Re: command prompt assistance
Ok so what you're probably running into is the fact that the programs you're looking for are simply not there.
C:\documents and settings\user account\driverquery
Will not work unless there is an executable in the folder C:\documents and settings\user account named "driverquery.exe".
Onto your next question.
Are such things even possible?
Yes. Should you do them? No. Your computer is far, far more complicated than you probably realize, and the potential locations malware can root itself are innumerable. That's why we have antivirus programs, because the task of rooting them out and eliminating them is too hard for people to do but can be automated to an extent.
The best option for eliminating slow programs is to check in task manager to see which programs are using a lot of memory or CPU time when you're not using them, and uninstall them through the control panel.
I hope that sheds some light on the situation.
Edit: But really, if you want to feel like a leet haxxor, rooting through the garbage files to find the worm in the code, grab a linux distro and dual boot it, then do some text editing with vim. Learn how to unix in general actually, a lot more work can be done from term than in Windows from the command prompt.