Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Bleugh I get too distacted.
CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [3-2=1]:
What with the hole gaping bleed-wound in your leg, you can't concentrate enough to send your Chakra out for attacking. You're honestly surprised it hasn't started healing your wound on its own.
Wait, what is that damn robot doing?
"Wha- WAIT NO SHE ALREADY WALKED AWA-"Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [9]:
Your Psionic armor fades away, but the vibration continues. You're at least able to walk a bit though, and you begin slowly walking over to where those diamonds are embedded in the ground. Yep, they're all vibrating like crazy. You raise your warhammer up, then bring it down in a Hammer Blow. It hits one of the diamonds and cracks it, causing it to instantly stop vibrating. The other dozen or so are still going strong though...
Tokochiro (Mana) [8]:
"Nnnn... Move dammit!"You manage to trudge over a bit closer to the diamonds, and see Vadim smash one with his hammer. You do your best to stop the vibration with Telekinesis, but your powers have absolutely no effect on the diamonds. Your Telekinesis is just too weak to hold something like that still.
Amazigh ("Amazigh") [3]:
You desperately try to get to the controls, but you can't even move enough to press a few buttons. This damn vibration has you completely paralyzed.
Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [1]:
Nairle, deciding that staying near Raphael and getting blown up by the VN Warrior isn't a great idea, dodges away from the encroaching shitstorm, and charges for you.
SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITAnd as you expected would happen, she shoves the barrel of the shotgun up against your Mecha's midsection and fires. Now, your mecha has pretty thick armor, and it's special future alloy and all, but Nairle basically just fired a slug the relative size of an oil drum into your Mecha's stomach. The slug rips through your armor like tissue paper, and crashes out the other side. Many many warnings start going off in your cockpit, all warning you that very bad things are occurring to you.
caekdaemon (VN Warrior) [4]:
Oh to hell with it, you fire away. All remaining missiles launch forward towards Raphael and Nairle, the latter of whom rolls out of the way. Ah well, the missiles are homing.
They seem to have locked on to Raphael.
Game Events: The missiles from the VN Warrior hit Raphael and blow him to pieces as one would expect. I'm sure the VN Warrior just feels awful about it now. JUST AWFUL.
Nairle is near the Goliath. She has no diamonds, since they're all a distance away embedded in the ground. Everyone besides the VN Warrior is having trouble moving.