle with it all the time. Their hatred for one another drives them to unceasing war, burning entire planets lifeless and extinguishing the oldest stars.

There are no aliens. At least none that can think. There are only people, eking out a bare existence across the myriad lands of Earth. But the small gods (and the two overgods) meddle, as always.

There has been an upset in the divine politik, and two new beings of immense power have entered the universe. One of them relatively peaceful, the other one something beyond horrific.

Players will follow one out of the three most powerful gods: this will largely define your character, although the gods have many sides and aspects, allowing for some freedom. I will elaborate on these later, but the basic gods are chosen now.


So that's it then. Post your entries, oh, and before I forget, 6 players max.
I realize this is an incredibly ambitious project, but I feel that as a forum newbie it's my duty to contribute.


The Chairman

Last edited by TheKebbit on Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:52 am, edited 7 times in total.

Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:50 am
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
I like the looks of this RtD.
I'll be following Caecus Deum. Let's see if I don't become schizophrenic from following him/her/it.

Name: Reynard Heinson
Appearance/Description: Average size male. He has light brown hair that falls in tufts like down feathers and deep, dark, ocean blue eyes. This man can ignore pain, sadness, and any other mental or physical ailment with relative ease. He could simply be blissfully ignorant of the world, but is likely that he is calloused from a painful and troubled past life. Though to some it seems his only goal is to live on, he actually seeks a deeper meaning to his life. Whether he achieves his enlightenment through force, experience, or meditation, it matters not to him. He wishes only to have a true purpose.
Equipment: Dressed in jeans, a white cotton shirt, a leather jacket, and comfortably fitting black dress shoes. Carries a small knife in his pocket at all times, and an oval-shaped black stone. He can commonly be seen holding the stone in one hand, rubbing it with a finger, as if it provides comfort.
Inventory: None
Passive Abilities:
Active Abilities:

As for a build, I would like to be a magic/ranged user, if that's possible. Reynard is seeking to achieve his goal through any means possible, and he believes he may need the power of Caecus Deum later.

Last edited by Nighthawk on Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:43 am, edited 9 times in total.

Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:18 am
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
Depends on the path you take, Nighthawk, depends on the path. I've already worked up a pseudo-Holy Trinity for each god, and one of Caecus Deum's is like that.

I have been thinking up the idea for this for about a year now, and decided it would be perfect in RTD format.

EDIT: Character development will mostly be based on a build you request. At least, if they get the right rolls, and if they appease the fickle whim of their god.

Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:20 am
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
TheKebbit wrote:
DOUBLE EDIT COMBO: Nice description! I'll work something up.

I'm just going to quote this to avoid confusion. I just deleted the description because I thought you would provide backstory, and now I seem to have lost it.
I'll rewrite it while it's still fresh.

Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:31 am
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
Oh, sorry... I meant development as in powers and equipment. Everything else is free for you to choose.

Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:33 am
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
TheKebbit wrote:
Oh, sorry... I meant development as in powers and equipment. Everything else is free for you to choose.

The description has been rewritten without too much trouble.
Where shall I add in the "final build" I wish to achieve in my character sheet?

Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:35 am
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
It's not necessarily part of the character sheet. You can just say it, or PM it to me if it's supposed to be a spoiler or whatever.

Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:37 am
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
You had me at churning soup of GRIMDARK

I'll be following Deus Machina, and I'm partial to a heavy weapons build.
Name: Agrath
Appearance: A human male; very stocky and rather tall. Has a short fuss of dirty blonde hair, and some round frame glasses. Has a case and wipe for glasses.
Equipment: Iron plated armor and a Machine Gun along the lines of this.
Passive abilities:
Active abilities:

Last edited by Izen on Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:51 am, edited 3 times in total.

Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:20 am
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
Name: Bob Of the House Of Jones
Description: A giant of a man, Bob has little hair, and his eyes are dark. He has enormous muscles on his arms, well suited to lifting and carrying heavy weights. He wears a massive set of plate armour.

Equipment: Bob's armour consists of full plate with a set of scale armour underneath. Some of the plates overlap one another. He wields a large two handed Great sword, its surface scratched with the marks of hundreds of battles. He also carry's the seal of his house, a medallion engraved with the images of a great sword and a shield. The sword is striking the shield.
Inventory (0/10 slots, etc.):
Passive Abilities:
Active Abilities:

I'll take the roll of the extremely slow super-tank that uses two handed weapons. Will a extremely strong character be able to use a two handed weapon in one hand? I'm not asking to dual wield two handed weapons, just a two handed in one hand with maybe a shield in the other.

Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:17 pm
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
Name: Charles Cross
Appearance/Description: Average human. Very average. But smart, he is more intelligent than most people he knows. He is very interested in how things work, varying from living beings to machines. He follows Deus Machina because he knows technology will definately contribute to human's life.
Equipment: A blade (can be classified in "big dagger" or "short sword"), light armor.
Inventory (0/10):
Passive Abilities:
Active Abilities:


Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:54 pm
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
@Izen: The technology is variable across Earth, but followers of Deus Machina get steampunk-high tech ish stuff. You can pick any of that equipment.

@Caek, I think you forgot to specify a god. And yes to your dual-wielding question; players can gain comparatively very high levels of power, demigod status even.

I have decided to omit appearance/description from the actual character rolls, seeing as it's mostly flavor and would bulk up the rolls even more.

I have also realized that I probably just won't be able to handle 9 players. The new limit is 6.

Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:34 pm
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
TheKebbit wrote:
@Caek, I think you forgot to specify a god.


Can I worship a pantheon of gods instead? So instead of focusing on one god, maybe a little from all?

Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:09 am
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
Sure. A champion of the Divines as One.

Although this could get a bit tricky when I divide the gods into their respective Trinities.

Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:04 am
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
TheKebbit wrote:
@Izen: The technology is variable across Earth, but followers of Deus Machina get steampunk-high tech ish stuff. You can pick any of that equipment.

Good to know.
Character Sheet has been updated accordingly.

Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:51 am
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Post Re: RTD: Serious Theology
Hell, I'm joinin' this. Nobody's chosen Deus Impar, and It sounds interesting enough, so I shall follow It. As for preferences for weapons, I'd like to be a quick, sneaky little ♥♥♥♥, and I like guns. A grappling device of some sort would be pretty cool, too.

Name: Damien Grimmhilde
Appearance/Description: Short and lean, Damien is relatively strong compared to his weight, matching the strength of men whose chests are at eye-level. His eyes are a faded green, and his pale brown hair is unkempt, reaching just past his eyes and past his neck in the back. He's always been quite mischievous, stirring up trouble and then leaving before the dust has settled. As a result of his impish nature, he's gotten into some deep ♥♥♥♥, and he has the scars to show it. Damien seeks fulfillment above all else, fearing that when he dies, he will be all but forgotten. This is a young man with the desire to leave his mark on the world.
Equipment: TBA
Inventory: TBA
Passive Abilities: TBA
Active Abilities: TBA
Conditions: TBA

Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:17 am
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