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 Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plans 
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Post Re: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plans
TorrentHKU wrote:
Sothe wrote:

pffffff ahahahahahahahaha
♥♥♥♥♥, you gonna die.

Keeping your distance from the zombies with melee weps is essential, and the blade doesn't jam inside them like fire axes.
Using a knife just gets your arm torn off. Deal with it.

Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:39 pm
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...You ever used a katana, sothe? I've handled one and done a few cuts but my experience with japanese swords is generally limited to bokken - and in general you need to get quite close to get a cut in. Most cuts will lead to snagging on bone unless you suki (stab) between the ribs at an angle, and then you need to cut outwards to free your sword in any sort of reasonable time, still meeting a lot of resistance from the intercostal muscles and serratus anterior (the alternative is moving around them, kicking them in the chest and hoping their ribs sliding over your blade doesn't bend it). If you're untrained in using them and plan to hack over the head all shomenuchi-like, then prepare to dull your blade immediately, cut yourself, not inflict anything immediately fatal or incapacitating, or all three.

Melee vs zombies just seems like a bad idea unless you've got the jump on them and can do it quietly. Anything vs zombies seems like a bad idea unless you can do it quietly, which is why I'd stray away from guns anyway unless there was a full blown anti-zombie war happening. More noise = more incoming zombies = more chance of dying.
If you're in the situtation where you can get your hands on one, a 9mm for safety would be nice, a shotgun would be great for incapacitation if you're going to go the loud route, and heck if you've got all out military weapons then as paul nicely suggested what, a year ago now: "something like the m14. select fire up to full auto, with variants accurate up to 800+ yards? yes please".

I prefer less to think about "what would I do given a full on arsenal" and more about "what would I do given my current circumstance" though. I won't have access to an M14 or even an M9 most likely. There won't be any ballistic or load bearing vests or night vision goggles. The most effective weapon I'd be able to pull together at short notice would be very sharp small knife on a stick (ideally it'd be a circular saw on a longer stick with power from a nearby generator if going defensive melee but there's none around and that's another story) and the most resistant clothes I have at the moment are a duffle jacket and some coarse jeans. I'd bind the edges to my shoes and gloves and hope I didn't have to fight any number of them at any point.

With weapons, I'm aiming more for knocking them around more than killing them. Knife-on-stick blow to neck should cause some recoil and a quick bleedout if need be without putting me too close to harms way. I was tossing around the idea of keeping it more spear-like for leverage but that means indoors is a no-no.

...Actually we might have a shovel around the house. That'd be way more useful.

Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:34 pm
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Post Re: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plans
Silencers on those guns could save your life btw.

On the subject of silencers, in norway you actually don't need any papers to get one.

Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:52 pm
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Post Re: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plans
Geti wrote:
Do you live there?

Do most of the people in this thread who talk about various guns have them?

Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:36 pm
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Post Re: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plans
Lizardheim wrote:
Silencers on those guns could save your life btw.

Quieter weapons would indeed be an advantage.
That's part of why a .22lr rifle would be the go-to choice, in my opinion, for killing slow zombies with human-like brain vulnerability at medium to short range.
The other reasons being cheapness, commonality, small volume, and light weight of ammo, so you can obtain and carry around more of it.
What you would be able to find lying around in a zombies apocalypse is anyone's guess, but with current (American, anyway) market pricing and weight, you can buy and carry about ten times as much .22lrs as you can 12 gauge 00 buckshot.

Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:25 pm
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I'd probably head over to my friend Trenton's house. He lives in a secluded area in the woods, his house has a large wrought-iron fence around it, it's big and FULL of food, and his dad hunts so there's just guns EVERYWHERE. He himself has six guns in the gun cabinet in his room, despite not hunting at all. So I'd just go over there by bike, my town is to sparsely populated for transportation to be a big problem, and then hole up in the basement until the US government used its mighty military to fix things.

Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:01 pm
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You know, my neighbour's house is really wierd. It's like colonial, with like three walls; it has huge concrete walls in the part facing the street, a bit more inside some metal fences and I think I saw another one inside. Man, it look so strange that I'll take a picture to show it to you guys.

The thing is that that neighbour is a good friend of my mother, so we could probably move with him if stuff happened. He owns a very big terrain, with a very big yard which looks more like a small forest. Probably we could grow stuff in there if things were looking really badly. For any other resource we might need we'd have to scavenge, most probably, but near where I live there is just much more parks and comercial buildings than residencial houses, so scavenging shouldn't be much of a problem.

For the weaponry stuff; I don't know if my dad owns guns, I've never asked him, but I have a compressed air rifle with a ♥♥♥♥ of .22 pellets. They probably aren't very effective, but I guess they can have not-so-crappy penetration in rotting flesh at somewhat short ranges, but I don't think I'd use it much. The good side of this rifle is that it's not loud at all, so it wouldn't drag much attention.

Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:52 pm
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Non, it's not temperate enough here in Kansas for surviving the weather to be entirely idiot-proof. People can die from -25c and they can die from 45c, common seasonal peaks here, if they're totally unprepared or totally incompetent. And that might actually be a massive advantage, since it would be manageable for people to survive the weather, but zombies don't understand hydration or insulation, and 'realistic' zombies would be vulnerable to it, so a decent portion of them would likely die every 6 months without major risk to the people.

Now for a very different point, if the zombies rely on vision even half as much as people do, and are slow, a medium-strong laser pointer might be a worthwhile tool, especially when you're on the move.

Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:54 pm
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Clothing -> Cotton hoodie is relatively lightweight and weatherproofed (for Florida, at least), jeans are decently durable and comfortable, combat boots are comfortable and offer a lot of protection.

Weapons -> The AR-15, lightweight, easy to use, and very reliable and durable.

The SIG Sauer P226, pretty badass gun and a sidearm of the Navy SEALs.

A stainless steel machete, sharp and heavy means that it is quite easy to lop off a limb or two. The main problem with using a large blunt weapon like a baseball bat is that it takes a lot more effort to use and drains you of energy, and the effects aren't as reliable, but using a knife is nearly suicidal since you have to get in really close, and I don't have a Japanese feudal sword laying around my house nor do I know how to use one, so yeah.

Inventory -> Backpack. Water. Canned foods. Pretty straightforward. Gum, because, well, gum, chocolate because it's good for you and makes you happy, a lock-pick, and a first aid kit.

Vehicle -> Chevy Volt, one of the few electrically powered production vehicles available.

Stronghold -> The superawesome nigh impenetrable building mentioned by caek earlier.

Sidekick -> I really shouldn't have to explain that choice.

Soundtrack -> Probably my favorite album at the moment. The lettering is pretty blurry, so in case you're curious, it says "Endgame."

Final boss -> No matter how well you prepare, if a horde traps you in your house, your supplies will eventually dwindle and you'll die. It's also pretty tough fighting a huge horde of zombies, even if they're slow shambling zombies- sheer numbers will prevail against your intelligence and weaponry.

Last edited by Ragdollmaster on Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:23 pm
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Post Re: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plans
Where are all these hordes coming from? As soon as the plague began, there would be government action. The outbreak would be controlled in a matter of days, if not weeks. Sure, there'd be stragglers for a while after and other quickly-controlled outbreaks, but it isn't like the whole world would become zombies.

Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:38 pm
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Post Re: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plans
Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plans
Zombie Apocalypse

The keyword there being apocalypse, implying the total destruction of society as we know it. Formal political entities would essentially cease to exist. In an apocalyptic scenario, it's assumed that the governmental action trying to prevent whatever outbreak/plague/etc caused the apocalypse failed.

Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:10 am
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Oh...well if it was that severe, then I'd just kill myself.

Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:16 am
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Let's say it was highly contagious, but didn't have any extreme symptoms for several days. It spread through airports to the major cities, and spread between people in those cities before anyone was actually majorly affected, and before even Madagascar [stupid reference, sorry] would have the suspicion to shut down everything and treat it as a proper pandemic, much less apocalypse.
Even if such a disease just put you on your deathbed when it kicked in, that could get globally disastrous, but should the sick develop extremely violent behaviors, it's not too hard to envision a total failure to control the situation.

Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:36 am
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Post Re: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plans
I just realized my melee weapon.

A god damn hedge trimmer.
Excellent range, battery powered and the equivalent of a chainsaw on the end. Downside is it would be hell to maintain and makes too much noise.

Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:19 am
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Post Re: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plans
I would laugh when it got stuck in the first zombie, then I'd smash one's head in with a crowbar.

Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:42 am
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