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 Space Station 13 
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Post Re: Space Station 13
This looks like quite a fun game and i might stop lurking to pop in a bit.

Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:55 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
You know why you couldn't stop me, Barnox? Because I am the minotaur.

Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:04 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
Nobody is playing.
Play goddammit.

Amazigh and FoiL killed people

Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:43 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
Holy fudge guys, I just had the most amazing session on the /tg/ server. As in, damn, hella awesome.

First, I applied for Janitor, but instead got Security Guard. The beggining was pretty normal, but then the mime got a fire extinguisher and started walloping people with it. He tried to space the Chaplain, but got careless around the mass driver, and was thrown off himself. Then the janitor started lubing every single corridor on the station, and all of the guards fell, promptly having their weapons looted by every single passerby. Then the scientists thought the AI was rogue, and spent half an hour bombing their way to the upload room, only to find that the real threat was a band of cultists.
We brigged a cultist, then made the Chaplain beat him up his head with a bible until he stopped worshipping the Chaos Gods. Of course, by then he also stopped breathing, so we just stuffed him in the nearest locker and pretended it had never happened.
As if that wasn't enough, the librarian started yelling furry slashfics through the intercom, so we had to send a whole detachment to aprehend her. Of course she ran away, so we had to search for 10 minutes until we discovered that the clown had already walloped her with a stun baton and thrown her off the airlock.
By then, we started noticing quite a lot of corpses floating around the Security sector windows. Of course, one of them wasn't actually dead, and dropped five thermite grenades on the HoS office window, killing our big boss. He was 'borged eventually, but by then the Detective had already decided to take charge, so they spent the rest of the game running around trying to tase each other.
Then the shuttle got called, and while I was getting there, this rogue security bot started tasing me every five steps I took. By the time I managed to get rid of it, there were only five seconds left... And I would have managed to escape, if these three assistants hadn't jammed themselves between me and the door, locking pretty much half of the crew out.

Then I got full of that ******** and threw flashbangs at everybody until they dropped dead. Hell yeah.

Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:14 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
Areku wrote:
then made the Chaplain beat him up his head with a bible until he stopped worshipping the Chaos Gods.

Your wargammer is showing again son.

Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:47 am
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Post Re: Space Station 13
We need a server status glowy red/green sign for dumbasses like me. I just discovered the game, seems fun.
FYI: I am a documented ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ since I've read every tutos on the SS13 wiki (even asteroid escape which sounds damn hell fun).
Edit: I found how Rizon works.

Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:59 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
Man, I just had a great session too.

So I applied to be AI, which I got. But of course, I had not clue what I was doing, and the first thing someone else did was change a whole bunch of laws. Then, the engineer got the engine to 200%, so I had to shut down the engine. Next, the head of Research thought it would be a good idea to feed the Metroids monkies. So the Metroids grew and they broke out of their enclosure, and they killed the head researcher, the captain, the detective, and the explorer. Then the Head of Security and a Cyborg killed some of them, and brought the corpses to genetics, to clone them. At this point I went AFK for about 15 minutes, and when I came back most of the crew was dead, leaving only the cloned captain, the cyborg, and a few others. I called the rescue shuttle and everyone piled in, hoping to escape, when the cyborg randomly teleported into space and had to be killed. The shuttle left and the round ended, leaving us with -2473 points. Good times.

Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:20 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
Why did you apply to be AI if you had no idea what you were doing and then go AFK for 15 minutes

Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:35 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
Taken from my post in the tgstation forum:

EDIT: also, I forgot to mention it in the narrative, but a mediborg broke into the lab and started flashing people, but sec lynched him. Then we replaced the doors in Robotics with ones made of gold. Bling bling, bros.

>Areku Clarke, roboticist
>Meet Simon Mkoll, other roboticist.
>Mess around, have fun, build a ton of janitorbots, a Ripley for mining and even an ED-209!
>Run outta glass, go find some.
>Hear about a changeling running around.
>Find glass, return.
>On the way back, slip on a banana peel and fall.
>A guy tries to help me, messes up his intent and bashes my face in with a wrench.
>Get back to robotics, see Simon starting to build a Gygax.
>Help him finish it, start another one.
>Name it Gygörn the Fell Handed.
>Build third Gygax, walk around in Gygorn.
>Attract attention of assistants, recruit them for our factory.
>Huge assembly line style production, with extra computers, fabricators and all that jazz.
>Changeling waltzes in, steals a gygax.
>Changeling wreaks havoc around station.
>No blood anywhere because of janitorbots.
>Decide to go hunt for the 'ling.
>Tool up with scattergun, flashbang cannon, assault laser, team up with Ripley.
>Find him near Escape.
>Epic battle between Gygorn, Changelyngax, and the ripley. Including dodging lasers, suicide drill runs, flashbang hell.
>Crowd gathers around and starts yelling "Mecha fight! Mecha fight! Mecha fight!"
>The rogue Gygax has fainted!
>Blast ling pilot head on with the scattergun!
>Sec thinks I'm the gygaling, starts shooting at me.
>Flashbang the hell outta everyone, skedaddle off the juncture.
>Our onslaught was so intense, it blew out huge chunks off Escape.
>Shuttle gets called for hull breach
>All roboticist get on they gygaxes, coordinate the escape efforts.
>No fighting on the shuttle, since we had a ton of flashbangs.
>Everyone escapes alive, except for that changeling, who was spaced.
>Shout battlecries, high-five Mkoll.

Also, guess who I found there? Pete! You know, the Pete. Man, he'd been gone for a while.

Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:41 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
Space Station 13 ate his life again?

Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:43 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
It seems so, he's pretty much always online.

It seems the only reasonable course of action is to drag him back to DRFF at any cost. Well what are you waiting for, Liz?

Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:49 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
Nah it's not like we were doing anything.

Or were we? Only time will tell...

Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:50 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
Hey Areku.

I'm sorry for killing you on the Mining Station.

Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:36 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
In the mining station... uh, were you the changeling that stuffed me in a toilet in the mining station or the guy in a ripley who tricked me into hitting an electrified door in the mining station?

At any rate, I'm not a vengeful guy. You are hereby forgiven.

Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:58 pm
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Post Re: Space Station 13
Areku wrote:
In the mining station... uh, were you the changeling that stuffed me in a toilet in the mining station or the guy in a ripley who tricked me into hitting an electrified door in the mining station?

At any rate, I'm not a vengeful guy. You are hereby forgiven.

The latter.

I honestly did not know the door was electrified.

Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:13 pm
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