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 Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Writeup 7) 
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Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 94)
♥♥♥♥♥, you go Technical route. Strike route is where cool people go.

Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:57 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 94)
"Hey. Banrax here. You guys have any idea where we are?"

Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:26 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 94)
"Nope, we fell through a teleport without our acquaintances, so we're totally lost."

Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:27 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 94)
TorrentHKU wrote:
♥♥♥♥♥, you go Technical route. Strike route is where cool people go.

I only went Technical route that time because I've beaten the game TWICE going Strike route before I figured out that I COULD choose the other.
And I find it a lot more amusing to spam your enemy with three little shockwaves of death in a row from a long range.

I don't even know why I'm talking about Lloyd's abilities anyway. I always preferred casting spells with Genis.

... "Pancake time, ♥♥♥♥♥es."

Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:01 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 94)
Nighthawk wrote:

Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:38 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 94)
>Look for a landmark to head towards

Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:48 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 94)
TorrentHKU wrote:
Nighthawk wrote:

HATRED. I feel HATRED. (<-- Reference-licious)

No, wait...

I feel...


Okay, can we stop now before I start bawling because you hates me we derail the thread completely?

EDIT - Might I suggest a PM conversation if you really feel so strongly in your hate towards spellcasters?

Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:35 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 95)
Roll 95

[ 4 - 1 + 2 ] = 5
> You quickly snap your arm up and point your palm towards the final red mage.

He stumbles back and clenches his chest, and a second later, several long, bloody icicles shoot out of his body. The mage slumps to the ground as his life blood drains from his body.

All the mages are now dead.

Race: Human
Inventory (8/10) :
- Bow
- Quiver (47/50 Arrows)
-- Arrows (Qty. 47)
- 142 gold coins
- Cooked Venison (Qty. 1)
- Deer Pelt
- Quartz
-- (Energy: ===)
- Grass Blades (Qty. 50)
- Cloth Bag (10/10)
-- Caelum Mage stone (Qty. 5)
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll

Equipped (1/10) :
- Caelum Blue Robe

Active Abilities :
- Arrow Abilities (Requires a bow and arrows)
-- Fire Arrows
-- Cold Front
-- Tornado Shot
-- Trail Blazer
- Magic Control Level - Instinctual
-- Elemental
-- Accelerated Repair

Passive Abilities :
- Stealth (+1 any action involving sneaking)
- Bull's Eye (+2 to precision actions)

Conditions :
- Dizzy (-1 actions, ends next turn)

John Freemaneth
[ 1 ] = 1
> "Guys, something is coming from the north, and Lucida is terrified of it. I need you guys to pour as much energy as you can into my sword."

Looking behind you, you see everyone else a bit further away, and it sounds like they're having a good time socializing.


You turn around, and an armored figure is standing about 10 feet away from you. The armor is sleek, with a lustrous black with silver edging. Two green eyes set in a snow-white face analyze you from behind the helm, the visor hooked like an eagle's beak.

"You're lucky to be here."

The woman speaks with a cold, smooth voice. She looks and sounds a lot like Tara, but something is off...

"My mistress was not pleased when she discovered that I had let you escape, but it had to be done."

The figure waves her hand at you, and something... Changes.

"There, the seal is broken. You should be more than capable of handling the shamble of corrupted heading this way."

As if to repond, strange screeching noises eminate from all directions.

Race: Human
Inventory (7/10) :

- Lucida
-- (Energy: ===========-------------------)
- Leather Pouch
-- 1500 gold coins
- Calligraphy Kit
- Paper Runes
-- Shield Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Earth Elemental Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Fire Drop Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Lightning-Trap Tag (Qty. 5)
-- Push Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Plasma Bolt Tag (Qty. 3)
-- Vampire Ice Tag (Qty. 2)
-- Lightning Tag (Qty. 2)
- The Chronicles of Kark (book)
- The Two Lovers of Vranhal (book)
- Crossbow Bolt (Qty. 17)

Equipped (4/10) :
- Andrew's Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ----------)
- Quality Chainmail
- Quality Gauntlets (Qty. 2)

Memory :
- Lucida's Memories

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Elemental
--- Ice Claws
-- Kinetic
-- Light
--- Flare
--- Hard Light
--- Haste
--- Blink
--- Portal
--- Lucida Armor

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- ???
- Charging Lucida (1 unit per turn)

Gustaf Anorak
[ 1 ] = 1
> Cihas points his palm towards the last mage, and bloody spikes erupt out of the mage's body. The enemy falls to the ground, leaving you and Cihas the last ones standing.

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Sanguis
-- ??? (===-------)
- Firebrand
- 100 gold coins
- Cloth Bag (10/10)
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll

Equipped (4/10) :
- Echo Helm (+1 Detection)
- Magmaul (Brigandine)
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ==--------)
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ----------)

Abilities :
- Heaven's Blessing: Automatically roll a 5 when used with an action. (10 turn recharge)
-- Rechargo-Meter (==========)
- Heat Wave (Firebrand)
- Bloodlust (Sanguis)
- Banshee (Echo Helm)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ 6 ] = 6
> "Hey. Banrax here. You guys have any idea where we are?"

"Nope, we fell through a teleport without our acquaintances, so we're totally lost."

You hear a screaching sound coming from everywhere and Aucupe freezes and you can see panic on her face.

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Vulcanis
- Leather Bag
-- 1100 gold coins

Equipped (1/10) :
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ====------)

Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Runic
-- Energy Control
-- Elemental
-- Kinetic
- /Instinctual
-- Addle Lance

Passive Abilities :
- Critical Eye (+1 to actions involving precise movements)

Conditions :

[ 6 ] = 6
> "Hey. Banrax here. You guys have any idea where we are?"

"Nope, we fell through a teleport without our acquaintances, so we're totally lost."

You look around for a landmark of some sort. Staring at the horizon all around, you see that the dark border between the land and the sky is moving towards you. A screeching noise hits you from all directions.

Race: Human
Inventory (2/10) :
- Whirlwind Halberd
- Curved Dagger (+1 to precise attacks)

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Advanced Learning (Can learn at a faster rate)

Conditions :

Kyros Deiimor
[ 3 ] = 3
> Leaping out of the crater, you spot a single enemy soldier. You stare at it while it lets loose a quick screech and charges. In the blink of an eye, you leap forward and bring your sword down on the enemy's head, cleanly cutting through bone and metal until your blade stops at the soldier's midsection.

Dark energy spills from the corpse and slash onto you, and you quickly kick off the body from your sword. Your vision starts to get faintly red, and your head pounds with a strange headache.

Race: Chirop
Inventory (1/10) :
- Longsword

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :
- Hurricane Blade
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Kinetic
--- Power Flow

Passive Abilities :
- Magical Potency (+1 Magic Potency)

Conditions :
- Corruption level 1 (-1 actions)


[ - ] = -

Inventory (1/5) :
- ??? Book

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Elemental
-- Light
--- Haste

Conditions :

World Events:
Time of day: Night


Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:37 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 95)
"Alright, hopefully we're out of the woods. Let me check, though; this doesn't really seem like a raiding party... they might be scouts." >Use Echo Helm to try and find nearby human forms.

Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:42 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 95)
> Adress both Lucida and what I assume is Atra.
"What the hell are the corrupted?"

Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:46 am
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 95)
"What do you see, little A?"
> Look for something important.

Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:48 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 95)
>>Take cover behind the building and remain silent. Hold a hand/wing/claw to my head and try to cure whatever is messing with me.

Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:32 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 95)
>Listen in on the conversation between the guy with the magic sword and the new person.

Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:39 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 95)

Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:04 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 96)
Roll 96

[ 3 ] = 3
> You check all of the mages bodies in search for loot. You find 2 daggers, and a pair of gauntlets.

Race: Human
Inventory (8/10) :
- Bow
- Quiver (47/50 Arrows)
-- Arrows (Qty. 47)
- 142 gold coins
- Cooked Venison (Qty. 1)
- Deer Pelt
- Quartz
-- (Energy: ===)
- Grass Blades (Qty. 50)
- Cloth Bag (10/10)
-- Caelum Mage stone (Qty. 5)
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll

Equipped (1/10) :
- Caelum Blue Robe

Active Abilities :
- Arrow Abilities (Requires a bow and arrows)
-- Fire Arrows
-- Cold Front
-- Tornado Shot
-- Trail Blazer
- Magic Control Level - Instinctual
-- Elemental
-- Accelerated Repair

Passive Abilities :
- Stealth (+1 any action involving sneaking)
- Bull's Eye (+2 to precision actions)

Conditions :

John Freemaneth
[ 6 ] = 6
> "What the hell are the corrupted?"

You feel Lucida give you the telepathic message of "I dunno." The armored figure who you think is Atra gives a little more information though:

"The corrupted are simply entities that are capable of magic who have been exposed to corrupted energy. Now, I'd love to stay here and chat, but talk gets little done. I must be off now."

A flash of darkness, and Atra is gone.

Race: Human
Inventory (7/10) :

- Lucida
-- (Energy: ============------------------)
- Leather Pouch
-- 1500 gold coins
- Calligraphy Kit
- Paper Runes
-- Shield Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Earth Elemental Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Fire Drop Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Lightning-Trap Tag (Qty. 5)
-- Push Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Plasma Bolt Tag (Qty. 3)
-- Vampire Ice Tag (Qty. 2)
-- Lightning Tag (Qty. 2)
- The Chronicles of Kark (book)
- The Two Lovers of Vranhal (book)
- Crossbow Bolt (Qty. 17)

Equipped (4/10) :
- Andrew's Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ----------)
- Quality Chainmail
- Quality Gauntlets (Qty. 2)

Memory :
- Lucida's Memories

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Elemental
--- Ice Claws
-- Kinetic
-- Light
--- Flare
--- Hard Light
--- Haste
--- Blink
--- Portal
--- Lucida Armor

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- ???
- Charging Lucida (1 unit per turn)

Gustaf Anorak
[ 3 + 1 ] = 4
> "Alright, hopefully we're out of the woods. Let me check, though; this doesn't really seem like a raiding party... they might be scouts."

Upon activating Echo Helm, you find that there seem to be strange disturbances. Your detection is fuzzy, but you can see several more humanoids incoming from the south.

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Sanguis
-- ??? (===-------)
- Firebrand
- 100 gold coins
- Cloth Bag (10/10)
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll

Equipped (4/10) :
- Echo Helm (+1 Detection)
- Magmaul (Brigandine)
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ==--------)
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ----------)

Abilities :
- Heaven's Blessing: Automatically roll a 5 when used with an action. (10 turn recharge)
-- Rechargo-Meter (==========)
- Heat Wave (Firebrand)
- Bloodlust (Sanguis)
- Banshee (Echo Helm)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ 4 ] = 4
> "What do you see, little A?"

"More corruption! They're everywhere!"

Looking around, you see that you and your allies appear to be in the center of a large circular gathering of... Things.

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Vulcanis
- Leather Bag
-- 1100 gold coins

Equipped (1/10) :
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ====------)

Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Runic
-- Energy Control
-- Elemental
-- Kinetic
- /Instinctual
-- Addle Lance

Passive Abilities :
- Critical Eye (+1 to actions involving precise movements)

Conditions :

[ 1 ] = 1
> You walk to the guy with the magic sword and listen:

"What the hell are the corrupted?"

"The corrupted are simply entities that are capable of magic who have been exposed to corrupted energy. Now, I'd love to stay here and chat, but talk gets little done. I must be off now."

Race: Human
Inventory (2/10) :
- Whirlwind Halberd
- Curved Dagger (+1 to precise attacks)

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Advanced Learning (Can learn at a faster rate)

Conditions :

Kyros Deiimor
[ 3 - 1 ] = 3
> You stumble around a building and lean against the wall. You put your hand to your head while pricks of light and dark dance across your vision. You're not sure what's going on or how to cure it.

Not too far off, you hear a roar.

Race: Chirop
Inventory (1/10) :
- Longsword

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :
- Hurricane Blade
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Kinetic
--- Power Flow

Passive Abilities :
- Magical Potency (+1 Magic Potency)

Conditions :
- Corruption level 1 (-1 actions)


[ - ] = -
> "More corruption! They're everywhere!"

Inventory (1/5) :
- ??? Book

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Elemental
-- Light
--- Haste

Conditions :

World Events:
Time of day: Night


Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:44 pm
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