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 Roll To Die - ENDED 
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Give #5 a smile and a thumbs-up.

Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:11 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Amazigh wrote:
caekdaemon wrote:
Those bots are too weak.

Bring out the tanks!

Funny you should say that....


This is about to get very interesting.

Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:29 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Turn around and look at the wall. Try do something about my bleeding.

Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:58 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Switch to grenade launcher and let the thing reload.

Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:55 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
4 [Robot]

Clone #25942 [2] > Switch to grenade launcher and let the thing reload.
With a large amount of Fumbling you manage to swap to your Grenade Launcher but with all the fumbling around it doesn't get very far along in it's reload.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Grenade Launcher [0/1] [||||||--]
-Assault Rifle [24/30]
-Combat Knife
-Burn Scars [-1 to some rolls]
-Grazed Leg [-1 to rolls involving fast Movement]

Clone #25943 [1-2=1] >Turn around and look at the wall. Try do something about my bleeding.
You Turn around to look at the wall but spinning round causes you to feel rather dizzy, maybe you'll just lie down and have a nice rest.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Moderate Physical Barrier
--Barrier [||||--] [2 turns]
-Assault Rifle [30/30]
-Scarred Right Leg [Movement Speed Reduction]
-Scarred Stomach [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to some actions]
-Severed Left Arm [-1 most actions]
-Severe Bleeding [-1 to most actions]
-Severe Bloodloss [-1 to most actions] [||--]

Clone #25945 [2] >Pass Ex-Waifu to Ocia, shoot mah lazor.
Just as you begin to pass your Machinegun to #25958 you somehow manage to get tangled up in it's strap and spend a good amount of time getting untangled, by the time you are untangled you have forgotten what you were going to do.
-"Mah Ex-Waifu" Machinegun [50/50]
-"Mah Waifu" Pulse Laser [29%]
-Basic Targeting System
-Medium Static Field Projector [39%]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to some actions]

Clone #25958 [4] Fire, then reload and rest.
You fire at the Last Robot but your one shot that hits only manages to bounce off the edge of it's shield, seeing how #25945 is being a complete idiot you take this opportunity to sit down and have a rest.
-Rifle [0/8] [|||||---]
-Slightly Stronger Limbs
-Minimal Plating
-Scarred Throat [Cannot Talk]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to some actions]
-Shattered Ribs [-1 to rolls involving movement]

Game Events:
The Shield Robot now adds a hole to the floor in front of the Barrier, The sheer lack of effectiveness that it is displaying is embarrassing.


Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:25 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Retrieve machinegun, fire at shielded robot's head.

Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:44 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Throw the damn Ex-Waifu at Ocia, aim at the bot with mah new Waifu.

Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:02 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Unconsciously heal myself. Because sleep is healing.

Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:50 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Sit tight, let the other guys take out the last robot.

Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:39 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
5 [Robot]

Clone #25942 [5] > Sit tight, let the other guys take out the last robot.
You stand waiting for the other Clones to deal with the last Robot, but they continue ♥♥♥♥ up.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Grenade Launcher [1/1]
-Assault Rifle [24/30]
-Combat Knife
-Burn Scars [-1 to some rolls]
-Grazed Leg [-1 to rolls involving fast Movement]

Clone #25943 [2-2=1] >Unconsciously heal myself. Because sleep is healing.
You fail to heal while unconscious, instead you lie in a rapidly expanding pool of your blood.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Moderate Physical Barrier
--Barrier [||----] [1 turn]
-Assault Rifle [30/30]
-Scarred Right Leg [Movement Speed Reduction]
-Scarred Stomach [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to some actions]
-Severed Left Arm [-1 most actions]
-Severe Bleeding [-1 to most actions]
-Severe Bloodloss [-1 to most actions] [|||-]

Clone #25945 [2] >Throw the damn Ex-Waifu at Ocia, aim at the bot with mah new Waifu.
You go to throw the Machinegun over but somehow you managed to get it's strap threaded through the Pulse Lasers strap, suffice to say you fail to get anything of value done while trying to throw it over.
-"Mah Ex-Waifu" Machinegun [50/50]
-"Mah Waifu" Pulse Laser [37%]
-Basic Targeting System
-Medium Static Field Projector [47%]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to some actions]

Clone #25958 [3-1=2] Retrieve machinegun, fire at shielded robot's head.
You head over to #25945 in an attempt to retrieve to Machinegun but you are distracted by the Barrier wobbling in a rather worrying way.
-Rifle [8/8]
-Slightly Stronger Limbs
-Minimal Plating
-Scarred Throat [Cannot Talk]
-Extensive Bullet Wounds [-1 to some actions]
-Shattered Ribs [-1 to rolls involving movement]

Game Events:
The Shield Robot manages to hit the Barrier and it Ripples and wobbles rather disconcertingly, it hadn't moved when hit before...


Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:42 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Goddammit Cave...

I can get the machine gun in a second - for now, go prone and fire at the shielded robot with my rifle.

Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:21 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Untangle straps, run over to Ocia and give him the damned MG. Shoot lazor at robos.

Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:41 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Be more not-dying.

Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:55 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Fire a grenade at the last robot.

Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:24 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
6 [Robot]

Clone #25942 [7] > Fire a grenade at the last robot.
You Fire a grenade at the last Robot, it lands right next to it and detonates tearing it into several small pieces, then everything fades out.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Grenade Launcher [1/1]
-Assault Rifle [30/30]
-Combat Knife
-Burn Scars [-1 to some rolls]

Clone #25943 [2-2=1] >Be more not-dying.
You wake from Unconsciousness to find yourself in the White Void with the Upgrade Terminal Floating in front of you, well you guess you succeeded at not-dying somehow.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Moderate Physical Barrier
-Assault Rifle [30/30]
-2 Points [Not a physical item]
-Scarred Right Leg [Movement Speed Reduction]
-Scarred Stomach [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]
-Scarred Bullet Wounds [-1 to some actions]
-Severed Left Arm

Clone #25945 [3] >Untangle straps, run over to Ocia and give him the damned MG. Shoot lazor at robos.
You manage to get the damned straps untangled and head over to give #25958 the Machinegun but everything fades to white before you can reach him.
-"Mah Ex-Waifu" Machinegun [50/50]
-"Mah Waifu" Pulse Laser [100%]
-Basic Targeting System
-Medium Static Field Projector [100%]
-2 Points [Not a physical item]
-Scarred Bullet Wounds [-1 to some actions]

Clone #25958 [2] I can get the machine gun in a second - for now, go prone and fire at the shielded robot with my rifle.
You Drop down to fire at the Robot but #25942's Grenade doesn't leave much to fire at, not that there is much you can do while fading to white.
-Rifle [8/8]
-2 Points [Not a physical item]
-Slightly Stronger Limbs
-Minimal Plating
-Scarred Throat [Cannot Talk]
-Scarred Bullet Wounds [-1 to some actions]
-Fractured Ribs [-1 to rolls involving movement]

Roast Veg
Clone #25969 [-]
You awaken in a White Void with the Upgrade Terminal Floating in front of you.
-8 Points [Not a physical item]
-Cracked Left Wrist [-1 to actions involving left hand]
-Laser Burns [-1 to some rolls]

Clone #25970 [-]
You awaken in a White Void with the Upgrade Terminal Floating in front of you.
-8 Points [Not a physical item]
-Scarred Chest [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]
-Crippled Left Leg [-1 to rolls involving movement]

Game Events:
Moments after the Shield Robot is Demolished by #25942's Grenade everything Fades to white, and you all feel a strange floating sensation.
Out of the Whiteness you see the Upgrade Terminal fade in.
#25969 and #25970 Have Been inserted as replacements for #25944 and #25946 [As before, RANDOM INJURY TIME YAY!]
You each now have an additional 2 points, State your purchases.

--Melee - [Can be of Any Size]
---Regular [1 Point]
---Motorised [Eg: Chainsword] [3 Points]
---Energised [Eg: Powersword] [6 Points]
---Energy [Eg: Plasma Blade][8 Points]
---Assault Rifle [1 Point]
----Machinegun [3 Points]
----Heavy Machinegun [6 Points]
----Minigun [8 Points] [BULK HAZARD]
---Shotgun [1 Point]
----Auto Shotgun [4 Points]
----Heavy Shotgun [4 Points]
----Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle [8 Points] [BULK HAZARD]
---Rifle [2 Points]
----Sniper Rifle [4 Points]
----Sniper Cannon [8 Points] [BULK HAZARD]
---Grenade Launcher [3 Points]
----Auto Grenade Launcher [6 Points]
---Laser Rifle [3 Points]
----Pulse Laser [6 Points]
----Beam Laser [6 Points] [BULK HAZARD]
---Plasma Gun [4 Points]
----Plasma Rifle [8 Points]
---Particle Projector Cannon [8 Points] [BULK HAZARD]
---Rocket Launcher [5 Points] [BULK HAZARD]
---Light Body Armor [2 Points]
----Medium Body Armor [4 Points]
----Heavy Body Armor [8 Points]
---Light Shield [1 Point]
----Medium Shield [2 Points]
----Heavy Shield [4 Points]
----Energised Shield [6 Points]
---Light Force Barrier [2 Points]
----Medium Force Barrier [4 Points]
----Heavy Force Barrier [8 Points]
---Light Static Field Projector [1 Point]
----Medium Static Field Projector [2 Points]
----Heavy Static Field Projector [5 Points]
---Light Nullifier [3 Points]
----Medium Nullifier [6 Points]
--Basic Stealth Generator [3 Points]
---Stealth Generator [6 Points]
--Basic Targeting System [1 Points]
---Advanced Targeting System [3 Points]
---Jump Boots [3 Points]
---Jump Pack [6 Points]
---Jet Pack [8 Points]
--Bionic Limb [8 Points]

---Weak Telekinesis [1 Point]
----Telekinesis [4 Points]
----Strong Telekinesis [8 Points]
---Weak Pyrokinesis [1 Point]
----Pyrokinesis [4 Points]
----Strong Pyrokinesis [8 Points]
---Weak Cryokinesis [1 Point]
----Cryokinesis [4 Points]
----Strong Cryokinesis [8 Points]
---Weak Electrokinesis [1 Point]
----Electrokinesis [4 Points]
----Strong Electrokinesis [8 Points]
---Weak Psybolt [1 Point]
----Psybolt [4 Points]
----Strong Psybolt [8 Points]
----Weak Physical Barrier [1 Point]
-----Moderate Physical Barrier [4 Points]
----Weak Psychic Barrier [1 Point]
-----Moderate Psychic Barrier [3 Points]
-----Strong Psychic Barrier [8 Points]
---Basic Teleport [6 Points]
---Basic Flight [5 Points]
----Clawed Hand [1 Points]
-----Clawed Forearm [2 Points]
-----Clawed Arm [4 Points]
----Bladed Hand [1 Point]
-----Bladed Forearm [3 Points]
-----Bladed Arm [6 Points]
----Club Hand [2 Points]
-----Club Forearm [4 Points]
-----Club Arm [8 Points]
----Weak Shock prong [3 Points]
-----Shock prong [6 Points]
----Weak Fire Breath [3 Points]
-----Fire Breath [6 Points]
-----Ashen Maw [6 Points]
----Weak Acid Spit [3 Points]
-----Acid Spit [6 Points]
-----Fetid Maw [6 Points]
----Small Projectile Spines [3 Points]
-----Medium Projectile Spines [6 Points]
---Minimal Plating [2 Points]
----Moderate Plating [5 Points]
---FireProofing [4 Points]
---ShockProofing [4 Points]
---ColdProofing [4 Points]
---Slightly Stronger limbs [2 Points]
----Stronger limbs [4 Points]
---Small Wings [4 Points]
----Medium Wings [6 Points]
----Large Wings [8 Points]
--Additional limbs
---Arm [8 Points]

All rules from Previous Upgrades count for this one, but additionally:
Weapons with the [BULK HAZARD] tag Need two hands to be operated
Bionic Limbs can have a non BULK HAZARD weapon that you own mounted internally
any weapon mounted in this way can be used as well as any weapons that are being held
Bionic Limbs can either Replace lost limbs or replace existing limbs.


Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:34 am
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