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 Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
For all intents and purposes, no.

Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:52 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Wait wait wait, that means there IS a difference but it doesn't affect me. Now you've got my curiosity piqued!

Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:57 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [5]:
You walk over to your Spas, and slot in 2 slug rounds to the front. Then, something bursts out of the cloud of mist somewhere behind you.

Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [9]:
It takes a while and hurts a bunch, but you inject all of the PsyGen. It feels funky.
"AAAAAAARRRRGH...uurgh! I will NEVER get used to that!"
You wonder about the negative effects of diluting your blood with this much of a strange mutagen, but then your new powers kick in and you stop caring.
Suddenly, something bursts out of the mist, directly in your line of sight. It shoots forward into Amazigh's mecha, and its only remaining arm goes skidding across the arena floor. The enemy is...

Tokochiro (Mana) [3]:
Oh poot, how are you going to carry your ammo now?
Before you're able to further ponder the problem, something bursts out of the mist. It's too fast for you to see.
Also you MAY have been looking at your grenades when it happened.

Amazigh ("Amazigh") [4]:
You set your arm cannons to fire only Concussion shells.
Before you can fire though, something shoots out of the mist, straight at you.
"Woah, wait-"

Warning screens and alarms go off, informing you that your mecha's right arm has been removed.
You look out the forward cameras, and see some blond lady with a big rack and bodysuit clinging to the front of your mech.
"♥♥♥♥♥, move out the way!"

Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [10]:
"♥♥♥♥. Can someone wipe my cameras for me?"
You lower the Goliath closer to the ground, and then hop out. Damn, everything is all huge out here... You quickly use a rag from the cockpit to wipe off a few cameras, then head back to your cockpit.
Except... It's too far off the ground to climb on to. And you can't climb the legs from this angle.
"Oh god dammit."

caekdaemon (VN Warrior) [4]:
You fire every weapon you have at the cloud of mist where Gyro indicated an enemy. Just as something, presumably the enemy, darts out of the cloud of mist. Half of your loaded missiles along with a large number of bullets and shells shoot straight through the cloud of mist and hit the ground somewhere on the other side.
It sounds like you made a big mess over there at least...

Game Events: Nairle jumps off Amazigh's mech, making it stumble backwards. She flips through the air, then lands in the middle of everyone. Raphael, Vlad, and Mana see that she's wearing the same bodysuit and armor as she was during that first mission. All of the metal plates are project some sort of energy field directly above them, making a four pointed star out of 4 diamonds at each cluster of raised dots. The diamonds have 2 short sides and 2 very long sides, making them look like large knives.
There is one of these stars at both shoulders, both thighs, and a large one on Nairle's back. The star on her right shoulder is missing one point though.

Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:11 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
"Oh, isn't that just ♥♥♥♥ perfect..."
Head close enough to the mech with the little guy to make an ornate, to-scale (with the little guy) staircase leading to his cockpit. Make myself some intricate, bad-ass armor while I'm at it.

Last edited by Ociamarru on Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:12 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
> Fire Spas 12 at the lady.

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:12 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Cave, I'm not sure you're quite capable of doing that. When my psionics had one point, my creation broke after I smacked something with it ONCE - yours can't be much stronger.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:16 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
>Fire Plasma Caster at the Lady.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:40 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
TorrentHKU wrote:
caekdaemon (VN Warrior) [4]:
You fire every weapon you have at the cloud of mist where Gyro indicated an enemy. Just as something, presumably the enemy, darts out of the cloud of mist. Half of your loaded missiles along with a large number of bullets and shells shoot straight through the cloud of mist and hit the ground somewhere on the other side.
It sounds like you made a big mess over there at least...

I rolled a 4 and did ♥♥♥♥ all.


Reacquire target, bombard.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:26 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Ociamarru wrote:
Cave, I'm not sure you're quite capable of doing that. When my psionics had one point, my creation broke after I smacked something with it ONCE - yours can't be much stronger.

Good point.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:28 am

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Fire mah gun at her

Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:29 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
caekdaemon wrote:
I rolled a 4 and did ♥♥♥♥ all.


Reacquire target, bombard.

4/10, though - not 4/6.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:44 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
caekdaemon wrote:
I rolled a 4 and did ♥♥♥♥ all.

Nairle rolled a 9.
Also Nairle is much stronger than any individual one of you.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:12 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Get in the Mecha. Fire Concussive and DU shells at this ♥♥♥♥♥.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:31 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Since RtD2 just ended, what happens to my character in this?

Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:36 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
I've been wondering that myself. I don't want to just kick you out, but like this someone else can't earn proper rewards.
Also rolling.

CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [4]:
You see Nairle, and figure out what to do pretty quickly. You swing your Spas around towards the very dangerous woman, but as you fire she darts over towards Mana. Your shot goes wide, thankfully not hitting any teammates.

Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [9]:
"Oh, isn't that just ♥♥♥♥ perfect..."
While the others deal with Nairle, you run over towards Vlad's disabled mecha. You quickly form a staircase for the tiny man, who runs up it into his death machine. You then form Psionic armor over yourself. Several panels of light appear over the more vulnerable parts of your arms and legs, and over your torso. The panels then convolute themselves into a much fancier looking plate armor type of thing. Looks pretty solid to you. You're pretty sure you could take an attack or two from Nairle now. Unless she knocks off your armor, which could easily happen since the force holding the plates on isn't too strong yet.

Tokochiro (Mana) [8]:
You fire a grenade at Nairle, just as she chooses to run after you! It bounces once, then Nairle deflects it as she reaches it. Then it explodes less than a second after being deflected. Nairle stumbles because of the blast, but turns the stumble into a roll, and jumps out of it, leaping straight over your head and landing behind you. You spin around, ready to counter.

Amazigh ("Amazigh") [4]:
You fire your Plasma Caster at the lady, right as she runs for Mana. The plasma blast hits the floor where she just was harmlessly.

Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [10]:
Suddenly a friendly giant is there to help you out! A fancy pants staircase appears in front of you, leading right back to your cockpit. How handy! You run back up into your mecha, noting that the staircase has vanished once you do, and take it out of Standby. Your mech rises back to its full height, and swivels around to face this ♥♥♥♥♥. Somehow, she got behind Mana. The two are staring each other down now, daring the other to make a move. You decide to make one for them, and fire both your cannons at the violent cyborg woman. One of the Diamond shapes on her right thigh flares huge for a moment, blocking your shells. She stumbles back from the attack, but seems unharmed. Of course, she now knows you fired at her.
"The hell!"

caekdaemon (VN Warrior) [6]:
You reacquire your target, and notice that it is right next to Mana. Bombarding right now would probably blow them both to pieces, or maybe just Mana. Either way, not ideal.

Game Events: Nairle loses another diamond, this time on her right thigh, to Vlad's cannon rounds. Suddenly, a diamond from each thigh lowers down through the air to rest next to each foot.
Then, she vanishes.
Nairle: Right Shoulder and Left Thigh have 3, Right Thigh has 2, Feet have 1 each.

Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:17 pm
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